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Post Installation/Deployment Software License Agreement Suppression Acrobat X Pro

New Here ,
Sep 25, 2014 Sep 25, 2014

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I just stated with a new organization and we recently [successfully] deployed Adobe Acrobat X Pro (  However, we're receiving reports (from users and IT staff alike) that when launching the application, it runs for 30 seconds or so, quits then prompts the user to accept the Adobe Software License Agreement before they can actually use the application.  Having just walked into the door, I can't confirm it was packaged with the Customization Wizard, but that is looking less & less likely.

So, having deployed this to about 2000 clients, how can we go about suppressing (read: accepting) this Acrobat Software License Agreement at an enterprise level?  (We'll figure out how, I just want to know what setting needs to be in place to eliminate this prompt.)


In the past (e.g.: Acrobat 7, 8 & I think 9) we were able to suppress this via a registry like:

  • reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\VERSION\AdobeViewer" /v Registered /t REG_DWORD /d 00000002 /f >>!_BatchLog! 2>>&1
  • reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\VERSION\AdobeViewer" /v EULA /t reg_dword /d 00000001 /f >>!_BatchLog! 2>>&1
  • reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\VERSION\AdobeViewer" /v EULA /t reg_dword /d 00000001 /f >>!_BatchLog! 2>>&1

But I believe either in 9 or X (10.x) EULA changed to EULAAcceptedForBrowser and with this being a 64-bit version of Windows 7, I figured it would be in one of a few places:

  1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0
  3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0

I'm seeing EULAAcceptedForBrowser in the AdobeViewer key in locations 1 & 3 above so I exported both AdobeViewer keys & imported it elsewhere, but its still prompting.

So, on a whim, I added the three bulleted keys above and when launched, it worked fine.  Yay!

After about 30 seconds or so, it behaves exactly as I described above: The application launches, you can work in it, but after at most 30 seconds, the application closes and launches the licensing agreement (PDApp.exe) again.  What.  The.  Heck.

So, experts out there, what are we missing?  How can we get this resolved without doing in place reinstalls or uninstalling/installing?  We have to keep user interruption and fatigue to a minimum, and another 'deployment' is just not an option.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Deleted User
Sep 26, 2014 Sep 26, 2014

There are two other ways that you can attempt to do this.

1.  Use the EULA_ACCEPT property at install time: 


Installation    9.0 & later    EULA_ACCEPT    YES prevents the EULA from appearing the first time the viewer is invoked. For 10.1.4, see the release notes.

2.  Use APTEE after installation for the applications already installed

4   Installation Workflows — Enterprise Administration Guide

adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Excepti




Adobe Employee ,
Sep 25, 2014 Sep 25, 2014

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The reg prefs haven't changed over time and are documented correctly in the Pref Ref.

If you don't see any mismatch wit the doc, export your registry and paste it here.






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New Here ,
Oct 10, 2014 Oct 10, 2014

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Thanks for the reply brogers_1.

That page will no doubt serve others who stumble across this page.

Now, for the record, if one searches for "EULA" on the page you linked, it will take them to AdobeViewer (PDF Viewer Settings) page here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/PrefRef/Windows/AdobeViewer.html?zoom_highlight=EU...

And that confirms that Acrobat uses 'EULAAcceptedForBrowser'.  Although the path isn't specified there, its presumably:

  1. On a 64-bit machine:
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer
    2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer
  2. On a 32-bit machine:
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer
    2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer

Since this is a 64-bit machine, here's an export of the former registry location:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer]



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer]



Despite having set that, when I launch Acrobat, I get the Software License Agreement screen.

To be sure I even went as far as adding the above settings to the 32-bit location, but the problem persists.

So, if I'm missing something, kindly point it out!





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Sep 26, 2014 Sep 26, 2014

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There are two other ways that you can attempt to do this.

