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Trouble importing .mxf files into Premiere Pro CS6

New Here ,
May 26, 2013 May 26, 2013

Having problems importing MXF. file types into my Premiere CS6 project. I will go to import the folder and the yellow loading bar will come up to say that it's importing. Then it will freeze and the color wheeled loading symbol will come up (I'm using a Mac) and will just sit there. From there I'm forced to do a force quit on my project and re-open it again. Is there any way to fix this issue and if so what is the problem causing this issue?

Also my mac is running on OSX v10.7.5 and Premiere is running on cs6 v6.0.2

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People's Champ ,
May 26, 2013 May 26, 2013

Are you using the Media Browser?

Import assets from file-based sources with Media Browser


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May 19, 2014 May 19, 2014

Yes, MXF should play perfectly in PP CS6, but if you can't work this out at this point, you may wrap your MXF video to something intermediate. as a matter of face, Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 seems to work fine if you import your MXF clips directly from a camera or camcorder, but if have already copied MXF recordings your HDD or you downloaded them from somewhere else, the import error may occur.

So i suggest you convert the MXF footage to something mezzanine we would recommend DNxHD.mov (if you are on a PC) or Apple ProRes .mov (if on a mac). those two intermediate codecs are good mezzanine codecs that handle recompression well and standup well in other areas of post-production (color grading, graphics, compositing, etc,). You can see what I wrote about the solution. "Why Premiere Pro CS6 can't import MXF files?" i hope that it is helpful to you.

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May 20, 2014 May 20, 2014

MXF should play perfectly in PP CS6

That depends on what's inside the MXF, which is capable of holding a great variety of audio and video types.  Not all of them will work in CS6.  For example, support for DNxHD in the MXF format wasn't added until Premiere Pro CC, and won't work in CS6.

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Mar 11, 2015 Mar 11, 2015

To edit MXF in Premiere Pro, you will need to convert the MXF files to a format acceptable for Premiere. You can convert the MXF file to mpeg-2/wmv/mov for editing in Premiere Pro CS6.

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New Here ,
Nov 08, 2016 Nov 08, 2016

Was this question ever really answered?

Can we import directly into CS6 the mfx files, WITHOUT having to convert the files.

Can someone please answer from Adobe staff?

Please ASAP

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Explorer ,
Sep 16, 2015 Sep 16, 2015

Thank you so kindly for all of your responses. I used a number of recovery tools to explore the possibility of recovering the mfx files and as suggested converting to other formats. Unfortunately, the SanDisc appears to be corrupted and have resigned to writing the video footage off! I was able to recover  a few clips.

Will have to undertake some testing on the SanDisc

Thanks for your comments

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