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Adobe ID - email already used

New Here ,
May 01, 2020 May 01, 2020

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I need help, please!


I used to have an Adobe ID account with an email address (let's call it #1) - but then I deleted that account and created a new one with another email address (#2).

After some time, I've decided to change my current email address (#2) to the one I used before (#1) - on an account that is already DELETED - but when I try to put the old email address, I get a red message saying "Email already used." But it doesn't make sense since that account no longer exists.


I even tried to log in with that email address to see if the account was somehow still active, but it isn't, and I still cannot use the email address for my new account.






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May 02, 2020 May 02, 2020

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This forum system is not a direct link to Adobe support.
We are just users like you and can't help with account questions.
You need to contact Adobe directly through the Chat system at the link below.


Select the chat icon at the bottom right of the page to open a chat session.
Type in AGENT into the chat window to connect directly to a person rather than the AI System.


Once an Email Address has been used for an Adobe ID ( and IIRC any Online ID for logging into any type of website or to use any type of service or services. Banks what not) that same Email address can NOT be used again. If you remember the password for the Adobe ID that email address was used you can Log In using that email address and the correct password.


IMHO NO online account is ever really deleted. Maybe in 20 years when whatever company does a Full Clean Out of there systems, retaining only Active account a specific email address might become available again.


Also I have not looked aty your screen shot as you Attached it, Used the BIG Box at the bottom of the Create a Post page to Attach it instead of using the Insert Photos icon in the Tool bar for placing it in the body of the text of your post, Inline with the Text. Like these.


You should of used this.

2019-12-04 12_19_38-Lightroom 6.14 problem with Print panel, no image. - Adobe Support Community - 1.png


But your Eyes were drawn to this.


2020-04-25 09_24_50-.png


That really isn't your fault, a lot of people do this.

It IS the fault of the people running this forum system.

So if you can Edit your post and remove the attachment and place that screen shot in line, in the body, of the text of your post.





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New Here ,
Mar 09, 2023 Mar 09, 2023

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I have the same issue like yours. And I found the answer is that It takes around 10 business working days to delete the Adobe account. 





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