1.  Use the EULA_ACCEPT property at install time: 


Installation    9.0 & later    EULA_ACCEPT    YES prevents the EULA from appearing the first time the viewer is invoked. For 10.1.4, see the release notes.

2.  Use APTEE after installation for the applications already installed

4   Installation Workflows — Enterprise Administration Guide

adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --accept --serial=<serialNum> --responsecode=responseCode --leid=DriverLEID





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New Here ,
Oct 10, 2014 Oct 10, 2014

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Thanks for the reply Sabian Zildjian.

While the information you shared will likely prove helpful to others who find this post, it doesn't quite fit the bill.

  1. Item one in your reply isn't an option because the application is already installed & deployed.  This requires repackaging Acrobat (and correctly I might add!) then re-deploying it.  That's not something we're willing to do at the moment.
  2. Item two would be nice to use except (from the page itself): "The Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition is a command-line tool that helps you track and manage serialization of Adobe®Creative Suite® products that you have deployed using the Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition."  Well, (a) this isn't CS5/5.5/6 or part of a CS bundle and (b) it wasn't deployed (or packaged) using AMEE.  The command line utility requires the application LEID which can be found here (http://www.adobe.com/go/aptee_leid), and again, its for CS products; there's nothing there for Acrobat.

Again, good information here, but unless I'm missing something, this isn't going to work for the current situation.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 10, 2014 Oct 10, 2014

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See if this helps:

  • There is no EULA setting in HKLM for any product.
  • Acrobat uses HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\<version>\AdobeViewer\EULAAcceptedForBrowser. Acrobat is a 32 bit app. This is the path I use on my 64-bit machine.
  • APTEE can be run on non-CS products. See the Admin Guide.






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New Here ,
Oct 13, 2014 Oct 13, 2014

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Thanks again for the reply brogers_1 and many many thanks for the clarification!

To clarify, as I was not clear my last post: 'EULAAcceptedForBrowser' is in both the 32-bit and 64-bit (just to be sure) HKCU registry locations, yet I'm still prompted.  Is this normal/expected behavior?

As for APTEE,  I must be missing something critical.  Maybe someone can help point that out?

There are two different versions of command line utility: one for CS5.5 and another for CS6.

What 'family' does Acrobat X Pro fall under: CS5/5.5 or CS6?

I'm using the LEID's from here http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AdminGuide/identify.html and here http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/packager/creative-cloud-licensing-identifiers.html.

Are those the correct LEID's for Acrobat X Pro?

I'm using the commands for adobe_prtk in the Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition Tech Note for

The CS5 version doesn't have an option to suppress the EULA so I tried `adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --serialize=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --serial=super-long-serial-number` and that succeeded (return code 0) but I'm still prompted to accept the Adobe Software License Agreement.  I don't see anything else in the documentation that suggests an EULA option for CS5/5.5.

The CS6 version just isn't working:

  • I tried `adobe_prtk --tool=EULA --leid=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --eulasuppress` with and without `--locale=en_US` and that returns error code 6.
  • I tried `adobe_prtk --tool=EULA --leid=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --eulasuppress --locale=en_US` but that gives me code 25.
  • I tried `adobe_prtk --tool=EULA --leid=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --eulasuppress` but that gives me code 1.
  • I tried serializing a package while suppressing registration, but that returns error 14.
  • I tried serializing a package when a user is offline, and while I had no issue generating the request code and feeding the response code back to the prtk, the return code was 0 but I still get the prompt.
  • I tried serializing a package for enterprise users, and while I had no issues generating the prov.xml, when I tried to volume serialize the package, that returned error code 25.
  • I tried suppressing registration for serialized products but got error core 25 again.

What am I doing wrong?





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 13, 2014 Oct 13, 2014

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Better start at the beginning. What kind of license do you have?

  • Volume?
  • Standalone or bundled with CS?






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New Here ,
Oct 14, 2014 Oct 14, 2014

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This is a volume license; has been deployed to the entire organization (about 2000 seats).





