I've had the very same issue for days now - not only is the elements tab blank, but also templates, media and text. Which pretty much renders the whole software useless. Changing browser, delting history and cache etc. didn't help either
I had it too and I was able to to go back to normal by simply reloading the page other solutions would be to clear the browser cache, or change the browser for a test (Safari, Edge, Firefox and Chrome all work)
Thanks for the suggestions! Like I mentioned, neither reloading nor changing browser or clearing caches could help. The syncing issue sounds interesting, as i have had syncing issues after switching to a new mac a couple of weeks ago - though the creative cloud application states with green checks that syncing is up to date and runing. Express still not usable at all for me
I tried to to create a Screenrecording but I dont want to upload it publicly on my youtube account! I have already had enough struggle with Express lately... And according to recent Postings in this thread, multiple people are having the very same issue. Most of them with only the Elements-Tab, but some as myself with all the tabs.
My Screenrecording would show nothing different than the Screenshot attached to this original post...Every menu is selectable but remains blank. Indepentdant on what browser I use, wether my cache is cleared or how many time I sign out/log in or reload the page
Don't get me wrong, I highly appreciate the answers and the efforts in solving this problem, but I have already stated two times that clearing the cache, deleting cookies or switching browser doesn't change anything
I wouldn't have expected you to upload it in your Youtube account (althought you could have put it on an unlisted/private video) I realised that your issue is a little bit different than the Original Poster and that while they posted a simple screenshot, you didn't, so it's possible that your problem is not the same as theirs. If you want to share the video with me privately (either here or in the Discord Adobe Express server... username : sandrine there, you'll find me 🙂 ) I can try to have a look. I am just a volunteer, and actually not in any way privy to what the dev team is up to, but at least I can try to talk to someone about your issue. So basically I cannot guarantee anything but I'll try.
I tried adding a video via the pages messaging field and it told me I couldn't share private/unlisted videos - thats where I resigned. But thanks for the offer - I will sent you a link via PM 🙂
I don't know if it works here, but generally what I do in those cases is that I zip the file so the extention isn't a MP4 But I have received your PM, so all good!
when I click through the menu bar on the left -- it's constantly buffering for search, elements, and images -- so frustrating that this app does not work or load appropriately
In the communication with @Imaginerie I have already provided the information; let me know if i should forward it elsewhere again. I don't want it to become too confusing.
What we seem to have foud out so far is, that the Brave Browser has the biggest issues - the problem occurs here all the time. Before commenting on this post originally, I have tried using Chrome (privacy window as well) and had the same issue. After a request from Imaginerie yesterday, I retried using Chrome and it seemed to work again! As of now, the only "issue" remaining is that the Main Page doesn't load, but I can access my projects and the navigation as well as the menus seem to work.