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Subscription cost increasing AGAIN

Community Beginner ,
Mar 12, 2018 Mar 12, 2018

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I'm going to cancel my subscription too. I'm tired of paying exorbitant fees month after month. $72.99 a month? From $52.99? I don't see inflation at that level.

Creative Cloud




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New Here ,
Mar 13, 2018 Mar 13, 2018

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Absolutely need a plan where 2-4 apps are used for like $20-30 a month. As a small business owner, I can't justify the jump from like 600 dollars to 900 dollars in 2 years. Nothing in the functionality of how I use my programs has fundamentally changed - so I'm paying an increased price for things I already used two years ago.

What's the price increase going to be next year? Or the next year after that? $1200 a year? I've made the decision to jump ship to other graphic design programs which are one time payments of 70 dollars FOREVER. They do exactly the same things as Adobe and actually have different features which Adobe doesn't have. To convince me to go back to Adobe for graphic design programs is going to be extremely difficult.

In terms of video editing and animation programs - Adobe has me in a tight squeeze as there's not much competition. But none-the-less, I refuse to pay for 10+ apps when I only need 2. So, I'll use the inferior, but cheaper, versions of video and animation software. They'll get better over time and stay cheap while Adobe programs will mostly stay the same and only get more expensive as time goes on.

Adobe - I'm out. Good luck in your future endeavours.




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Explorer ,
Mar 16, 2018 Mar 16, 2018

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Completely agree with you Nicka!

While I am sure that the vast majority of applications that Adobe has included in the Creative Cloud subscription are pretty awesome, I have the same issue that you, as well as others have - a small handful of applications are used but full price is being paid. For me, I primarily use Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat. For the numerous years that I have been a subscriber, I can literally count on 2 fingers the number of times I have used Photoshop, and can count on 1 finger the number of times I used Premier. Other than that, I don't need any of the other apps and have been perfectly content with the apps that I use.

Adobe created the Photography plan, and that looks like it's a hell of a deal for individuals who are photographers, but why doesn't Adobe create a similar package for graphic designers? I am not saying that it needs to be similarly priced to the photography package, but something along the lines of 30 bucks a month would be a lot more palatable for the three applications that I use, instead of 53 bucks...for the three applications that I use.

My main point is WHY does Adobe feel the need to have the same "all or nothing" business model that the Cable/Satellite TV industry uses? The amount that I pay in relation to the work that I do is not cost effective, and it might be time to start looking at the many alternatives (i.e., Gimp, Xara, Nitro, etc.)




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 13, 2018 Mar 13, 2018

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Mine is increasing to $52.00 upon my next subscription update. I thought it was priced high to begin with.

Adobe Products have always been way too high in cost and then they wondered why so many pirated their product... It was never a mystery to me.

What I don't understand is why Adobe does not understand, when they charge such high prices, they actually reduce their market, because far more people would use their product, if the prices were not so high. They effectively force many to NOT use Adobe products, because they just cannot afford them.

I call this the ROLEX SYNDROME.  Yes! You get a higher price for your product, but you eliminate far more potential subscribers and thus revenue than you gain by raising the prices.

If the price of the package I am using goes up much higher, I will have to start looking for a Photoshop alternative and yes... there are alternatives.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 13, 2018 Mar 13, 2018

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Is this really only going up for monthly subscription's,  and not going up on annual subscription's?




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Community Expert ,
Mar 15, 2018 Mar 15, 2018

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The increase does not apply to all Creative Cloud plans... It applies to All Apps and Single-App plans (either annual or monthly) – but not to Photography, Education, or Acrobat plans.  It would not go into effect until a subscriber's next renewal date.

As noted above, it's also possible to avoid any price increase entirely.




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New Here ,
Mar 24, 2018 Mar 24, 2018

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Just cancelled my account as monthly fee more than doubled for the student plan I'm on! And to kick you in the balls they want 50% of the balance of the contract term as a 'cancellation fee". Day light robbery!  Is adobe actively trying to make us all pirates?




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Community Expert ,
Mar 25, 2018 Mar 25, 2018

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How has it doubled? Adobe's current Student/Education, Photography and Acrobat plans have no pricing adjustment.

What you may be seeing is because the first year of Student/Teacher in USD is always given at a lower price of $19.99/mo. instead of the regular price of $29.99/mo.

So if you purchased at a discounted promotional price and are coming to the end of your promotional period, your renewal price will now reflect the shift to standard pricing.




