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Export via markers not possible

New Here ,
Mar 12, 2012 Mar 12, 2012

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The situation: a 50 minute live track of a band, in the multitrack view I have 2 stereo tracks with some effects.

I added a dozen range markers for the songs. in the Markers list they appear with correct start, end and duration. I named them after the songs. (the markers are Range markers, NOT point markers)

Then  when I select  all markers in the markers list, the option File->Export->Audio within range markers is still grayed out.

Also the 4th and 5th icon in the marker list stay gray ("insert selected range markers in playlist" and "export audio of selected ranges into separate files")

I know this should work, i did this before, but now it won't. I know back then i had to do an aditional action to activate the menu, but stupid me forgot to jot that down somewhere...

Can anyone give a hint?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Mar 12, 2012 Mar 12, 2012

Create a Mixdown first (Multitrack > Mixdown to New File)   The rendered file will contain the range markers and the File > Export > Audio within Range Markers  option will be enabled.


Adobe Employee ,
Mar 12, 2012 Mar 12, 2012

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Create a Mixdown first (Multitrack > Mixdown to New File)   The rendered file will contain the range markers and the File > Export > Audio within Range Markers  option will be enabled.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 12, 2014 Mar 12, 2014

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Oddly enough this still did not work for me. I did all you suggsted and my icon is still grayed out. The new mixdown did port over all the markers but shift selecting them all still doesn't activate the grayed out Export to seperate files icon. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am using Audition CS6




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Community Expert ,
Mar 12, 2014 Mar 12, 2014

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Aha! I found my answer... you need to first

1.) Mixdown to new Multitrack Session.

2.) Shift Select all markers.

3.)Merge Selected Markers (the comb looking icon).

THEN you can use the Export as Seperate Files button which will NOW be active. Doing above only ever gave me a grayed out Export to Seperate Files button.

Not for notihng but The Merge Selected Markers is really an odd name for that button because it makes it sound like you're going to collapse down to just ONE marker when you really don't and it merges the INS and OUTS into one file to export more or less.

Anyway I found part of my answer here>





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Mar 13, 2014 Mar 13, 2014

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The Merge Selected Markers has always been like this since it first appeared way back in Audition's history.




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Contributor ,
Oct 26, 2014 Oct 26, 2014

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This isn't what "merge" means though. Maybe they thought "concatenate" was too long? "Merge" means put several thingies into a single thingy. "Concatenate" means join them up (requires further config: hold start / hold end / % on a scale between the two). Sound Forge does it well, & also allows you to save a playlist or marker (region) list as text. (I've just reopened a job where I've lost my markers for some strange reason but cannot recover them from a text file, which would have been handy). SF also enables stripping of everything between regions to form a new, clean file. Very handy, & I'm still awaiting this in Audition.

I do like the colour scheme of the latest version though (2014.1).




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Community Expert ,
Oct 26, 2014 Oct 26, 2014

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Spamhunter wrote:

This isn't what "merge" means though. Maybe they thought "concatenate" was too long? "

'Merge' in this context refers to something very specific, and not directly related to the file at all. What is being 'merged' is two separate cues in the marker list into a single cue range. Strictly speaking this wouldn't concatenate any one result on its own, but you could certainly have concatenation as a result of doing this, if you arranged to eliminating anything between the resulting ranges in the audio file. Merge does seem to be the most appropriate word, under these specific circumstances




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Oct 26, 2014 Oct 26, 2014

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You can use CueListTool to save out the marker ranges as a text file from an Audition .wav file. You can even use it to create a marker list from a text file and insert it into a .wav file which can then be opened in Audition with the markers showing.




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Contributor ,
Oct 28, 2014 Oct 28, 2014

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Thanks, but... latest version 2004? Think I'll just keep my Sound Forge handy as it offers a bunch of other options too. Adobe could have built in this functionality as it is pretty simple, but I suppose there aren't enough of us that require it.




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Advisor ,
Oct 29, 2014 Oct 29, 2014

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Spamhunter wrote:

Thanks, but... latest version 2004? Think I'll just keep my Sound Forge handy as it offers a bunch of other options too. Adobe could have built in this functionality as it is pretty simple, but I suppose there aren't enough of us that require it.

Yes, the latest version is 2004, but it works!

There seems to be an assumption here that anything "older than yesterday" is now obsolete!




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Explorer ,
Feb 07, 2016 Feb 07, 2016

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Very pleased to update for anyone else looking for this function, that Adobe have added the option to export & import Audition markers as .csv files. Makes dubbing & voice syncing so much easier, as well as all the ancillary project management such as timing calculations for translation criteria etc.

I do still have a problem with video playback delayed by 0.35 seconds (for .vob/.mpg files) but addressed in another post.




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Feb 07, 2016 Feb 07, 2016

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I'm not quite sure why this thread has suddenly resurrected. General.failure's posts were from nearly 4 years ago and Spamhunter's to 2014. Audition has moved on several versions since then and, as Newone2 notes, Marker Import/Export is now an included feature.




