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Has there been a fix for this yet:
The 80 crash reports I sent the last few days hasn't led to a resolve yet.
Thank you,
1 Correct answer
After a long back and forth in another Adobe thread, I can confirm that deleting this file on the user account that's preventing Adobe Premiere Pro will work to fix the problem (For me it did at least after trying 25 other things that didn't work):
C:\Users\YOUR USER FOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Essential Sound/SharedTags
If you can't get there, go to any open folder and at the top under View;check show hidden files.
This file will NOT delete just by right clicking and deleting it. It will s
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Same problem.
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What GPU drivers are you using?
For Nvidia 10 series cards, try driver version 416.16
For Quadro cards, 411.83.
Also, notice there's a text link towards the top of that crash report dialog. You can click that to view the crash report details.
Feel free to copy and paste the crash log info and send me a PM if you'd like.
Wes Howell
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Using QuadroK4200 Version 411.63.
i will try to update nvidia, and update Premiere and see if the problem is solved.
If not i will contact you.
Nuno Vieira
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411.81- Please pardon my typo
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416.16 didn't work on my msi 1080ti
I had adobe tech share my screen and he couldn't fix it either. I am awaiting a call back from their senior tech team now.
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Worth a shot. Glad you are getting help from the senior techs. Sounds like progress.
Are you on a dual GPU setup (laptop) by chance?
There have been many GPU driver changes from manufacturers lately and a higher than normal number of GPU issues.
We're actively investigating and working on resolving these issues internally at Adobe.
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Negative. I have a single 1080 Ti by MSI desktop that got about 3 months ago.
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Almost 24hrs since first contact with tech support. Haven't heard back yet.
I deleted most everything to do with premiere and re-installed multiple times.
I just don't get it.
Was editing along, crash and then it won't start. I've gotten hangups when changing filenames during exporting before but nothing like this. Been at least a week or 2 since the new updates. I didn't update anything else on my computer, so what is causing this all of a sudden?
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It hangs on ImporterQuicktime.prm
As far as I know, all plugins have been removed and I re-installed the whole cloud out of the box new.
The only plugin I use is RedGiant and I took that out of the Common folder.
The previous versions of premiere work but my current projects are not backwards compatible so i can't use them.
I did notice support trying to start premiere without the graphics card usage and even in safe mode. It still hangs at that very same point. Tech didn't communicate all that much with me but seemed to begin his troubleshooting as a graphic card issue.
The only crash report I get is the Adobe screen that I posted above.
Since the crash (Wednesday) I tried rolling back nvidia drivers. Everything else system-wise seems to operating fine.
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I'm at my wits end. Gonna cancel my sub to the Adobe cloud and move another editor.
This should not happen after an update.
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I understand that you're frustrated.
I'm here to help if you're willing to provide more info and help me troubleshoot the issue.
Wes Howell
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"As crazy as this may sound, this issue may be something outside of Premiere related to Windows or Driver changes. This happens on occasion and we are definitely actively investigating why this affects some users. "
I don't buy this at all. I didn't update any computer drivers. I updated ADOBE PREMIERE which your latest version is obviously the problem since the version right before it still works on my computer, therefore, Adobe is totally to blame.
Why on Earth you would Adobe blindly lead their customers into an update that converts files and is not backwards compatible?
I'm stuck.
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The new version of Premiere 2019 requires an updated version of CUDA 9.2. It won't work properly with pre-9.2 CUDA drivers.
We have notified the public on this matter but there is some confusion around this area and there have been some related issues with newer Nvidia drivers and also some changes around Windows updates. There are a few moving targets. We are actively working on these issues and we are here to help customers resolve issues.
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Adobe support doesn't work on the weekends so this will drag on into next week.
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Just uptade nvidia to the latest and still the same problema.
I will send you the the crash report.
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Thanks for sending the crash report over. Helpful. I'll investigate this now.
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Problem solved.
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Thanks for your help investigating.
Glad we could get you back up and running.
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Almost 2 weeks of work is in limbo. This is a disaster. How can this happen?
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I went through about 2 hrs of a tech support controlling my system. He couldn't get it fixed.
It went up the line to a sr tech support who controlled the system for 3 hrs. Same result.
Making another windows user account will allow the premiere to work. He deemed that there is something corrupted with my Microsoft (original user profile) that he could not identify.
Adobe thinks it's on Microsoft's end. He recommended contacting them for a repair. I did not do this as I can use another user sccount when I use Premiere.
Not what anyone wants to hear.
I hope another user account will work for anyone else with this problem.
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After a long back and forth in another Adobe thread, I can confirm that deleting this file on the user account that's preventing Adobe Premiere Pro will work to fix the problem (For me it did at least after trying 25 other things that didn't work):
C:\Users\YOUR USER FOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Essential Sound/SharedTags
If you can't get there, go to any open folder and at the top under View;check show hidden files.
This file will NOT delete just by right clicking and deleting it. It will say it cannot be deleted because it's in use. Even with closing all Adobe related files in task manager, it still was unable to be deleted because 'System' is using it.
- You have to force delete it either through your command prompt, or by installing a program that does it for you.
- I used a free program called lock hunter:
- you install lockhunter, you can right click the SharedTags file and go to 'What is locking this file?'.
- Then lock hunter will open and if you open the 'system' dropdown, it will reveal the SharedTags file.
- Select the SharedTags file (Not system)
- Hit the delete button below.
- It will tell you that you STILL can't delete it because it's in use, so it will ask if you want to delete it when you restart the computer, say yes.
- After the restart, it will say successfully deleted.
- You'll now be able to start Premiere pro.
- Premiere Pro CC will automatically put back in a new SharedTags file into the Essential Sound folder, but this time since the computer didn't crash while in Premiere (yet), that file didn't get corrupted, meaning all is good, until the next crash, which you'll then need to redo this process.
So this was NOT an issue with Microsoft. It was an issue with Premiere Pro, and its latest sound "feature", specifically.
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in my case I looked for the file that is "invisible" and basically, I changed its name. - SharedTags to SharedTags1
Started working again.