The usability has absolutely fallen away. I'm a couple of weeks in now; I'm as close as I can possibly be to unsubbing. If there is no rollback coming.
It's Adobe Express, yet it feels bloated and slow.
This is not the software I knew and loved.
The last version needed a few upgrades, and I couldn't wait to install it. I'm absolutely gutted about this "overhaul."
It's sad to see my #1 pick and an app that has revolutionised my creatives steered the way it's gone.
Something has gone wrong, and the community (your paying customers) have spoken, yet you don't appear to be hearing.
Sad times.
One more week for me before I call it a day if there is no announcement or indication that Adobe is planning on a sensible fix or way.
Of course, I'm just a single user, but I wanted to give posting a try before I look for an alternative.
Just me?