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P: Generated images violate user guidelines

Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Bunny.pngexpand image

image (1).pngexpand image


So as you can see, it's a PG-13 relatively inoffensive image of a woman in a bunny outfit. The top worked fine, and I was able to complete the top ear, which is cool. When I tried to extend the bottom with generative fill, though, I got this warning. They're just a pair of legs wearing stockings, and I wanted to extend it.

It feels like a false flag - though I could be wrong? I find myself thinking it would do the same for women in swimsuits.

Figured I'd share here.

Bug Started Locked
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

Dear Community,

On November 7th, 2023, the Firefly for Photoshop service was updated and improved for this issue. You should encounter fewer guideline errors when working on or near skin-tone areas that do not violate the community guidelines.

While the improvement is a big step in the right direction, we are continuing to explore new ways to minimize false-positives. Please continue to give us feedback on this new forum thread and also report false violation errors in the application.
Thank you

replies 1389 Replies 1389
Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023


I have been working with (or lack their of) the new the generative fill features in Photoshop 24.6.0. However, the feature is mostly unusable do to persistent user guideline violation warnings. This has occurred when I use generative fill on backgrounds, facial blemishes, hair, grass, etc. I am primarily using it to evaluate how well it works during photo restorations, but it's largely unusuable. The current file I'm working with is a portrait of three people which I own the rights to. I have successfully restored this image in every other AI assisted application without any issues. 

I have reviewed the user guidelines and I don't see how I could possibly be violating any terms. Is this a known issue? Is there any method to avoid this?

Thank you,

Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Hi @Jesse Tyber White the violation could be due to your prompts you are entering. What are you using for prompts?

Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Hi Kevin, 

Thanks for your reply. Prompting is not the issue, as I'm using an empty prompt, so it should be generating a corrective fill based on the surroundings. 

Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023
Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Naturally, I already did so. There are some sporadic instances where entering a prompt doesn't trigger a user guideline warning, but the results are entirely unusuable. In its current form, this is not a usuable tool for photo restoration. I'll stay tuned to see if these problems get corrected.


Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Considering it's a beta feature released today I'm sure there will be learning curves for both the tool and the users.

Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Of course, although clearly this isn't a user learning curve error. It's a software side error.

Thanks for your time

New Here ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

As someone who plays a lot in Stable Diffusion, Mid-Journey and other AI platforms, Adobe's is excessively restrictive. For instance I tried to take a picture of a friend, generate a beach and girls in bikini's behind him. That was a "violation of policy" according to the application. Then I tried to create a environment of him standing next to dog poop, again that was a "violation of policy". None of the other platforms I deal with are this restricted. I believe Adobe is going to have a hard time with this level of restrictions.

Explorer ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

I tried to remove a tash from a picture of my brother. I got a warning saying it was against the rules ? Why ?

Advocate ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Everything p*rn might be "forbidden" — esp. removing an 80ies p*rn moustache! 😄 ðŸ˜‰

I've been wondering why I've not yet seen this subject addressed anywhere...

Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Can you post screenshot to illustrate the issue?

Community Beginner ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

I am running in the same issue. I'm trying to add missing body parts of different fully clothed women as showed in the Adobe Live Video from yesterday, and get always Guidline Violations. It happens if no prompt used, or just "Hand" or "Arm". 

Community Expert ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

It is beta - no guarantees of 100% results each time. You are testing outcomes to help train the AI. It will get better as it progresses.

Community Beginner ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Yes Kevin, I imagine everyone using Photoshop Beta is aware that it is a Beta product, thus the reason we are posting relevant bugs in the Bugs section of the Photoshop Beta forum. There are currently 0% results for the actions I've specified. There are no outcomes that can be evaluated, that is the issue. 

Thank you for your time though. 

Thank you for your time though. 

Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Hi all, sorry to hear about this issue.  If you could share a image that you are seeing the violation with, we would be happy to test here.  Send to shubert@adobe.com


Any screenshots of your workspace showing your workflow or video with the error message could also be helpful.


Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Hi @MontyWales please share a screenshot of the image/workspace so the team can see what you are seeing/doing.

Any prompts used or just blank? Could you do anything on the image or did you get the message/error all the time?


Have you tried another image and what happens then?


Community Beginner ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Thanks Cory! 

I'm happy to help work out the kinks with these tools! I can provide several screenshots and workflows. I'll email them to you once I'm back at my workstation.



Explorer ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

I've also run into this issue. I restore photos in magazines, and that means removing information such as addresses and phone numbers, which is what gave me this prompt. Removing a part at a time seems to have eliminated the issue for now.

Explorer ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Just this old pic. Thought it would be funny to see him without the 'German p*rn star' tash 🙂 Nothing in the prompt. 

Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

@MontyWales downloaded the file and tried GF without any prompt on all three people as well as on each one, no issues or errors.  Not sure why you did, but I would restart your system and try again, if you get the error again, do a screenshot and share.


Explorer ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Still gettting it here 

Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Thanks for the screenshot. Tried your selection here and again, no error.  What tool/settings did you use to make your selection?


Explorer ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

Lasso tool 

Explorer ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

and retangle marque tool 

Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

We will pass this on to the team but we dont' have any ideas on why you are seeing this error.

