Scrolling in Bridge 2024 too slow
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The scrolling in the keyword-list and in the thumbnail view in Bridge 2024 is much slower (and therefore worse) than in Bridge 2022.
Scrolling using Mouse Wheel in Windows 11 is factor 3 or 4 times slower.
Where in 2022 about 0.8 of a thumbnail height was scrolled with one wheel tick - it's in 2024 less than 0.2 of a thumb's height.
Same in keyword list.
Is the scrolling adjustable in Bridge 2024? Please resolve this bug!
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Yes, there are only problems with the bridge from V. 13. Scrolling is slow, keywords make a mess, and please make the sliders bigger. Professionals use a tablet and a pen, not a mouse. You can't hit those sliders. Enter it in settings !!!
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Agree, the first thing I noticed in Bridge 2024.
I am already very annoyed of installing an update for Bridge and then uninstall and revert back to Bridge 2022.
I simply don't understand the taste of Bridge developers, everything is awful, non-working and modified beyond usability.
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I agree. And for developers. A professional uses a tablet and a pen! Not the mouse! So spread those sliders!!!!!!!!!
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Silly thing to say m8. Twenty-plus years, and I always use mice.
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This is a problem, please fix.
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I have to agree and not lightly. After having spent the past day troubleshooting my relatively complicated bifurcated NVMe RAID 0 array, windows pagefiles and even re-installing windows, I have come to the conclusion that it is indeed Bridge which is significantly slower than before. I have an incredibly fast drive for the Bridge cache, and for good reason: I hate waiting. After the recent updates, my patience is once again being tested. Like I said, all hardware and driver issues have been ruled out in my case which leaves only software to blame. I also notice that Bridge and Photoshop alike cause an astoundingly high amount of hard faults, whether or not this is new is unknown.
Regardless, thanks @konrad79 for the post. I will also be reverting to Bridge 2022, if possible.
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Adobe 13.04 had the same slow effect as 14.0, so I went all the way back to 12.0 and am now happy with the (very) speedy previews and dramatically faster performance than the two newer versions. It may be that other versions of 13 are also fast, but I'm happy for the moment and hope this at least helps other with this issue, including the Adobe developers.
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I am using Bridge 12 too. Periodically I install the newest version but I always have to reinstall v12, since this is the only usable (and available version).
This piece of software is ended up in hands of incompetent people (outsourcing) who can't design software properly and have a very different vision of what is good.
Look at the other software, like xnView, FastStone image viewer, etc., how well are designed, how smooth is the user experience, all functions are working as expected, without annoying glitches. Beside these, the highest priced Adobe products are like some early beta products - faulty clicks, lots of busy cursors, unexpected UI refresh, several new bugs introduced when fixing an old one, etc.
As a developer I can see through the curtain: there is spagetti code behind these software - a big mess, put together in hurry, by countless teams, the most important thing being the fancy look.
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Were the results the same for all versions of 13?
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v13 was an unusable version for me. But regarding the countless bug reports and upset posts from other users, it was quite unusable at the beginning, for others too. v13 gradually became bug-fixed over time.
I think, this reinvention of the Bridge-wheel came from the urge of bringing something new to the table and updating the UI, but sadly it was good ONLY for the development team, who proved that they worked a lot. In reality, almost everything was broken. A big shame from a dev. team, but as it looks, Adobe has no problems at all to release a half-baked product, moreover they don't even realize, it's not what is thould be.
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With the amount of page faults 14 was generating on my system (7000+), I would expect it to get fixed sooner than later.
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The latest Beta build is available with few performance optimisations and bug fixes.
For a complete list of fixes available in the Beta build, please refer to the community post :
Kindly try this build and share your feedback.
Bridge Team
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Hello Ms. Agarawal
Thanks for the suggestion. I installed the beta version which appears to still have the very slow image-browing issue. The page-fault issue appears to remain, however not so extreme as it was previously.
Kind regards.
