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I am a designer from Indonesia. I used BCA bank account. I also used Adobe. Specifically I used BCA Debit Online Feature which said "accepting international payment" but not Adobe. BCA said Adobe is not a secured merchant platform. I hate jeni*s, jag* bank, I want to have a simple life and simple payment only 1 bank. which is BCA. but BCA just dont want accept Adobe. . Do you have any plan/ official community in Indonesia that might want to propose to BCA to consider that adobe is a secure platform?
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HI Cabina,
Is there anything we can help you with?
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Halo Kanikas,
I have problems when making payments, how solution about it?
Best Regards,
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bener tuh abis nyoba pakai bca berkali2 dan pernah pakai jenius tapi gak berhasil. Akhirnya ketemu threads ini lngsung bikin bank jago, ga nyampek 30 menit dah beres. Makasih semuanya
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kok aku pembayaran gagal ya bang?
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if you all continue to have problems purchasing directly from use you can use klarna ( or another authorized reseller,
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Iyanih aku nyoba pake jago juga gagal terus. pake Jenius juga sama. kenapa ya? apakah udah gak bisa?
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Saldo jeniusnya udah di pindah ke e Card? Penganlaman kemaren gabisa gara2 ini
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ada jumlah minimal saldo ngga untuk di top up?
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kalau saya bayar adobe 299.000 perbulan. jadi abis transfer dari BCA ke jenius 300.000, langsung deh bikin paymentnya made by adobe. sisa 1000. selalu ilang.. kayanya diambil admin jenius.
mungkin kalo setor lebih dari 300.000 ada potongan biaya bulanan untuk jenius.
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iya betul, saldonya dipindah ke e-card dulu, move balance. saya sampai saat ini masih BCA>JENIUS>adobe.
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Kak maaf ini menggunakan region apa ya? Apakah ada penggunaan VPN secara khusus? Mohon bantuannya kak karena sampai saat ini aku kesulitan membuatnya terimakasih ^^
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moving to Account and Payment queue.
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Went there, nothing can bring to me to any solution where BCA bank (Indonesia) can work together with Adobe
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contact adobe support to see if they'll accept payment from your bank. there are 3 ways to contact adobe; chat, phone and twitter:
use a browser that allows popups and cookies
and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam,
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yes, I already contacted/asking Adobe, adobe seems fine marked as "not a safe product" from my Bank (BCA) Indonesia. meanwhile.. there were millions of Designers in Indonesia need this access I assumed.
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no one here can change adobe's business practices or decisions.
if you want to make a suggestion to adobe regarding how they contact their business, you may find something here,
for applicable apps, you can make (some) suggestions to adobe here,
for others, use
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this simple but make me lazy to solved with cc I try another card like Bca and BNI same problem -_-
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use an authorized reseller,
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Udah nemu solusinya nggak bro?
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belum prof, masih bca-jenius aja. dan jenius tiap bulannya ngambil admin extra... ckck, tapi ana sendiri belum coba cara yang disarankan @kglad coba ketik aja kota domisili kita disitu.. trus tanya ke tokonya, apakah bisa berlangganan di offline reseller itu. kira2 demikian.. monggo kalau berhasil kesini lagi dan update lagi aja prof.
@kglad not yet trying it, but I've suggest it to the other indonesian friends here.. maybe one of them will post their successful story here with those offline resellers.
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Pakai BLU by BCA. Dia misahin transaksi ini dari banknya. Saya pakai BLU nya suami, aman.
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blu BCA fee bulanan 15K ya?
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@ivy de laluna gimana caranya ya, saya pakai blu tapi belom bisa. ada saldo minimum nya kah?