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Make a layer visible and always visible after appear, using json.file and expressions

Explorer ,
Jan 21, 2024 Jan 21, 2024

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hey guys! I'm creating a quizzes video in After Effects and aiming for maximum automation. II don't know much about expressions , and that's why I'm looking for some help here.

I have a JSON file containing answer names and the layer name of a "correct" emoji that I want to make visible over the correct answer. However, I need this "correct" emoji to stay visible after its initial appearance, showing the answers that have already been revealed until the end.

Is there an expression I can apply for this instead of do it manually ?

Here's an example of the current content in my JSON file:
"Comp": 1,
"answer": "She-Hulk",
"emoji": 10
"Comp": 2,
answer": "Iron Man",
"emoji": 3

(I guess that I need something like "if the emoji number in json file is equal to emoji layer number , then opacity =100. And if emoji number is equal to emoji layer number in a comp <=thislayer.name, then opacity 100) but I'm not sure, and chat gpt didn't help me too.

Expressions , How to , Scripting






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