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Hi @Swati Agarwal,
with the latest Bridge Beta I can confirm improved scroll speed on Windows 10 in text-based sub-windows like Keywords or Folder. It appears that the max scroll speed is still throttled, but this also seems to be the case in Windows Explorer.
Please consider that good mice, like the Logitech MX Master, have free spinning scroll wheels. Attached is the experience I see when setting the mouse to free spin on a heavy webpage with lots of dynamic content. This is the sort of speed I would expect in Bridge with known image content – see next post (the clip has 15 frames / seconds – it does not stutter in reality).
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With a mouse set to free spin it appears as if Bridge can prerender maybe 20 images, then Bridge has to pause a little to refill its buffer. This appears hard to believe with 64 GB of RAM and very fast NVMe drives. I honestly have no idea, what Bridge does here – don't you feel that pain yourself?
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Hi @polyxo
Thank you for your feedback, we are able to reproduce the filter panel performance issue and have added the same in our engineering pipeline..
Also regarding the scrolling experience, could you please suggest following details:
- if you have grid lock view in content panel..
- Number of files in the folder
- Scrolling performance once cache is genearated for the folder.
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Hi @Swati Agarwal, thanks for getting back to me. Here are the answers to your questions.
Number of files
- 4200 files, about 10 GB
- 95 % of files are 8 bit/channel PNG + alpha channels, the remaining files are JPG and SVG.
- View set to show transparency grid
Scrolling performance once cache is generated for the folder
My previous video showed the performance with the cache fully built. The scroll performance is super slow and jaggy. One cannot call this scrolling, it is rather jumping from row of thumbs to the next. Frame rate 0.5 / sec.
Indeed, I see a full cache stack with recent date. There are thumbs 256 px (189 MB) and in 1024 px (>4 GB). The number of cache thumbs equals the number of source files, so everything seems properly built.
As we browse files in grid views, we usually don't need the larger previews. Knowing its notorious performance problems, we have optimized Bridge-settings for speed – it would be fine to only have thumbs generated on demand. It appears as if this preference (see screenshot) gets disregarded.
Considering my settings, I would understand a set of small thumbnails automatically getting created, but not the 1024 set. This all being said – my machine should be powerful enough to have great performance with all settings maxed out.
I should note that the folder in question also holds hidden folders with cache files from Bridge 12. We used the Shared Cache feature in V12, which created cache files in place (.BridgeSharedCache). On first glance, it appears that V14 (correctly) ignores these hidden files, I don't see the cache getting cached a second time.
Machine specs
- Intel i7, 12 logical cores
- SSD (reads and writes > 3.5 GB / second)
- 64 GB RAM
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Hello Swati,
I tried again and the results have not changed. There may be a slight performance increase compared to version 14, but scrolling is still ultra-slow compared to Bridge 12 and there is still a significant memory leak as seen through the extreme amount of page-faults.
To answer your questions:
1) I normally have grid-lock off but tried it and the results were MUCH worse with grid-lock activated
2) Between 4k-10k files which average 90MB per file
3) waited for cache to compile and results still dramatically slower than Bridge 12
Thanks for your work and kind regards.
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Hi @polyxo,
We have released a new Adobe Bridge 2024 Beta build ( which contains the fix for following issue:
- “Lag in reflecting the selections made in filter panel”
We would love for you to try it out and share feedback.
For complete list of fixed issues, please refer to community post announcement.
Bridge Team
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Thanks for your note @Tanu Goel. I've tested the new Beta version with large folders and saw impressive improvement. On my machine, filtering is fast enough now. :party_popper:.
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Still no fix for slow previewing?
It takes about 5 seconds for a RAW image to show 100% and sharp.
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Hi, Swati,
Downloaded and installed the Beta version, the scroll speed is now returned to normal.
Regarding the numerous bug fixes, listed here it looks that the new version will be normally usable.
I can't wait to have these fixes migrated from Beta to the main version!
Kind regards,
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I don't see a dramatic performance increase. Slightly better perhaps, but still nothing compared to version 12.
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It's Pis of shet... that this whole photoshop online crap is just not working... regardless what you do... time to look elsewhere

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