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Hello- I am a newbie to Premiere Pro CC 2019. I have been learning the program, but when I get to audio it is silent. My headphones work just fine, when listening to audio in any other program. I go to Edit/ Preferences and do not seem to resolve anything there. The waveform shows up in the Source panel, but there is no sound coming out of my headphones. What gives?
1 Correct answer
I am going to reply to my own question. The problem was resolved by allowing Adobe Tech Support access to my computer. There was an underlying reason why the sound was turned off in Premiere Pro CC, that could not be solved in the app. It was some kind of a software glitch. It took them about 10 minutes of clicking deep in my computer to solve the issue.
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I am going to reply to my own question. The problem was resolved by allowing Adobe Tech Support access to my computer. There was an underlying reason why the sound was turned off in Premiere Pro CC, that could not be solved in the app. It was some kind of a software glitch. It took them about 10 minutes of clicking deep in my computer to solve the issue.
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Similar problem here. Sound output works on Premiere CC 2018. Premiere CC 2019 does not output sound even though Sound bars show activity.
Tried more than 30 tutorials on text and video on the Internet, like clearing cache, deleting temporary files, changing Audio Hardware Preferences and so on.
Premiere CC 2018 has audio out and Premiere CC 2019 has not audio out. At least I can use CC 2018 to work.
Audition 2019 also outputs audio perfectly. Just Premiere CC 2019 does not work.
How can I reach Adobe Tech Support for a similar check, or so they can provide me with a step by step tutorial to fix? All other avaiable tutorials on the Net did not work.
Thank you very much!
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But you don't tell us how you were able to get Adobe Tech Support on the case. It would be very helpful if you had any information beyond "they clicked on some stuff and it was fixed".