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Adobe Acrobat DC Pro - Editing on Android (Mobile App)

New Here ,
Jul 16, 2017 Jul 16, 2017

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I just signed up for the Adobe Acrobat DC Pro application, and have installed the related mobile application on my Android device. Both the sales page and the salesperson I spoke with told me I could edit PDFs on my Android device. However, now that I have it installed, I only see Create PDF and Export PDF functions...no edit. How do I edit the text for PDFs I create on my android device?

Android , Edit and export






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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 17, 2017 Aug 17, 2017

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Hi Michaelf,

I am not sure what they have told you and I would we are sorry about that.

Currently, there is no option to edit PDF using Acrobat Reader on Android. Editing is only possible with Acrobat Reader app only on iPad not even on iPhone. And is possible using Acrobat on Laptop/Desktop.

Please let us know if you have further questions.

-Tariq Dar

View solution in original post





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 17, 2017 Aug 17, 2017

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Hi Michaelf,

I am not sure what they have told you and I would we are sorry about that.

Currently, there is no option to edit PDF using Acrobat Reader on Android. Editing is only possible with Acrobat Reader app only on iPad not even on iPhone. And is possible using Acrobat on Laptop/Desktop.

Please let us know if you have further questions.

-Tariq Dar





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New Here ,
Dec 14, 2017 Dec 14, 2017

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What do you mean" what they told you"?? It's on the damn website! I'm sorry but that's B.S. I just paid $16 a month and the told me same thing on their website. Last time I checked that was called "Bait and switch"! I didn't know we were dealing with used car salesmen here! I'm going to start a forum on this so no one else takes it in rear! ANDROID USERS, STAY AWAY!!





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2017 Dec 15, 2017

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Hi Jeromen,

Would you please direct us where you find on our website that you can edit using Adobe Reader app on Android device.

If this is mentioned somewhere on our website I would like to get that corrected.

Let us know if you have further questions. If you want to discuss this offline, please feel free to send me private message: How Do I Send Private Message

-Tariq Dar





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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2017 Dec 15, 2017

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Ok Tariq,

Because your calling me out on this, not only am I going to post on your

review website, it will be put out on all forums for all to see!!

It clearly says," available on ipad/iphone, android and other!!

I will send link to you after customers can read And see so I can prove my

point and e everyone can read it.

It really is a shame how a multi-billion dollar business can take advantage

of the little guy!





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 18, 2017 Dec 18, 2017

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Hi Jeromen,

Sorry if you felt that way.

What I meant is, if our website advertises that Adobe Reader on Android devices has the capability of editing PDF's, help us with the reference and I would like to get that corrected. Since that is not possible on Android device. 

Editing capability is only possible with Adobe Reader on iOS tab's only not even on an iOS phone.

Editing is available with Adobe Acrobat on Windows and Mac.

-Tariq Dar





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New Here ,
Jan 02, 2018 Jan 02, 2018

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I too am struggling with the functionality of your Android offering.  From your website:

What can I do with the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app? 

The free Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app makes it easy to view and interact with PDF files from anywhere on your Android, iOS, or Windows devices. It also lets you unlock premium Document Cloud features to do more with PDFs when you purchase a subscription to Adobe Acrobat Standard DC or Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

Are there plans to unlock more functionality on Android devices for Pro DC subscribers?  Thanks, Mark





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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018

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Hi Invinoveritasty,

If you have a subscription to Acrobat DC or you have a subscription to Adobe PDFPack FAQ | Adobe PDF Pack  https://helpx.adobe.com/document-cloud/faq/adobe-pdfpack-faq.html

All you can have access to Export PDF service (Using which you can export PDF files to different formats), Create PDF service (using which you can convert different file formats to PDF format), Organise Pages Service (using which you can delete, rotate and arrange pages in a PDF file).

Editing is not available for Android devices. Let us know if you have further questions.

-Tariq Dar





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New Here ,
Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018

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Hi Tariq,

Is it possible to add custom "Stamps" to a PDF on an Android?







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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 16, 2018 Jan 16, 2018

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Hi Werner,

Sorry for the delay in response.

That option is not available on Reader on Mobile devices yet. Feel free to write us about it via feature request form Acrobat Reader for Android: Top (273 ideas) – Share your feedback on Acrobat DC

-Tariq Dar





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New Here ,
Jun 04, 2018 Jun 04, 2018

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I would also like to echo the statements of previous posters. I have an Acrobat Pro DC monthly subscription and am currently unable to reach a Windows/iOS desktop or laptop. I'm not a programmer by any means but given the fact that the full extent of the desktop application is available on (some) iPads and no other mobile device is just utter nonesense. It's not as if current smartphones are incapable of processing the files to the fullest extent of the PC features. Heck, I'd be willing to bet that a years old PC with the latest version of the app can do so. At the very least, and especially given Adobe's shift towards the cloud, there should be an online full-featured version available to all subscribers.





