I need to get a logo done in 5 different sizes: extra small, small, medium, large and extra large.
See attached picture for an illustration of the logo style.
Logo details for the medium size:
Red rectangle dimensions: 1000 px (pixel) width by 500 px height (width to height dimension ratio is 3:1)
First line of logo text font size: 45 pts:
Second line of logo text font size: 15 pts
Font size ratio: 3:1
My question is:
(1) how do I calculate the dimensions and font size for the small, extra small, large and extra large sizes?
The extra small size would be about 25% (font size and rectangle dimension) of the medium size.
The small size would be about 50 % (font size and rectangle dimension) of the medium size.
The large size would be about 150 % (font size and rectangle dimension) of the medium size.
The extra large size would be about 200 % (font size and rectangle dimension) of the medium size.
My point is, whatever the size of the logo (small, extra large, etc.), it must look like its the same logo (with the same proportion of rectangle relative to proportion of font size), and this is what I’m not being able to do, because if let’s say I am reducing the rectangle dimensions to 25 %, I don’t know what the font size should be.
Thank you,