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Creative cloud applications keep asking me to login every time I launch an application

Explorer ,
Sep 20, 2013 Sep 20, 2013

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Creative cloud applications keep asking me to login every time I launch an application on a same machine.

How to solve this problem?

Windows 7 Professional.

Creative Cloud






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Adobe Employee , Sep 20, 2013 Sep 20, 2013

Hi irish sunshine,

Please try to update CC desktop: https://creative.adobe.com/products/creative-cloud and let us know if still the same issue.


Romit Sinha



Adobe Employee , Mar 20, 2014 Mar 20, 2014

Please ensure you have the latest version of the Creative Cloud app installed


We also have this solution for the having to sign in on every product launch


If you're continuing to have issues please post back


- Dave



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Explorer ,
Aug 13, 2015 Aug 13, 2015

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I have now been through the Adobe help desk four times!!! Each time I'm told it's fixed and then the next day it's back again.

I don't think Adobe know how to fix this. Your only option is to put up with it or delete CC and go back to CS6.





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Participant ,
Jul 15, 2015 Jul 15, 2015

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Hey vanselman,

I completely sympathise with your situation. Went through a lot of denials with Adobe. I'm not familiar enough with the Windows system to identify the files you need to delete but I will try to gain access to a Windows machine here so that I can maybe do a similar walkthrough to the solution I found for the Macs.

As you have found out, and are correct; the following things do nothing to help this situation. So...

Don't uninstall - reinstall you apps. This has nothing to do with it at all and is just a waste of time.

Don't make a new user. Although this will delete some files that need to be gone, unless all are deleted (and a lot are not at the user level) it won't fix it.

Has nothing at all to do with any browser setting or file/folder permissions.

Once this starts happening on your system a CC Desktop app update will not cure it, it has gone deeper than that as my post above illustrates.

Certain background processes need to be killed before you begin. Through task manager, kill all of these (hoping they show up in task manager)

First quit out of the CC Desktop app then in task manager, kill:

Core Sync


  Creative Cloud


  Adobe Desktop Source

  Adobe Installer

*And anything else you see with Adobe at the front*

*Do Core Sync and AdobeIPCBroker first to stop anything else re-spawning*

When all the processes are killed you should be able to move/delete any file you want.

I'll see what I can do but if you can follow and find the equivalent files/folders as in my Mac fix above it may just work.

I agree, this is a bigger problem than Adobe give credit for and they seem to have no idea how disruptive this is.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 15, 2015 Jul 15, 2015

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More people like you in the creative world would make the creative world the best place to be. Thank you for your priceless support, I really appreciate your commitment to help other users. That's the best spirit in a forum, it makes me happy to come back and see the interaction. I am just sorry we don't have a solution that works for everybody, what worked for me does not work for others so useless to keep on repeating that one. Really, thank you kindly for visiting back and help our user.

Yes, this -is- an issue and I hope there are developers working on it. I will send a letter where I can and report about this returning problem again and again, I promise.





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Explorer ,
Apr 24, 2014 Apr 24, 2014

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mrjonnywood found the solution:

I had a similar problem. Every time I opened a CC App, I was asked to sign in. I followed instructions on several forums, but nothing worked.

Yesterday I got in touch with Adobe Help and together we spent over two hours trying to resolve the problem. I have to say Khongyairong (the guy I was dealing with) was very helpful but we ran out of time as I had to go out.

Today, I decided to remove every single trace of Adobe from my Mac. I followed these steps and all now works as it should!

Please note the order – uninstall apps first, then run cleaner, then manually remove any left over files.

Warning: You will delete all Adobe files from your computer. If you are using any Adobe products other than Creative Cloud please make sure you check every file before deleting it – if it's not related to CC don't delete it! You might want to make a snapshot of your system that you can restore to before doing this. If there is more than 1 user on the Mac make sure they don't have Adobe products that could be effected by the following process.

  1. Use the Uninstallers for each App you have (uninstallers can be found in Applications/Adobe *App Name*/Uninstall Adobe *App Name*
  2. Check Applications/Utilities for any other Adobe Uninstallers and run them
  3. Use Creative Cloud Cleaner to remove everything else (I was given the download from Khongyairong so don't have the link)
    1. Select 'All' from the dropdown menu, top-right.
    2. Click 'Clean All'
  4. At this point I restarted my Mac but it may not be necessary.
  5. Go to /Library/Application Support and delete the entire Adobe folder (I also deleted the Macromedia folder too, but I think this is just for Flash Player)
  6. Go to /Library/Caches and delete all folders and files with 'Adobe' in the name
  7. Go to (User) ~/LibraryApplication Support and delete the entire Adobe folder
  8. Go to /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support and delete the entire Adobe folder (if you have more than one user set up make sure they are not using Adobe products that will not function correctly if you delete this folder)
  9. At this point I searched my entire computer for any other files or folders with Adobe in the name and deleted them
  10. There was also a Photoshop folder in one of the Librarys (can't remember which but check in both) I deleted that too
  11. I emptied the trash and restarted here and would recommend the same