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 14, 2014 Oct 14, 2014

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  • Standalone or bundled with CS?





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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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Check the values here:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\<version>\AdobeViewer\EULAAcceptedForBrowser

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\<version>\AdobeViewer\bLaunched

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\<version>\AVPrivate\bshowEULA

Should be 1, 1, 0.

Set them if not right and report back.






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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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Thanks for this Ben.

I've never seen bshowEULA in the AVPrivate key before.

I imported the registry file:

     Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

     [HKEU_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer]

     [HKEU_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AVPrivate]

But the behavior is the same:

  1. Acrobat launches without asking for the EULA
  2. I can navigate menus, go into opens, try to open or create a PDF
  3. After a handful of seconds ranging anywhere from 5-15, Acrobat closes and EULA prompt (pdapp.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\Core) appears

I tried being clever & renamed the exe to something else but instead of the EULA prompt I get the following popup:

     [Title]Acrobat X Pro

    Adobe Application Manager, required to run your product, is missing or damaged.
    Please download a new copy of Adobe Application Manager from http://www.adobe.com/go/applicationmanager.
                                                          [OK Button]

And when I acknowledge the dialog, it and Acrobat close.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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Well at least we're gradually narrowing this down. Before you try the steps below, take a look at existing blogs/threads on a similar issue and see if they are related: Adobe Acrobat asking to accept EULA after updating 10.1.0 | InterWorks, Inc.


Your statement that "The CS5 version doesn't have an option to suppress the EULA" is incorrect though. See http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/creativesuite/pdfs/Adobe_Provisioning_Toolkit...

However, the cmd line you used is right:

adobe_prtk --tool=EULA --leid=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --eulasuppress

Retry with the right aptee version.

I'm guessing it won't work. If so, do this:

  1. See HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\{application}\{version}\Installer\
  2. Then go here: 21   Identifying Existing Installs — Enterprise Administration Guide
  3. Verify you see the right GUID.

If that info is correct, which I bet it is, install the product on a clean machine yourself. You don't need APTEE. . . . just use the Wizard and bootstrapper. It should succeed. If it doesn't, possibly you don't have the license you think you have. If it does, perhaps your predecessor serialized or installed incorrectly. What was the install method? Imaged OS, aip, boostrapper, other ????

If you think the base install is ok, then update to the latest version of 10.x and see if the problem goes away.







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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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I also found an odd bug where for some users on 10x see the EULA after the product has been installed for 36 hours. It would be interesting to see if updating several of your users to the latest version resolves the problem.





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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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For what its worth I spent quite a bit researching & testing before I came here.  I'm not an expert that knows everything about everything, but I'm pretty good at what I do and I dig deep.  At the moment I'm three-quarters the way to China on this one.  About two weeks ago I ran Process Monitor and I noticed that several files and registry keys get created/updated when you accept the EULA.  I recorded all those registry updates and imported them elsewhere but that didn't help which leaves me to believe one or more of those files is key.  I haven't explored whether or not it would be possible to copy the files from machine to machine, as I'm concerned there may be some sort of machine specific token that'll trigger the EULA prompt again because something in that file doesn't match some other generated value, but that's the absolute last step.  Unfortunately I've spent a tremendous amount of time on this and have bigger fish to fry at the moment so I'm not sure when I can get to it.

I don't have everything but I'm late for an engagement so I'll give you what I have:

  1. I remember that issue - what a mess!  The page says Edit > General but I assume they meant Edit > Preferences > General;  In the General section, 'Enable Protected Mode at startup' doesn't exist.
  2. That command is exclusively for version 6 of the prtk.
  3. Syntax For Creative Suite 5.5 and Creative Suite 5 begins at the bottom of page 7.  In that section, there's nothing for the EULA.  There are plenty of references for EULA in the document, but only in the CS6 sections.
  4. I tried both versions of the prtk.  The 5/5.5 version when run alone prints a usage screen and there are no options for the EULA there.  Version 6 on the other hand does.
  5. All the GUIDs are the same (   {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005}   ) and that matches up with the example on the page.
  6. Will shoot for client re-install later as I'm walking out the door.
  7. This is version 10.1.11 so I'll try 10.1.12 tomorrow but I'm not hopeful.