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New Here ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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So... my account history clearly shows AU$11.99p/mo from 01Dec2015, which then jumped to AU$18.99 p/mo in 01Jan2016 ( a 58% increase) and now has risen to AU$43.99 p/mo from 01Jan18 ( a 131% increase).

Sorry, unjustifiable in anyone's language and the cancellation fee is simply outrageous.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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You need to contact Adobe. Did you revalidate your academic status with them?

It needs to be done annually before each renewal, to show that you still qualify and are eligible for the student discount.

If not, then your subscription would switch to the non-education (regular) pricing.

It sounds like your membership ended up renewing without the academic discount, meaning there is likely a misunderstanding... because there is absolutely no Adobe CC Student/Teacher offering at that high of a price (A$43.99/mo).

Contact Customer Care




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New Here ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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I have to agree that this is absurd.  Adobe is not giving subscribers equal value for this increase in price (and please do not bother telling me about how the price hasn't increased over the years -- it was already high to begin with.)  Is this how they wish to be viewed: as predatory?

Locking people and their project files into an ecosystem that cannot be used without continuing to pay at the company's current whim.  I use Photoshop and InDesign and am thus forced into getting the All Apps package.  Why is there no a la carte tier for me to pick and choose what I wish at a vastly reduced price from All Apps?

The primary reason I subscribed and upgraded to CC was for the Black Friday special Adobe were running, which lowered the price to a more palpable amount for a smaller user like myself.  It's unfortunate, but I will be looking into alternative solutions because of this price increase.

Thanks for your time.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 28, 2018 Mar 28, 2018

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christophers12937907 wrote:

I use Photoshop and InDesign and am thus forced into getting the All Apps package.  Why is there no a la carte tier for me to pick and choose what I wish at a vastly reduced price from All Apps?

But you're not, and there is.

If you only want 1 or 2 tools, then you can go with Single-App Subscriptions to get them 'à la carte' instead...

Don’t Need Full Cloud? Get Any Single Adobe CC Tool for $9-19 a Month

In your case, for Photoshop (+Lightroom) + InDesign would run around US$30/month, with related services and ongoing product upgrades included.




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Participant ,
Mar 31, 2018 Mar 31, 2018

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And that is too much which is the problem. I don't understand how you're defending Adobe so much. Maybe you should try understanding that not everybody can pay these super-high prices for things *they're not using*. I've likely paid $3000 over the past few years, using only a few of the programs, and other on occasion. And now that I've reduced myself to the Photoshop-only tier, I have plenty of other stuff I can no longer use. RIDICULOUS. This is NOT good value. Adobe does not understand its customers, they're just quietly reeling in the money.




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Contributor ,
Apr 25, 2018 Apr 25, 2018

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I canceled my subscription DEC 2017.... NEVER HAVE LOOKED BACK

Don't be lazy.... there are alternatives.


Affinity (Deign/Photo)

BlackMagic (Resolve/Fusion)


Stop griping and do something about it!!




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New Here ,
Jul 30, 2018 Jul 30, 2018

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Thank you so much for introducing me to Affinity.

I have never went on the monthly service, thus I never left my full paid and owned copy CS6 Master Collection, and have never, ever had a problem, but I was thinking about the future and what issues I might encounter. I just did a little search about Affinity, looked at some videos and bought both Design/Photo on the spot, I might not be using them as much as CS6 for now, but I want to support them as much as possible. There is a lso 30% discount on the programs as I am writing this July 30th 2018. I also bought ON1 Photo Raw for the same reason.

We as a community helped Adobe become what they are. Back in the day we even helping them bring down Quark and dubbed InDesign the Quark Killer, when Quark was doing what Adobe is now by milking us. It looks like collectively, it's time we bring Adobe back down to reality, and perhaps make them humble once again. We are the artists, adobe is just a tool, and there are other tools just like it.

That's my soap Box Speech, do with it as you will.




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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2018 Aug 10, 2018

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Thanks for these suggestions! Just went through my own hell with their so-called customer service, and will NEVER be a customer again, after 15 years..




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New Here ,
Nov 28, 2018 Nov 28, 2018

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Don't attack people just because you don't agree with them. He is just stating his opinion. And listing 3 or 4 programs is just about as lazy FYI. So go back in your glass house and leave the rocks outside.