At this point I could have started installing the software again, but I took some extra steps which involved 3rd party software. I use Onyx which is a very good tool to clean up OS X system. You can use this or something similar to do the following:

  1. Reset home folder permissions and ACLs
  2. Clear system and user caches

During the Onyx processes I was promted to restart my Mac a couple of times. Once all that was completed my Mac was booting up a fraction quicker than before (which was a nice bonus).

Fresh installs

I then went to creative.adobe.com, signed in and downladed Creative Cloud Desktop App – nothing else.

I installed CC desktop, signed in and initially downloaded 1 app (in my case Photoshop), opened it and waited... no window requesting sign in!!!!

I double checked, by quiting and reopening Photoshop – all seemed good!

I was then able to install other CC Apps (one by one just be sure) from the Creative Cloud App and every one of them works withut being promted to sign in!

Hope this works for you, I've seen this issue a lot and was very happy to have a solution to share it with others!

Good luck and let's hope that doesn't recur. Ever.





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New Here ,
May 23, 2014 May 23, 2014

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I used this solution and it worked for 2 days then the issue started repeating.

I deleted the opm.db file from /Application Support/Adobe/OOBE as suggested and was able to log in.

I find it ridiculous that every time I try to work I have to waste an hour (or more) of my time to work around login issues. I'd rather work with a cracked version of CS6 than keep paying for a broken product I cannot use.

Update: 6 hours later I'm unable to use any apps again. It cycles between the Renew Subscription screen and the Thank You screen. Any suggestions? David__B





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Community Beginner ,
May 25, 2014 May 25, 2014

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I have the same flavour of issue. Well I sometimes have to re-enter my login details or click on "License product" but my biggest issue is Adobe Application Manager getting stuck on "Validating Software License" when I try to open Premiere. It just spins and spins, closes, reopens, spins.... FOREVER. I simply can't use Premiere CC. All other apps open fine. This happened a day after I purchased a subscription. I had been using it on a previous subscription paid for by work and then a trial once I swapped it to my adobe ID. All other software accepted the transition but for some reason Premiere, or AAM on its behalf, freaks out.

This is getting ridiculous Adobe.





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Explorer ,
Jul 03, 2014 Jul 03, 2014

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For weeks now, I've been stuck in a loop with having to "License this software" or "Start trial", when trying to start any CC Application. I started since i downloaded CC2014 and is happening also when trying to start my old CC apps.

Have been on mail and phone with Adobe Support several times and for hours. Support have been very helpful, but after they remotely have tried to do almost everything with my Mac and CC installation, it's clear that Adobe have no clue what's causing the issue.

The forums are full of solutions to this from other users with same issue, but none of it helps. I and support have tried it all.

I am in a bit more luck than several others, since I can run my Adobe apps in trial mode but with 00 days left(?). Others can't even open their apps.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 03, 2014 Jul 03, 2014

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I posted somewhere else but the only thing that solved my problem was a format and fresh reinstall of my operating system and everything else. Unfortunately I was visiting Australia and had to rely on some dodgy internet in the suburbs and had to go to someone else's house to specifically download everything again. But once I did it all worked. I'm sure though that it was just a corrupt licensing file somewhere but Adobe couldn't tell me where it was. I chatted with them but as it was on a weekend the appropriate support team for the problem weren't there. I was told my issue had been "escalated" but apparently this means receiving an email 3 weeks later to check if the problem still persists. By that point I had been running on a fresh install for 2 weeks.

Fresh install and time machine/windows equivalent will hopefully fix the problem when it recurs. It's annoying having to download all of the software again however!





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New Here ,
Sep 18, 2014 Sep 18, 2014

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Sadly I have the same ongoing issue every single day on my Windows 8.1 and all I can do is accept that's life with Adobe products; every time I load a CC app I am forced to sign on each flipping time!

I pray that this pathetic problem gets fixed, at least before I lose my mind!





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 18, 2014 Sep 18, 2014

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Since reinstalling I haven't had to log-in again, only once off on my new macbook pro but that's it. I get the feeling Adobe installations leave behind messy files and somewhere along the line, something is corrupted and things don't run/log-in/install properly. I'd strong suggest a system refresh, it will run faster as well.