Again, I'm just walking into this place and from what I've seen, I do not believe Acrobat was packaged with the Customization Wizard.  I know that I can re-package it with the EULA suppressed and even add the property at run-time to be sure (unnecessary though) and re-deploy.  But that's the problem: we cannot re-deploy!

I opened a case with Adobe and had one of their guys jump in.  He added bshowEULA to the Original key in the same path above - something I had not ever seen either - and that produced the same results I mentioned before: Opens fine, closes, EULA prompt.  He then went for CS6 version of the prtk and when that wasn't working, got the CS5/5.5 version and tried to execute the same commands for version 6, which naturally failed.  I sat back and watched for more than an hour and 15 minutes as he went through the same process I did; God bless this man.  He was sort of at a loss at the end of our call.  I asked him to go back to the Adobe guys to get their take on what he was seeing.

To me, this is either an Adobe problem (issue with prtk or Acrobat 10 or something else) or an impossible-to-fix situation.  (Or it can be fixed but they'll never tell me/us how.)

Everyone's help has been appreciated and I'm open to other potential tests.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2014 Oct 15, 2014

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Yes, like I said earlier: I believe the reg pref and aptee solutions won't work for you as I believe you've done everything right. Since very few admins have ever seen this issue, there is either a bug or a bad install.

After you've checked that the "CR" filename and 36 hour bug issue is not in play, then my earlier question becomes more important:

  • "perhaps your predecessor serialized or installed incorrectly. What was the install method? Imaged OS, aip, boostrapper, other ????"
  • You also haven't stated whether you've simply tried this on a new and clean machine.






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New Here ,
Oct 17, 2014 Oct 17, 2014

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This is truly bonkers.

Here is what seems to be happening:

  1. Upon Launching Acrobat, it works for a handful of seconds
  2. Then one of the following happens:
    • Acrobat does some sort of check which then triggers a call to PDApp.exe ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\PDapp.exe") and Acrobat is terminated; OR
    • Something else triggers PDApp.exe which forces Acrobat to quit
  3. The command line parameters/arguments for PDApp.exe: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\PDApp.exe" --appletID=LWA_UI --appletVersion=1.0 --workflow=Provisioning_{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005} --locale=en_US --mtlibXMLFile="C:\Users\myuser~1\AppData\Local\Temp\oobelib_a03376"

Surely with all this information, there must be some sort of audit trail of what's happening; some sort of validation that's failing or not taking place.  In my free time (hah!) I'll whip out process explorer & process monitor to see exactly whats happening during that period.

I imaged 4 machines today and accepted the EULA only on one of them.  I'll see what they look like on Monday.

Ah yes the old CR bug.  Good one!  I had no issues opening a PDF called "CRunchy.pdf" on the one machine I accepted the EULA.  I tried the same PDF on one of the other machines where I'm still getting the prompt and it opens without issue then terminates.

As for your other questions:

  • That may very well be the case.  I only found one installer which is a simple batch file that calls Setup.exe followed by msiexec.exe /update AcrobatUpd1010.msp /qb.  (that's it literally) Acrobat *IS* in the gold image so it was installed on the reference machine, then sysprepped & captured.
  • I have not yet tried running the same setup on a vanilla non-customized machine.  I want to get there, but time is not on my side as we're in the midst of a deployment/rollout.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 17, 2014 Oct 17, 2014

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I still don't understand the existing deployment details. In case this is relevant: 4   Installation Workflows — Enterprise Administration Guide (imaged OS constraints).

Anyway, without a test on a clean machine you're probably spinning your wheels. The original deployment method was likely flawed.







