There are a couple of work arounds. One clear your cache. that will clear everything. (not a good idea.)
Perferred method 1) Open a word doc, Google doc, pages, some sort of document that you can save links and screenshots. 2) Save the link & take a screenshot of the image you want. 3) Paste the link and screenshot to the document.
Benefits You have links and a screenshot. You can share & organize the documents as you choose. Safe. If you clear your cache, you still have these links on a seperate document.
Disadvantage Time consuming
Regarding feedback, please hit the thumbs up or down button to give feedback to the developers. They do read her/his emails and may reach out to you.
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
When you say you cannot download them is that because they are missing or because the function to download is missing?
If the favourite is there, when you hover the mouse over it, you should see this:
Clicking on the left download button should download the image to your local disk. If that is not working, please create a screen recording of what is happening and tell us your OS and browser and their versions.
Deleting favourites is more tricky. You can delete them by going from the favourite back to the generation page ("View Samples") and unchecking the image that was the favourite (which is one of the four images). There are cases where this does not work, and there was a period of time earlier in 2024 where no favourites could be “unfavourited”.
These references might be helpful on what steps you can take to save creations: