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Good morning everyone who may be reading this.
I'm exploring the possbility of using Character Animator for a project, but when I load the program, I recieve the following error:
"Could not delete the file '\\\USPLHomeDrv\HDrive\William.Camp\MyDocuments\Adobe\Character Animator\Character Animator Project 4\Ch Data\temp.noindex\complier\Behaviorparambootstrap.js'."
After clicking "OK", I am able to continue; however, when I attempt to open a template or puppet from the home page, I recieve another error:
"Internal error code: (1109000933:349+8) bad argument #1 to 'Localize' (string expected, got nil)"
I'm attempting to use Character Animator for a fairly large animation project coming up; however, if I cannot figure out what is causing the issue, I may have to go with a different program. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Warm Regards,
1 Correct answer
I have no idea of the problem, but CH is known to not work well on a shared drive. Try and create a project on a local hard disk instead. Some of the network Disk I/O calls don't work that CH needs apparently.
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I have no idea of the problem, but CH is known to not work well on a shared drive. Try and create a project on a local hard disk instead. Some of the network Disk I/O calls don't work that CH needs apparently.
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Thank you for your response. I will most certainly try this. I'm using a work laptop, that has a particularly strong network security. I was able to load Character Animator on my personal computer, and it runs great!
Thanks again,
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I'm seeing exactly what Billy describes, but I'm on a personal computer. It's however cloud based (DropBox). I saved the file to a local drive, but I get the same errors.
Any suggestions? Thanks
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Bump - same setup and issue
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Yes. I get the same issue. I have reloaded the application twice but with no success.
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Any fixes to this yeat? I'm getting the same string of errors
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Same advice as before. Don't use ch with files on a shared drive or with cloud sync software. The sync software fights with ch over file ownership.
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If you are using Dropbox you can temporarilty pause syncing (in the setting panel) and this stops the error messages too.
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I moved it to an internal SATA drive. It would appear that it is totally corrupted, as I get the same error there. Hours of work wasted!
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I applied this solution and recovered all the work! Thank you to ... dtull-adobe
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Update for those who might come here because of a similar message. The error turned out to be related to errors accessing files in the temp.noindex directory which was causing a failure in loading the scene in the project. It's not 100% clear what was causing them, but it could have been contention with another process accessing files in the same folder (it was a network synchronized folder).
In any case, the solution turned out to be to copy the project to a (purely) local folder and deleting the temp.noindex folder for good measure. Then the project opened again without errors.
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Pausing Dropbox's automatic syncing solved this for me.
Also note that I saved and closed Illustrator. I had also received a javascript error about a temp file after saving in .ai.