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Subscription error

May 04, 2022 May 04, 2022

Hey crew, I've logged into 3 different accounts and I still can't restore my purchase. My apple app account says I'm subscribed. I've also updated my app, still no joy. Any help will be greatly appreciated 

Install update and subscribe , iOS
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Adobe Employee ,
May 04, 2022 May 04, 2022



Hope you are doing well. I am sorry to hear about your experience with the application and availing the subscription features.


Just to confirm, when you log in, are you selecting Apple ID there or rather manually typing in the Adobe ID? Also, cna you confirm if the ID you are logging into is the same that shows you have an active subscription on the App Store Subscription Window?

While you check these, please also once try: 

1. Logging out fo the application;

2. Restart the device;

3. Log back in to the application with the same Apple ID that shows the subscription


Also, if it does not work, try restoring the purchase from within the application once,

To know how to do that, please click the given link: Manage Subscriptions — Acrobat for iOS Help (adobe.com)


Here is a link of few other FAQs regarding the restoration or subscription process as well that might come in handy for you: Manage Subscriptions — Acrobat for iOS Help (adobe.com)


Hope this helps.






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