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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2018 May 09, 2018

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I'm in Australia and the price has gone through the roof  over several years, while Adobe continues to cancel useful programs, eg Edge Animate (which could export to html5 & was extremely creative for web) and now Muse at end of year, the only subscription that I actually have left because some of my clients websites were built with it, I've already cancelled everything else. So there goes the final reason to stay with Adobe. One very upset customer here. (probably thousands across Australia)

For those needing alternatives to Adobe programs :

  • Scribus 1.5.3 (Indesign-like) $0.00 GPL licence
  • G.I.M.P (photoshop-like) $0.00 GPL licence
  • Inkscape (illustrator-like) $0.00 GPL licence
  • MS Expression Design 4 (uncannily illustrator-like) $0.00
  • Pinegrow (Muse-like/dreamweaver-like html5, custom breakpoints etc) licenced $ubs I think
  • Hitfilm Pro (Premier&after effects-like & quite good) One off $ fee
  • CorelDraw (illlustrator-like) $ubs I think.
  • Blender (3D and some compositing) $0.00 GPL licence
  • Nitro-Pro PDF (Acrobat-like) One off fee.

And who remembers QarkXpress? I do 🙂 and it's still around for a one off fee I believe.

Time to let our money do the talking I think.




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New Here ,
May 09, 2018 May 09, 2018

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I'm sure half of your users are freelancers... squeeze companies not the little guys like this... geez!




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 01, 2018 Aug 01, 2018

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And by the way Im no freelancer but im working on it. If money is always your problem then how can you ever be successful? Money is power and its also power that is needed to be given in order to get more  




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 01, 2018 Aug 01, 2018

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You would raise your price a bit to if you was successful.. Am i wrong and if im not wrong then well well you really arent being as successful as you could be in understanding price jumps after dominating every competitor. Lookup to adobe I do as I do any other developer teacher and or creator. Thanks Adobe for making my editing more and more effortless daily  




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New Here ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

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This doesn't help the hobbyist




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 22, 2018 Sep 22, 2018

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Are there any other channels we can file an objection or a review - suddenly raised nearly double from A$54.99 to A$101.19?  It seems a monopoly issue here.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 23, 2018 Sep 23, 2018

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You can post your frustration on any forum you are aware of.

carolinec4818531  wrote

It seems a monopoly issue here.

There are other products out on the market. You just need to choose. A monopoly is, when you do not have a choice. It's not when you absolutely want product A but are unhappy with the pricing.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 05, 2018 Jul 05, 2018

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I am another Adobe customer from 'Down Under' (Australia). I have been legitimately using Adobe products since 1996 which pretty much makes me a veteran user, I imagine, and eligible for shareholder status, given the amount of money spent to purchase and/or hire their software for the past 22 yrs.

In the early days, Adobe had little/or no competition in certain elements of their expertise.

Now I am wondering why the hell I walked away from QuarkXpress—my first major software program.

Today, however, I believe there is a world without Adobe somewhere out there. I just need to spend some proactive and very costly hours looking for alternatives.

Although I have developed excellent skills and the ability to create the best possible printed and non-printed book design imaginable, thanks to Adobe, my skills will become redundant due to the overwhelming culture of GREED, which has developed over the last  22yrs and ultimately my clientele will need to find somewhere else to go, even though I am not ready to voluntarily retire.

You see, with the continued squeeze to drain every possible profit I might make from my meagre one-person studio Adobe will have effectively reduced me to a hobbyist, by the end of 2018, if I don't take immediate action to move away from their products.

Whilst I have been an extremely loyal Adobe customer for 22 yrs, I have to wonder how long one needs to be a customer before recognition sets in and I am rewarded for my loyalty, instead of being penalised.

At AUD73/mth for the privilege of consistently using 4 software programs of their currently available 22 programs, I find their need to increase their wealth on the back of the little guy to be unacceptable.

Here's a link for those interested in Adobe's wealth. You tell me, can they really justify any increase in their subscription plans, or are they simply trying to become the worlds wealthiest company at your expense?

Adobe Delivers Record Revenue of $2 Billion in Q4 | Adobe Newsroom

Please don't get me wrong, I am a self-confessed capitalist, so naturally, I would like to be in a position to make that kind of money.

The difference being, I would want to give back to the little guy who helped get me to the top, not make it damned near impossible for them to survive in return.




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New Here ,
Jul 20, 2018 Jul 20, 2018

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I'm also in shock! There's been huge increase on my annual payment for the whole suite, around 250US$ (more than 300$CAD) while I only use Premiere Pro, Audition and Photoshop (like twice a year). This is outrageous! I'm a freelancer and I need those programs once in a while but this pricing is just ridiculous.

Many of your customers are freelancers and soon you'll see yourself faced with a lot of competition when none of us can afford your softwares. I'm trying to get in touch with customer service but nothing's happening right now. I feel trapped as I need the tools but 937$ CAD is a LOT of money guys...greedy as hell




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