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Hi, is that really true? I just recognized that changing sort views in Bridge is very/too rigid. You have to go to the View menu with your mouse! Often, especially in different folders for different reasons, I would like to change the order fast, for example, from the manual order to the ascending order. Now I'm clicking, clicking and clicking. - It is hard for me to think that there is not an easy way to use your own shortcuts, in the similar manner as in PS. Is this true??? Regards, Tuomas
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Hi there, Are you missing this on the top right region of Bridge's window? The green arrow will change the sorting by ascending or descending.
And no, unfortunately, Bridge does not provide any means to customize keyboard shortcuts.
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One more question. Is it known that any photo file management tool would offer a possibility to create shortcuts of your own - plus being a decent app?
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A decent app? I've used apps that were considered a waste of time but they satisfied my needs.
Providing keyboard shortcuts? A surprising number of applications do not let the user create their own shortcuts and some do.
Adobe is weird in many regards. To me, having multiple applications that deal with images that have different keyboard shortcuts for the same actions is a LOT weirder than not offering the user ability to create and/or change keyboard shortcuts. But that's just my opinion.
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Is there anyway to create a key command for 'Show Desktop' in Bridge for Mac after Adobe removed this function a couple of years ago? (used to be able to select it the first time I used Bridge after each update). Thanks
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If your on a Mac you can change/add keyboard shortcuts in Bridge using Apple>System Settings>Keyboard>Keyboard Shortcuts>App Shortcuts (macOS Ventura) or Apple>System Preferences>Keyboard>Shortcuts>App Shortcuts.
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I forgot to tell that I tried this option but Photoshop and Bridge are not shown in the list of compatible apps. - I would greatly APPRECIATE if someone would inform me if she/he knows a file browser something like Bridge but with real functionality to use shortcuts. I'm really fed up with Bridge: I would like to change _fast_ sorting options to see my photo series according to the time point saved, file names, sorted manually or not, details view etc. What happens now is that I'm messed in all kinds of cumbersome mouse movements to sort, using menu bar plus options in the file view. If I had a possibility to make a preset for each sorting option and to assign a shortcut to each of them that would something magnificent!!! Bridge is not good.
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One more thing: When I change sorting options the photo thumbnails mostly are in a new messed order. So, to keep the photos in the order I want, one shouldn't do any sorting. Great!
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What version of macOS are you using?
In the list of Applications you have to scroll to the bottom of the list, click on Other then select
Adobe Bridge
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The latest Beta build has support for ‘Customizing keyboard shortcuts’ along with a few other features.
The detailed guide to using the keyboard shortcut customization feature is at :
For a complete list of features available in the Beta build, please refer to the community post:
We would love for you to try it out and share feedback.
Bridge Team