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For a complete overview of camera support in Photoshop and Lightroom, visit the following article:
Why doesn't my version of Photoshop or Lightroom support my camera?
Note: ETAs for specific cameras are not available.
No one can say (except for some Adobe employees, who are not allowed to say). You should check the list here each time Adobe updates the Lighroom Classic software.
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The pre production seem to be jpeg ? My LrC version is 14.0.1
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You can download a sample pre-production raw by going here:
and then clicking "RAW":
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OK well this is strange it loaded into LrC and I can see it in on my desktop in the folder as well. What is going on ???
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Did you use Nikon's software to download the raw files from your camera? Some versions of this software will corrupt the NEF files. They will still be readable in Nikon's software but won't work in Lightroom due to some metadata becoming messed up. It is also possible that your NEF files got corrupted because of some other reason or they are located in a location on your hard disk that Lightroom has no access to. That will also throw up this error. If you're on a mac, make sure that Lightroom has full disk access priviliges in the System preferences->Privacy & Security dialog.
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No the files are on the SD card read from my mac. Photoshop 2025 reads the raw files and displays then. If I save them in Photoshop Raw format LrC still can't read then ???
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@stephenp69774191: "well this is strange it loaded into LrC and I can see it in on my desktop in the folder as well."
To confirm my understanding, the pre-production sample from imports correctly into your LR 14.0.1, but raws taken by your production camera received yesterday don't import from the SD card.
If that's correct, then it could be that the preliminary support provided by LR was developed for a pre-production camera and it doesn't work with production cameras.
If you share a raw taken straight from the SD card, we can confirm that other LR installations experience the same issue and rule out any problems specific to your installation. Upload the .nef file to Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive, or other free service and post the sharing link here.
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Here is the link to Wetransfer for the nef file
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My LR 14.0.1 can't import that file either:
Exiftool shows the pre-production samples using raw Lossless compression, while your .nef is using raw High Efficiency* compression. Try setting the camera's raw-recording compression to Lossless:
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Outstanding that man !!! It worked GOLD STAR 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄👍
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@stephenp69774191, glad it's resolved. Was the camera set to High Efficiency* by default or did you set it? That could help others, since it will surely come up again.
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I think I set it to High Efficiency . Thanks for all your help. I have infoemed Santa !!! 👍
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Thank you. I was having the same issue, and changing it to Lossless compression resolved it. The default setting, as it came from Nikon, was High efficiency.
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I can't figure out how to post a question, but I have a new Nikon Z50ii and wonder if Elem,ents 2025 will convert its RAW files?
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Hi @toxdoc42,
To start a new thread, head over to the Photoshop Elements Community. Click on the "Post to Community" button located in the top right corner. Here's the link:
Thank you!
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Bonjour, je viens d'acheter un tout nouveau Sony DSC-RX100M7, et c'est une nouvelle version du boîtier qui s'appelle Sony DSC-RX100M7A. Il semble que cette toute nouvelle version ne soit pas encore supportée par les versions actuelles de Lighroom/Camera RAW/Photoshop. Il semble aussi que Sony n'ait pas beaucoup communiqué sur le sujet. Pouvez-vous me dire si ce fait est connu et s'il est prévu d'intégrer cet appareil dans la liste des appareils reconnus par ces logiciels, svp? Et si oui, dans quel délai, même approximatif, peut on imaginer que ce soit résolu? Merci pour votre réponse.
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I've just bought a Sony DSC-RX100M7A to replace my Sony DSC-RX100M7 that I recently misplaced. I've tried to open the .ARW files but a message comes up saying it is not supported. I'm using the latest version of Camera Raw.
Is it yet known when this model will be supported?
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Nobody is able to answer the proverbial "when" questions I'm afraid. Nobody knows!
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Ok, thanks for the reply. I suppose we'll just have to wait a bit longer.
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@joy_2664: "I've just bought a Sony DSC-RX100M7A ... Is it yet known when this model will be supported?"
Support for a new model from a major manufacturer is usually released in the Lightroom / Camera Raw version following the release date of the camera, sometimes the release after that. LR is released every eight weeks, so we might expect to see LR 14.3 about the first week of April.
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Merci pour votre réponse, on y voit enfin plus clair. Et merci d'avoir suivi ce sujet! 🙏🏻
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Thanks for the info. April would be great, not too far away.
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Bonjour, visiblement je ne suis pas le seul à avoir fait l'acquisition du Sony DSC-RX100M7A, et comme tout le monde je ne peux pas traiter mes fichiers ARW. Merci de prendre en compte le problème pour effectuer une mise à jour.