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Hice una cancelacíon de el servicio creative cloud el dia 28 de ocutubre y a dia de hoy no he recibido mi reembolso teniendo en cuenta que estaba dentro de los 14 dias para poder hacer valida esta politica
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AB01861000468CMX |
Este es mi numero de pedido
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Cancellation are handled automatically and take some time to reflect in your account. No one on these forums would be able to give you an update on your refund status. I would suggest you should wait for a week or so and if you still don't get a refund then contact support. Also, please reverify that your cancellation did succeed, you must have got a confirmation message from Aodobe
To contact support follow the instructions given below
1. Go to
2. Wait a bit on the page that opens up, it should automatically open a chat popup. If that does not happen then look for a call out/chat icon at the bottom right, click over it and the chat popup should open
3. In order to talk to a human type "AGENT" in the chat box
4. If you are not able to get to the chat window, then disable your adblockers, firewall, enable cookies/scripts on your browser. If it still fails then change your browser/machine/network.
P.S. Be mindful of answering anyone who sends you a private message. See the following for more information about scammers
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Bro, recibiste tu reembolso?
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make sure you're aware of the cancellation terms by selecting your plan type (at the top of the page here),
for info on how to cancel your subscription, this page describes the few steps involved,
if you want to cancel but are unable to follow the steps described in the "how to cancel page", contact adobe support.
there are 2 ways to contact adobe; chat and twitter (now x):
use a browser that allows popups and cookies, and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative.