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Changing keyboard shortcuts and using keywords

Explorer ,
May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023

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Hi everyone!

I have been using Lightroom for a decade, but only started experimenting with Bridge, because LR takes quite a lot of space from my hard drive as the catalogs get huge. It seems that Bridge would be more efficient in that sense. At least for now it also seems that culling photos is a lot faster with bridge, because it opens previews a lot faster. So I am thinking, should I maybe use Bridge to cull and narrow down the photos and then import only the selected ones to Lightroom or maybe ditch the Lightroom completely and use Bridge+Camera Raw+Photoshop.


However, I have a couple of questions.

  1. Is there any way to customise the keyboard shortcuts? I love how easy picking usable and refusing unusable photos in Lightroom is. X marks a photo refused and after going through them all just press comand-delete, and it delete all the unusable away from taking up the hard drive space. It seems that in Bridge you can mark a photo as rejected by pressing backspace/delete, but when you want to delete the rejected, you have to go to filters and choose to show the rejected, then choose all and then you can delete the. That´s quite a lot of clicks in my opinion. What am I missing here? The same goes in creating a collection: in Lightroom you create a collection and by pressing b the photo is added to the collection. Am I missing something or is it really imbossible to change the keyboard shortcuts in Bridge? Or do I really have to select all the photos I want to put in a collection and manually drag them in it? How is this thought in Bridge?
  2. Comparing two similar photos. Sometimes you have to compare two or even more photos to choose the one you pick. I know you can choose multiple photos at the same time in Preview mode, but how do you then mark one of them as a pick and reject another? If I try to move from one photo to another, the selection goes away.
  3. What about filtering by the keywords? It seems to me that Bridge is designed so that you are supposed to keep all your photos in one folder. Otherwise, whenever you are trying to search photos by filtering by keywords, you have to go to the menus and tell Bridge to include the subfolders as well. If you don´t do it, you have the option to filter by only those keywords that are used in the photos that are in the exact folder that is active at the moment. Is there any way to make this (including subfolders) as a default setting? I know it´s not much if you only do it rarely, but if your workflow needs filtering keywords frequently, it gets a bit annoying.
How to , Keywords , Problem or error






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Explorer ,
May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023

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I noticed that I was a bit vague on some of the issues. What I would love to be able to do in comparing photos is when I choose a punch of photos, I´d love to be able to go through them back and forth full size one by one by clicking the arrow key. Now, when I click an arrow key, the whole selection is unselected and only the next photo gets selected. Is there a way to change this somehow or how is this thought in Bridge environment?

Also I noticed that when you select multiple photos, it actually shows the bigger preview in an order of selection, not in an order of the capture time as it does on the light table. Why is that? It´s confusing. You might choose "ok, I am going to use the last photo of selection and click that to make a pick, but then you find out that the last photo of selection was actually the first on the light table, and it was only shown last on the preview window because you selected it last of all the photos you selected for comparing. Confusing.





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 05, 2023 Aug 05, 2023

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The latest Beta build has support for ‘Customizing keyboard shortcuts’ along with a few other features.


The detailed guide to using the keyboard shortcut customization feature is at : https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge-discussions/keyboard-shortcut-customization-workflows-in-adobe...


For a complete list of features available in the Beta build, please refer to the community post: https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge-discussions/adobe-bridge-beta-is-now-available-14-0-0-57/td-p/...


We would love for you to try it out and share feedback.



Bridge Team





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 14, 2023 Sep 14, 2023

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Hi all,

We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge 2024 (Version
This release has support for ‘Customizing keyboard shortcuts’ along with a few other features.

The detailed guide of using the keyboard shortcut customization feature is at : https://helpx.adobe.com/in/bridge/using/keyboard-shortcuts-panel.html

For a complete list of features available in Bridge 2024, please refer to the community post :

Bridge Team





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