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New Here ,
Oct 17, 2014 Oct 17, 2014

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Thanks again Ben for the reply!  I don't care what those other people say about you, you're alright in my book.  (Just kidding!  Obviously no one's saying anything about you, but you are alright in my book!  Thanks for hanging in there.)

I won't be able to do an install on a clean machine for a while, but from what I've seen, I'm not hopeful the problem won't exist there.  But I will try when I can come up for air.

Sorry about the sparse details above on how this was 'distributed'.  Was rushing out the door and just spewed out some babble.  The reference machine was built as follows:

  1. Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit installed & patched
  2. Office 2010 installed & patched
  3. Various applications installed, including Acrobat.
      How was Acrobat installed?  A simple batch file with 2 lines:
      1. \\path\to\Adobe\Acrobat Pro X\setup.exe
      2. msiexec /update "\\path\to\Adobe\Acrobat Pro X\AcrobatUpd1010.msp" /qb
      Very straight forward with zero customizations.

From there, sysprep the machine & capture a WIM.  So Acrobat Pro X is baked into the gold image.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the creation of prov.xml was not done prior to sysprep.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I generated the prov.xml on the 13th (see above) but only using the CS6 version of the adobe_prtk, which is the only version that supports the commands from the link you sent:

adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial= --leid= [--regsuppress=ss] [--eulasuppress] [--locales=limited list of locales in xx_XX format or ALL>] [--provfilepath=]

So this is what happens when runing the above with the CS5/5.5 version of the adobe_prtk.exe:

C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition>adobe_prtk.exe --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial=uuuu-vvvv-wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz --leid=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --regsuppress=ss --eulasuppress --locales=ALL --provfilepath=C:\windows\prov.xml

        Copyright 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated
        All rights reserved.
        adobe_prtk --tool=MakeReplacementSN --old=oldSN --new=newSN
        Returns a pseudo serial number
        Pseudo SN can be used with the ReplaceSN tool to replace an existing serial number with this new serial number.

        adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --serialize=LEID --serial=SN
        This is to apply a serial number to the specified product.
        LEID is the licensing identifier, SN is the serial number.
        adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --reserialize=LEID --replacement=PseudoSN
        This is to replace serial information of an existing serialized product with new serial information contained in the specified pseudoSerial.
        adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --unserialize=LEID [ --locale=locale ]
        This is to remove all existing non-trial serializations applied to the product with the given LEID.
        Specifying the --locale argument removes serialization for that specific locale.

Return Code = 1

We know that doesn't work.

So now the same with the CS6 version of the prtk:

C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition CS6>adobe_prtk.exe --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial=uuuu-vvvv-wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz --leid=AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM --regsuppress=ss --eulasuppress --locales=ALL

        Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
        All rights reserved.
Return Code = 0

As expected, the prov.xml is created in the same directory as the utility.

So now its time to create a permanent activation exception for Acrobat on the machines:

C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition CS6>adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\prov.xml" --stream

        Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
        All rights reserved.
Return Code = 25

C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition CS6>adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --stream

        Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
        All rights reserved.
Return Code = 25

According to this document that means "If no product is installed on the target machine or enigma data of serial number could not be decoded".

To me, its clearly a case of using the wrong version of adobe_prtk.exe.  But as we can see from the CS5 version of the utility itself (above) and the CS5 documentation, no such commands exist to generate the prov.xml and volume serialize:


Syntax For Creative Suite 5.5 and Creative Suite 5

    adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --serialize=LEID --serial=SN
    adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --unserialize=LEID [--locale=locale]
    adobe_prtk --tool=ReplaceSN --reserialize=LEID --replacement=pseudoSN
    adobe_prtk --tool=MakeReplacementSN --old=oldSN --new=newSN

Log details for CS5:

2014-10-17 21:51:54 [3740]  Adobe PRTK: __OOBELIB_LOG_FILE__
2014-10-17 21:51:54 [3740]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool START ***
2014-10-17 21:51:54 [3740]  Adobe PRTK: Adobe PRTK tool VolumeSerialize invoked
2014-10-17 21:51:54 [3740]  Adobe PRTK: Unsupported tool name specified through tool command-line argument
2014-10-17 21:51:54 [3740]  Adobe PRTK: Return code 1
2014-10-17 21:51:54 [3740]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool END ***

Log details for CS6:

2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  PCDService: PCD Service in non-threaded mode
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OPMWrapper: Failed in getting value for key in OPMGetValueForKey
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: Failed to get Proxy username in OPM DB
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll, trying again
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll, trying again with axlib in ACF
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll from ACF
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: Received Params for Online Validation : Driver : AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM, Caller : 3
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: received LEID : AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: Supported Locales : ALL
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: OOBELib ValidateSerialOnline
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: Validate using Driver LEID : AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM, App LEID : , SN : 970786721452622579289964
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: Failed to get system default proxy in setProxyCredentialsForIALSession
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: Failed to set proxy credentials for IAL session while validating serial number
2014-10-17 21:25:57 [18712]  OOBELib: HTTPCommunicationAgent::processMessage is https://lm.licenses.adobe.com/aes/aes/v1/serialInfo (extURL=)
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: HTTP Request Status code 200.
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: HTTPCommunicationAgent- Return Code:[0] response size-[3024] time taken-[1112.32]ms.
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: Validate Serial status-[0] took-[1122.04]ms.
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: OOBELib No associated locales returned by IAL
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: checking LEID AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: LEID : AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM qualifies for install
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: IAL Serial Number Attributes LOCALE:ALL OEMID:1 OEMREL:1 PRODATTR:8193 PRODPLAT:2
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: SN validated for AAMEE mode
2014-10-17 21:25:58 [18712]  OOBELib: OOBELib stat = 0
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  Adobe PRTK: Successfully validated serial number
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  OOBELib: OOBELibImpl::CommitPCD STARTED
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition\adobe_upgrade.dll
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  ServiceLoader: Failed to find adobe_upgrade.dll
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  ServiceLoader: Symbol AULOpenSession can't be found in library adobe_upgrade.dll because the library has not been added to the loader
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  OOBELib: OOBELib CommitPCD : Using backed-up Enigma data
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  PCDService: Failed to get enigma data from hive : 769
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  PCDService: Failed to read value for key [LeidLocaleForSNValidation] in hive [970786721452622579289964{|}BACKUP] from cache : 769
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  PCDService: Failed to remove key [VPASS] in hive [970786721452622579289964]from cache : 769
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  ServiceLoader: Symbol AULCloseSession can't be found in library adobe_upgrade.dll because the library has not been added to the loader
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  OOBELib: OOBELibImpl::CommitPCD ENDED
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  OOBELib: Closing AdobeIALClient 1.0 Release (build session.
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  OOBELib: *************OOBELib Session Ends*************
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  Adobe PRTK: Return code 0
2014-10-17 21:25:59 [18712]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool END ***
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool START ***
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: Adobe PRTK tool VolumeSerialize invoked
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: File for Exception C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\prov.xml
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: *************OOBELib Session Starts*************
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: Version,6.2