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Engaged ,
Apr 06, 2016 Apr 06, 2016

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And for those using the labs we were born with? IE CS6?  There's a way to create the markers and capture them in a picture file.  If you can leave the interface a light grey, and screenshot your markers, you might, and I emphasize might, be able to OCR them.  Create a photoshop action to turn the image BW, burning the blues and blacks into a dark black, and raising the contrast.  Then OCR your image.  It may work, it may not.  I don't know why, but sometimes I get it to work, others it just wont.  Whatever the case, there's no XML access to the audio files' markers in audition.  You'll have to find it by dumping a file's metadata, and there are few programs with the capability to read each other's tags from audio files.  Something to do with offsets.




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Contributor ,
Oct 28, 2014 Oct 28, 2014

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Sounds a bit like contortionist semantics to defend a definition that was erroneous to begin with, but I'll let Adobe have it out with the OED.

Thanks for the reply. I don't agree but I'm not going to change anything from my little corner of the planet & I do have other fish to fry.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018

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Thank you!! I was looking for a solution days ago... the UI is not very friendly, I am glad you figured it out.




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Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018

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Cuelist Tool can always be used to extract modify or save marker info from within Audition's .wav files, or any other for that matter.





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Engaged ,
May 12, 2018 May 12, 2018

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Cuelist tool only works for a single WAV file, not across a multitrack session.  But nice work on the find.

I still find the CSV export the best.  You can match your timecode readout for sending out to other editors, and you can even drop them out so you can align the audio with different video framerates.  I can recreate the markers easily enough in other apps just with a copy and paste.

Once you've got a WAV file, you're right, cuelilst Tool is a great option, but for the most part, it's becoming obsolete.  Great find though.




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New Here ,
Mar 29, 2022 Mar 29, 2022

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Thanks for the answer, it worked, but what a stupid way of working :))




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New Here ,
Mar 12, 2012 Mar 12, 2012

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_durin_ this is indeed a working method, thank you for the real quick answer!!

However I have some complaint to the way Adobe makes user interfaces: In a lot of places in all kinds of Adobe software I find these disabled features. Only with a lot of googling and with friendly help of forum readers it becomes clear what causes the disabled item.

Of course the software is made for proffessionals and not for dummies, but still, even a proffessional once in a while has to jump into new software, and these two hours of stumbling costs a lot of money.

I am a software developer myself and i know there are multiple ways to let the user know why an option is not enabled:

- don't disable the menu item but show a inforamative messagebox when a function is not possible

- a tooltip/balloon when hoovering the disabled item, showing the reason of the reject

- a statusbar message when hoovering




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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 12, 2012 Mar 12, 2012

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I agree.  This was less of an issue with Audition 3 and before since the multitrack and edit views were completely separate.  In the era of diminishing/dynamic documentation, better menu and command layout becomes more crucial than ever.  I'll share your comments with the team.





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New Here ,
Aug 01, 2012 Aug 01, 2012

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I also wasted a lot of time for the same reason by trying to follow the poor documentation here:


Please add that you must first mixdown to export marker-defined audio. Not sure why this wasn't done after being reported over four months ago by general.failure in the above post.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 11, 2017 Nov 11, 2017

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Absolutely agree.




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New Here ,
May 14, 2014 May 14, 2014

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So I just found this thread, having the same issue. Only thing is, I am not done mixing, but i want to split this very large file into 15 smaller files to then refine the mix on each one.

If markers are not the way to do this, how can I accomplish this task? I have 24 ninety minute files that I have applied my basic effects and panning to, but due to the size, everything takes waaaaay too long because my PC is slow. I have created the range markers that are each song. But still can't find a way to just cut across the multitrack view and retain the settings, creating 15 multitrack files.

Any hope?






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New Here ,
Sep 12, 2014 Sep 12, 2014

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Thanks guys.  I've written my steps below and posted a video.

How to export separate audio files from Adobe Audition - YouTube

1. Create a new File under top menu New then Multitrack Session

2. Import your .mp3 or .wav audio file or record you audio track

3. Drag your audio file from File window to Track 1

4. Locate the Markers window (panel) from Window then select Markers

5. In the top play range (scrubber) add a new marker by selecting M or use icon on marker window

6. Right click to convert to range marker, drag ends to create the range

7. Create, convert to range, then drag ends for as many mark ranges as you need

8. Select all markers then merge selected markers using comb icon (3rd from left) in Marker panel

9. Under top menu under Multitrack then to Mixdown Session to new File then Entire Session

10. In this Mixdown file, you can edit your clips and add effects or delete dead space

11. Shift select all marker ranges in that session

12. Export audio to separate files using 5th icon from left in marker window




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Explorer ,
Oct 29, 2014 Oct 29, 2014

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I've read through this thread and the question seems to boil down into one misleadingly named button in Audition. Namely:

Merge Selected Markers -button

As you see, this button does not actually merge anything. What it does is it converts the markers into range markers. When done, it is possible to use rangers in multitrack session or export them as separate files.

So to accomplish this task one should:

1. Select all relevant markers in markers panel.

2. Press 'Merge Selected Markers' button.

3. Make sure all the relevant markers, now converted to ranges, are selected for exporting.

4. Press the now enabled 'Export audio of selected range markers to separate files' button.

I spent like 4 hours figuring this out, when the answer was on my fingertips all the time. This is really bad logic and Adobe should pay attention to this.

Source: Marking up time in Audition CS6

Recommended reading!




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