We are currently developing an add-on and are having problems applying ffmpeg, so we would like to inquire.
Browser: Chrome
Current project content
1. Create adobe express project
(npx @adobe/create-ccweb-add-on ffmpegloadtest --template react-typescript)
2. Import the ffmpeg library.
3. Record the Canvas screen.
4. Transcode the recorded blob file into an mp4 file using ffmpeg.
Here, when doing ffmpeg.load(), the following error message occurs.
"Error transcoding video: ReferenceError: SharedArrayBuffer is not defined"
Inquiry details
1. SharedArrayBuffer can only be used on cross-origin isolated pages.
Therefore, to use ffmpeg.wasm, you must host your own server by setting Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp and Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin in the header.
> How can I apply it, and will it not be a problem when releasing the actual add-on after production?