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New Here ,
Oct 05, 2022 Oct 05, 2022

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Incorrect. Acrobat Reader is made for reading PDF files. Editing is only possible with Acrobat Pro. 





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New Here ,
Jan 16, 2018 Jan 16, 2018

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Greetings Tariq & fellow Acrobat users,



I've found this topic just now via web search (not using Google though!).

I really appreciate what you've shared Tariq.  At least it now seems clear that iPads are feasible.  Any idea which model(s) and generation(s) of iPad actually work well, or at all?

I believe you are an honourable rep for Adobe, Tariq.  I can also very much understand Jeromen's disappointment. If the website wording is what Mark shared, I would definitely agree it is misleading about what you can do with either subscription (Acrobat DC or PDFPack) on a particular mobile device.

I'm going to assume this outcome is not deliberate on Adobe's part.  After all, what good does it do to upset paying customers the way Jaromen is? It would be great to learn that he and any other Android users received a partial or complete refund of their subscriptions.  And I think it's worth pointing out that Adobe's decision to offer month-to-month subs at least with DC nicely limits the liability and the damage, making such refunds much simpler and I really hope much easier.

Full disclosure: I don't work for Adobe or own any Adobe stock. Presently I use Acrobat XI standalone on Windows, and have used earlier versions dating back to 4.0 if memory serves me correctly. I actually don't like the programming directions Acrobat DC moved towards in the last couple of years,  but since version XI recently lost its official security updates support, I imagine I'll be forced to come along into the DC subscription world shortly.

Anyway... This happens to be a momentous day for me. Yesterday on ML King Day in the USA, Microsoft techs using the latest remote computing techniques tried for hours (again) to clean up various corruptions in my Windows 10 OS. They failed. So after 35 years(!) of endless struggles with bugs in successive versions of DOS and Windows (except for periods of blessed relief in the XP era), I'm putting my eyes on a different prize (a little Civil Rights Era talk, that!), or to put it another way I'm filling for a divorce from MS.  No more Windows PCs, laptops or other devices in my future, if I have anything to say about it!

This seems a feasible step to take because I have increasingly come to appreciate and rely on Android phones and pads. Now that Android N (Nougat, aka version 7.x) is appearing on many more devices, true windowing of apps has at last reached the masses, so to speak.  This resembled the key moment for Windows back in 1991 when Bill Gates finally managed to roll out a somewhat stable version (the famous 3.11)  that could more or less reliably switch dynamically between programmes without closing anything down (or crashing more than just some of the time!). It wasn't particularly robust, but despite lingering problems it revolutionised user experience at a price point far below that of Apple machines, while offering far greater diversity of hardware and accessories. I believe we have just now reached a similar breakout point for Android N+, the difference being some version of Android is already deployed on literally billions of devices, most of them smartphones. That's a whole lot better situation than Bill Gates and MS faced 25+ years ago, both economically and otherwise for Windows and independent software developers like Adobe!

Why didn't I just drop MS for its old sparring partner  Apple? Well, I did get an iPod Touch awhile ago just to keep abreast of iOS and its users, but can't say I'm personally attracted in that direction. Apple at its core (sorry about the pun) is just too directive, even authoritarian for my sensibilities.  It was always thus under founder Steve Jobs, and still remains so. I made a choice way back in 1983 to go PC rather than Mac. I don't regret my choice, and nothing has happened in the Apple universe to convince me to jump back on that track now -- if only because of the high costs Apple imposes for the honour of being in their hard. 

Despite the current ascendancy of the iPhone (and to a much lesser extent the iPad), I sincerely believe humanity will outgrow them fairly quickly as it enters more deeply into its collective adolescence and its relationship with tech continues to mature.

So, having said all this (and thank you all -- or perhaps any! -- for your patience if you've read this far), I find myself needing precisely what Jeromen and perhaps Mark as well are asking for or even demanding: the ability to edit text and graphics in existing PDFs on Android devices. Once I can do this, plus get reliable optical character recognition (OCR) of scans, and robust video and audio editing tools on Android, I can finalise my MS divorce. 

I figured Adobe would play a key role with my needs involving PDF editing, despite the proliferation of Acrobat knockoffs. I imagine Adobe will maintain proprietary licensing control over certain key features for some years to come. I have no problem with that at all, as long as you prove reasonably responsive to user needs.