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Explorer ,
Sep 23, 2014 Sep 23, 2014

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I tried all the solutions I found on the forum including deleting opm.db in AppData - Local - Adobe -OOBE

and  the uninstalling, running the cleaner, and reinstalling and still it said license every time I opened a program on Windows 7

It was a pain when I was trying to do something using the software to be interrupted every time with these licensing messages when I have paid for Creative Cloud

I used the adobe support chat and the answer was to delete contents of SLStore in Program Files (x86) - Common - Adobe

and renaming SLStore to 'SLStore_old' in ProgramData - Adobe

This worked





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New Here ,
Sep 24, 2014 Sep 24, 2014

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This did not work for me. I tried it and then the projects would not open showing errors. Removing the "_old" and it opened ok. Sadly the request to activate and login came back....

The error:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014

This Project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file of codec could be associated with this sequence type.

Just wish Adobe fix this darn thing. I am forced to reactivate at east a dozen times a day!





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Explorer ,
Sep 24, 2014 Sep 24, 2014

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I should have said delete contents of SLCache folder in Program Files (x86) - Common Files - Adobe

and the renaming  SLStore in C:\ProgramData - Adobe





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New Here ,
Sep 24, 2014 Sep 24, 2014

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I've been encountering this problem on my desktop for a while now but as it was a minor nuisance in the beginning, I used the time to wait for logging in to do other things. But now it seems like it's getting worse. I can't believe this thread is a year old and Adobe still hasn't fixed this in their updates.

Today I had to go through more than 5 verifications when trying to open Premiere. In addition to the too many verifications, the wait time for loading in between verify/login verify/login is unacceptable. Today I was waiting for more than 20 minutes. My internet connection is perfectly fine as I'm checking my emails and browsing the web.

I have the latest Creative Cloud, and the programs I'm using are up to date.

Adobe you need to fix this! It's wasting my time every single day and it's UNACCEPTABLE!





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 24, 2014 Sep 24, 2014

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I know it's a big task but have you tried formatting and reinstalling your operating system fresh, not just uninstalling and reinstalling the software?

It's the only thing that worked for me in the end. Like I said above, if that's what it takes, Adobe must be very messy with its system files. I couldn't suffer through the stalled verification process anymore and I needed to get work done. It's probably worth taking the plunge. I usually do a refresh every 6 months or so.





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New Here ,
Sep 24, 2014 Sep 24, 2014

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No, I refuse to reinstall my entire system because Adobe can't clean up their mess. I have too many programs, it would take me a few days for a fresh install.

Ain't nobody got time for dat!





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Explorer ,
Nov 17, 2014 Nov 17, 2014

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Im having the same problem. Everytime I access Photoshop its asking me to register my product. After I do so it says ENJOY USING YOUR PRODUCT.

I leave Dreamweaver open all day so I dont have that problem so much with Dreamweaver, but I only open Photoshop 1-2 times a day max, sometimes I dont open it at all, or the other products. So its very annoying.

Personally I think its a deliberate gameplay by Adobe who are AGAIN flexing their power over us minions that have invested our entire business around the Adobe platform.

I lament the loss of Macromedia which was a perfect product written by intelligent people for intelligent people. Adobe is in my opinion part of the global police state and is simply reinfrcing the understanding that we RENT the ability to use its products AND they can turn us off at a monents notice. Thats whats happening here. The alternative is just to ridiculous to contemplate, that its an error somewhere in their software thats been unsolved for nearly 2 years!!!. Its LIVE software FFS. Its something fundemental to the way it works and its IMPOSSIBLE for them to say they were not aware.

I have the very latest version of the cloud app and the 'answer' above says that this error doesnt exist on versions above 1.2!!! Really, this issue has been present for two years. Thats not an error, thats a DELIBERATE POLICY BY ADOBE TO ENFORCE THE OWNERSHIP OF ITS PRODUCTS OVER US. Get ready for being put out of business the moment Adobe wants you out of business. Dont be surprised if it happens at the same time at all your credit cards stop working.





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Contributor ,
Nov 17, 2014 Nov 17, 2014

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Well I suggest it is less of a conspiracy theory and more of a software quality issue. I think Adobe rushed to the subscription model without thoroughly developing a secure logon technology.