2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  PCDService: PCD Service in non-threaded mode
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OPMWrapper: Failed in getting value for key in OPMGetValueForKey
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: Failed to get Proxy username in OPM DB
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll, trying again
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll, trying again with axlib in ACF
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll from ACF
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: OOBELib LoadActivationGrace Started.
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  SLCoreService: Starting up SLCore 2.0 Release (build
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  SLCoreService: Service construction took 0.0 ms and succeed.
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  PCDService: Failed to read value for key [PayloadCode] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] from master : 5
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: Product locale combination not installed on the machine. Cannot load the activation grace
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  SLCoreService: Shutting down SLCore 2.0 Release (build
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  SLCoreService: Service destruction took 0.0 ms and succeed.
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: Cannot load the license for a product that is not installed in the specifc locale
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: OOBELibImpl::CommitPCD STARTED
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition\adobe_upgrade.dll
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  ServiceLoader: Failed to find adobe_upgrade.dll
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  ServiceLoader: Symbol AULOpenSession can't be found in library adobe_upgrade.dll because the library has not been added to the loader
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: SN not validated in this session
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: No SN to be remembered
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: User hasn't registered
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  ServiceLoader: Symbol AULCloseSession can't be found in library adobe_upgrade.dll because the library has not been added to the loader
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: OOBELibImpl::CommitPCD ENDED
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  OOBELib: *************OOBELib Session Ends*************
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  ServiceLoader: using logging service now
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  PCDService: PCD Service in non-threaded mode
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: Checking if the product is installed
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  PCDService: Failed to read value for key [PayloadCode] in hive [ ] from master : 5
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: Unable to locate adobecode for  , treating as not installed
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: Product is not installed on the machine
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: Return code 25
2014-10-17 21:31:12 [13788]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool END ***
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool START ***
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: Adobe PRTK tool VolumeSerialize invoked
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: No file specified for offline exception, trying default
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: No file specified, falling back to default .\prov.xml
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: *************OOBELib Session Starts*************
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: Version,6.2

2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  PCDService: PCD Service in non-threaded mode
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OPMWrapper: Failed in getting value for key in OPMGetValueForKey
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: Failed to get Proxy username in OPM DB
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll, trying again
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll, trying again with axlib in ACF
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  AXFBLicensing: Failed to load axlib.dll from ACF
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: OOBELib LoadActivationGrace Started.
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  SLCoreService: Starting up SLCore 2.0 Release (build
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  SLCoreService: Service construction took 0.0 ms and succeed.
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  PCDService: Failed to read value for key [PayloadCode] in hive [AcrobatPro-AS1-Win-GM] from master : 5
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: Product locale combination not installed on the machine. Cannot load the activation grace
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  SLCoreService: Shutting down SLCore 2.0 Release (build
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  SLCoreService: Service destruction took 0.0 ms and succeed.
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: Cannot load the license for a product that is not installed in the specifc locale
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: OOBELibImpl::CommitPCD STARTED
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  ServiceLoader: looking for library C:\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition\adobe_upgrade.dll
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  ServiceLoader: Failed to find adobe_upgrade.dll
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  ServiceLoader: Symbol AULOpenSession can't be found in library adobe_upgrade.dll because the library has not been added to the loader
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: SN not validated in this session
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: No SN to be remembered
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: User hasn't registered
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  ServiceLoader: Symbol AULCloseSession can't be found in library adobe_upgrade.dll because the library has not been added to the loader
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: OOBELibImpl::CommitPCD ENDED
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  OOBELib: *************OOBELib Session Ends*************
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  ServiceLoader: using logging service now
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  PCDService: PCD Service in non-threaded mode
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: Checking if the product is installed
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  PCDService: Failed to read value for key [PayloadCode] in hive [ ] from master : 5
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: Unable to locate adobecode for  , treating as not installed
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: Product is not installed on the machine
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: Return code 25
2014-10-17 21:32:46 [10348]  Adobe PRTK: *** Adobe PRTK tool END ***





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 20, 2014 Oct 20, 2014

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It seems like your trying to hack a broken install to avoid redeploying. Again without a test on a clean machine we can't know anything. The instructions work for the general population. So:

  • We resolved the registry pref eula setting confusion, so it's not that.
  • Use the right aptee tool for your product.
  • The logs above suggest the problem is serialization-related rather than EULA-related
  • Follow the instructions at 4   Installation Workflows — Enterprise Administration Guide. If you're imaging an OS, you have to follow the licensing instructions or you're dead in the water.
  • Test on a clean machine and post back.





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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