Adobe obviously has not completely ignored Android, for which I am grateful.  I'm not so sure the same can be said for Chrome OS, which now shows definite signs of converging with Android into a single platform (check out the latest Chromebook laptop offerings that included Google Play Store access). In any case, what I believe is needed is serious PDF editing capacity built into one or more apps running on Android, Chrome OS, or both.  Not only is the installed base of Android close to DOUBLE that of iOS, but there are real signs that Android or perhaps Chrome OS could make dramatic inroads into the Windows installed base in the next little while.

I imagine that is what Jeromen and perhaps Mark as well sought by subscribing.  I would certainly join them in that wish!

It's early doors, I'm sure, but it would be very welcome news to hear Adobe is hard at work developing programming in the Android/Chrome fields. Can you help people like us learn more, possibly help with beta testing if it is needed, and the like?

You can reach me as needed on Facebook Messenger (Keith Schlesinger) or LINE (keith-schlesinger). I don't recommend using email at all if you really want to reach me!






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New Here ,
Oct 25, 2019 Oct 25, 2019

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Honestly, not having a mobile version for the world's most popular mobile operating system is absurd. I bought a license to test for my 10k person organization. This is now a non-starter. We are going to invest in making the microsoft word editing platform more robust for document processing.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 11, 2020 Feb 11, 2020

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I am perturbed.  They got me too.   And I am a developer. 

I purchased the creative cloud subscription primarily for the ability to password protect pdf files using DC.  I believe I read all of the information about which apps you get with certain plans.  But the very important details about certain apps not being available on some mobile devices must have gotten past me (sarcasm).   I still can't find this clearly stated anywhere.   I also don't recall seeing separate lists of apps for desktop,  mobile,  and web.  And that's pretty important,  don't you think?

I use my android phone and tablet as a scanner.   When i need to email sensitive documents,  i have no option in Acrobat Reader to password protect the file.  This reeks of intentional business strategy for profit.  If reader works on my tablet,  then there's certainly SOME additional functionality that could be easily added. 

Yeah.   Not happy.   Thinking of canceling and filing a complaint with the BBB and Maryland's consumer protection division. 





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Feb 11, 2020 Feb 11, 2020

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Adobe Acrobat can add password protection. Not possible with Acrobat Reader.





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New Here ,
Mar 08, 2021 Mar 08, 2021

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That doesn't surprise me I'm getting ready to call them or try to. I did I guess 7 day free trial and forgot thinking it was 14 days and I was charged so I messaged them and I had seen they were running a 3.month free trial. Well the person I spoke to sometimes asked me the same question over again and one time I answered and put that I answered that 2 text back.  So we were talking about when to cancel it so I wouldn't be charged another month, then they brought up the 3 month trial they had going on, I said I really only needed it to do a couple things she said that it was a 3 month trial and I said so I paid for this month so that would give until like June and she said it again 30 day free trial did I want to do that so I sad sure so she went in amd added it then I asked well what day should I call to cancel like the 2nd, 3rd or 4th or even the 5th to cancel it. Then she says we'll after the 3 months if you cancel,that I would be charged a cancelation fee  I said what I said I didn't want it to begin with you said it was a 3 month trial. Well since when does a free trial when it's over and you cancel that you get charged a cancelation fee??.... well she never once mentioned a cancelation fee, even though I said I really use it.   I've been out of work for a year due to the Covid-19 so I really can't afford to pay for this stuff I don't need





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New Here ,
Oct 19, 2021 Oct 19, 2021

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[Abuse removed by moderator.]









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New Here ,
Apr 27, 2021 Apr 27, 2021

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Honestly what the hell Adobe I send you clowns 52.99 a month for your creative cloud service and now if I want the features that in my opinion I am already paying for on my android device you greedy (insert terms of your choice here) want to charge me another 70.00 a year and I am betting that is just an introductory price and you will jack it up at the end of the first year substantially just like you did to me with the creative cloud suite … This is utterly shameful.





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New Here ,
Oct 05, 2022 Oct 05, 2022

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A PDF (portable document format) is a document made so that anyone can easily open and view the document. It embeds the images, fonts and anything else needed to view the document with needing to have the native files that the document was created with. A PDF isn't intended for editing. You can edit PDFs using Adobe Acrobat Pro, but your editing capabilities will be very limited. Again, it's because PDF files are not created for editing. They are for viewing. If you want to edit a document, find out who created it, and ask them for the native file format. That way you can get in and edit to your heart's content. 





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New Here ,
Oct 13, 2022 Oct 13, 2022

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Where do I find acrobate pro app for iphone? Cant find it





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Community Expert ,
Oct 13, 2022 Oct 13, 2022

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Acrobat Pro is not available for iOS.





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