my adobe express is open but is just buffering when i am trying to do any designs or changes, this has been happening for days and is bloody useless as im paying for this service
This is an issue faced by my organization's users: every time they try to use any Express features (edit, create from scratch etc) the following error shows up and blocks the work: "Connection interrupted. Adobe express needs to reconnect. refresh this page to resume your work. (f)". License, connectivity and browser capabilities have been verified and troubleshooted - no cause there. Personal account displays the same behavior on the same computers. Thank you for investigating.
This is the second day I've had this issue. I've logged out of my account, restarted my computer, used a private browser and the issue is still occurring. Anyone know of a fix to this?
I run Adobe Express on my Mac OS 14.5 in Chrome. Adobe Express quit working yesterday. It gives an error message: "Connection Interrupted. Adobe Express needs to reconnect." "Refresh this page to resume work."
I had no luck. IT looked at my Mac and found it is a problem with Adobe.
Llevo dos dias sin poder acceder a mi cuenta en Adobe Express, la aplicacion en mi laptop no carga todos los recursos, solo aparece un mensaje que indica que refresque la pagina o regrese al inicio, ademas en el sitio web pasa lo mismo, no carga los planes, ni puedo acceder a las funciones normales.
En pääse aloittamaan uutta työtä tai muokkaamaan vanhaa, koska joka kerta kun avaan työn, ilmestyy ponnahdusikkuna jossa lukee "Yhteys katkennut. Adobe Express on yhdistettävä uudelleen." Sivun päivittäminen ja tietokoneen uudelleenkäynnistys eivät korjaa asiaa.
When the "Connection Interuppted" message appears , try spaming refresh in the browser, hit it like 10 or so times . That seemed to work for a few users that have seen this bug.....
Hi, I contacted Adobe customer service. There is a Bug with Adobe Express on company-based Adobe subscribers, They are working on it but cannot give an ETA when the bug will be resolved.
They informed me that your Home or Mobile app is working.
This has also been happening for me for at least three days now, it is extremely frustrating but I am glad to know I am not the only one. Is there a way to report this to adobe?
(Click on the mail icon you'd get on the top right corner of the community page (this page) > Click compose message > Enter 'Amitej' under the 'Send to' field)
Note: It would be quick and helpful if you're willing to connect with us and the product engineering team to get this resolved ASAP!
Hello. I'm unable to utilize Express and keep receiving the following message: Connect Disrupted: Adobe Express needs to reconnect. Refresh this page to resume your work. (F) I have signed out and back into my account and restarted my computer but the issue hasn't resolved.