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I had a school account and recently I left that school and they have signed me out of creative cloud but I have my own personal account, and I'm trying to sign back in with that but it won't let me sign in at all. I'll start by opening cc and it's comes up with a loading screen, then goes to "You've been signed out please sign in again to continue using adobe products" I press sign in says loading for 2 seconds then goes back to you've been signed out. I've tried uninstalling it and re installing it doesn't do anything. Anyone had this happen before?
if you had a school or enterprise account you need to remove* that licensing info from your computer in order to sign in with an individual account.
exit the cc desktop app, then:
Go to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access.
In the upper-left corner, under Keychains, select login.
Remove the following entries. (To remove them, right-click and select Delete.)
Adobe User Profile Info
Adobe User OS Info
Keychain Access
Relaunch the Creative Cloud desktop app.
sign in with your current
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contact your plan administrator
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I have tried all of the solutions but nothing is working I can't find what was said for the task master (Im on windows btw)
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who's the administrator of your plan?
you (if you have an individual plan)?
your school or work place (if you have a teams or enterprise plan)?
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