I had this problem for months until an Adobe Employee (Dave_B) pointed me to this. SInce then, things have been fine. Hopefully it works for you too. You are no longer signed into your Creative Cloud applications





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Explorer ,
Nov 17, 2014 Nov 17, 2014

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But clearly in solution 2 point 2 it states:

Any version after resolves a known issue with Adobe ID account information conflicts

And I have at least 1.8, ie the very latest, SO this problem should not happen to me.

I have yet to try the first solution. This has been happening for months, and as far as im concerned, as said in my main post, its totally counter condusive to the founding concept of an always up to date software suite, and totally at odds as a problem thats been current for nearly 2 years!!!

As such, I still stand by me 'conspiracy' idea, as it fits in so well with all the other 'workflow' bottle necks such as FTP that doesnt work, inability to copy paste between apps like Dreamweaver, photoshop and illustrator and all the others.

For example, today I was working in photoshop and am trying to migrate fully from Fireworks, my trusted MACROMEDIA graphics app where i have always done the bulk of my work using photo shop mainly for about 10 processes such as highlight/shadows, and the healing brush etc. Today i wanted to use the magic want. But once done I couldn't just point the mouse outside the frame to deselect it, no I have to google it and found I had to press CRTL-D!!! Thats no intuitive. Thats why I have avoided photoshot for so many years. Its like all the other products, difficult to intuitivly pick up and has INBUILT problems. THe requirement to login is so fundemental that I refuse to believe that its not deliberate. Dont even start about the ftp which for about 5 years DOESNT WORK PROPERLY. I even had Adobe 'engineers' log into my computer, confirm the issue and then NEVER HEAR RFOM THEM AGAIN!!! TWICE!!!! over 5 years!!!!! They dont care. You CANT CONTACT THEM. This is a 'COMMUNITY FORUM' where other users help other users!!! THere are NO PROFESSIONALS HERE. THe advice will always be off the cuff and anecdotal, often misleading. Try this, try that!!! Have you plugged yourr computer in.

I gave up a long time ago, Because I dont turn Dreamweaver off for weeks at a time and use Fireworks its not a big issue, but now im considering making Photoshop my first choise graphics app im a bit more concerned as I dont leave that open.





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Contributor ,
Nov 17, 2014 Nov 17, 2014

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Adobe confession.JPG
I hear you. IMHO something happened at Adobe around the release of CS6. A change in management maybe? I have no idea, but my opinion of Adobe fell from admiration to disappointment.

You might get a kick out of this screen shot from a Facebook chat on the Adobe Creative Cloud Wall. This was where my head was at last February about this issue. Somehow I came across Dave_B - an Adobe employee who seemed to demonstrate the customer care attitude I had know from Adobe in the past. He suggested this IMSLib Replacer technique. I have no idea what an IMSLib is, or why as a guy who just wants to make pictures, I should need to. But the bottom line is despite all the assurances that the issue went away with an update, it didn't until I followed this.





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Contributor ,
Nov 17, 2014 Nov 17, 2014

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Oh and about the CTRL +D shortcut. Well for an old timer I guess it is now built into muscle memory. Think of it as D for De-select. Think about the CNTL as your way of controlling the key. If you just press D without the CTRL you get Default as in colors. When you used the magic wand, you made a selection, and Photoshop thinks you want to use it as such. Clicking outside a selection won't do anything. If you want some real fun, after you have made a selection, click CTRL+H H is for hide. Then you lose the marching ants, and it is really hard to realize why nothing works - because Photoshop thinks you want to work inside an invisible selection. Just remember to hit CTRL+H again, or you will forever hate me.

You can also mouse over to the Select menu and pick Deselect. The keyboard shortcut is listed there too.

It is intuitive for those of us who have grown up with Photoshop for 20 years, but I remember one of my first experiences was "How do I get rid of this %$#@ flashing".





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New Here ,
Nov 20, 2014 Nov 20, 2014

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After spending several hours on chat with Adobe support, the issue is finally fixed for me. What did it was:

Delete /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLCache

Delete /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore

Delete ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE - The whole folder, not just opm.db





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New Here ,
Dec 30, 2014 Dec 30, 2014

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Thanks cjdshaw100! It worked for me. I was very frustrated over her in Norway, but your solution fixed it for me





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New Here ,
Jun 30, 2015 Jun 30, 2015

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you are a star! I played around for ONE WEEK now and you got the solution. Renamin the SLStore did the trick.
Thanks a million!






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New Here ,
Dec 29, 2014 Dec 29, 2014

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I have this same problem on my Mac

Tried all of the above and nothing works. I only use CC for Fireworks and I'm now screwed. Tech support tell me they can't help and send me here.

I now pay monthly to have an icon on my desktop. I want my money back.





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