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I've been working with a translator to have a chapter in a manual translated. The translator said that he could handle FrameMaker files (we usually copied and pasted into Word), so I sent him both an FM and a MIF file of the chapter. For some reason, FrameMaker 2017 wouldn't open the FM file that he returned to me, so I opened the MIF file that he sent, saved that to a FM file, and placed that into the book.
I tried doing a Save As to get a PDF of the book three times. Each time, FrameMaker was busy as though it were printing a PDF, but the little Adobe Distiller menu never appeared, and the PDF never printed. The first few attempts, I closed FrameMaker after 45 minutes of waiting (the document has taken no more than 12 or 15 minutes in the past). Last night, I left FrameMaker running when I left, and it was still running when I returned this morning.
I tried to do some troubleshooting. When I went to print a different chapter, one that I created (this one has no links or images), a dialog box that I have never seen appeared.
Any ideas as to why this appeared when I was trying to convert a chapter that I created and that no one else has touched?
I think it's this issue:
How to disable the security warning dialog before postscript to PDF file conversion.
Solution within worked for me.
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I also get this message since yesterday (I think). I usually create my PDFs via Distiller and not via the new FrameMaker PDF creation.
However, I have FM 2019. Therefore I think this is not from FM, but from Acrobat.
I guess that this is just a new Security layer. It does not name the PS file though.
When your PDF creation process fails, I would check these issues:
Is your Acrobat version up-to-date? There was an issue some weeks ago.
In FrameMaker set Acrobat PDF as your printer. Print to a PostScript file (activate Generate Acrobat Data) and then distill this PS file to PDF. Are there any messages? Possibly they list any page numbers where there are issues.
Best regards
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I've done more testing. What I have determined is that there is a pretty long delay that takes place between my hitting the Save button and the Confirm Security dialog box appearing.
I tried Save As with some chapters from the same manual. With a single page chapter that only has text, the delay is about 10 minutes. With a single page chapter that has a single JPG, it took about 20 minutes.
Then I tried a Save As with a separate book file. The delay took about 30 minutes, and then the Distiller dialog box appeared, and the PDF started generating. It took nearly 50 minutes to generate a PDF that took me perhaps 12 or 15 minutes last week.
My colleague had the Confirm Security dialog box appear with small book file of his, but there was basically no delay, and the PDF generated in a few minutes.
I updated Acrobat perhaps a week ago. I am going to try installing an earlier version, if Adobe permits me to do that.
I'll have a look. Thank you.
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Yes, the delay and the lack of feedback using Save as PDF is why I go the Print route when using Fm 2017 and earlier.
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I tried that while I was in a meeting. After an hour and fifteen minutes, it was still printing, so I canceled it. After talking with another colleague of mine who has been seeing the same dialog box, I checked My Documents on my PC. The manual was there, half completed...and named with the name of a PDF that I downloaded from the Internet and saved on 08 January 2019. Something is definitely not right.
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Hi Gregory,
Yes. I also encountered this issue twice. FrameMaker created a PDF with a file name of another file or something which I had copied into the clipboard. Very strange. I cannot reproduce this issue.
However, when I Save As PDF or print to a PostScript file, this is much faster! Just yesterday a 2400 pages document with about 1000 JPG pictures in about 5 minutes.
Are your files on a network or on your local file system? If network, is the PDF creation faster on a local drive?
What happens, when you print to a PostScript file and distill this? (See my questions above.)
Are all your applications (FrameMaker, Acrobat) up-to-date?
Best regards
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Copied wrote
Hi Gregory,
Yes. I also encountered this issue twice. FrameMaker created a PDF with a file name of another file or something which I had copied into the clipboard. Very strange. I cannot reproduce this issue.
However, when I Save As PDF or print to a PostScript file, this is much faster! Just yesterday a 2400 pages document with about 1000 JPG pictures in about 5 minutes.
Are your files on a network or on your local file system? If network, is the PDF creation faster on a local drive?
What happens, when you print to a PostScript file and distill this? (See my questions above.)
Are all your applications (FrameMaker, Acrobat) up-to-date?
Best regards
Both Acrobat and FrameMaker were / are the latest versions.
They're stored on a network. When I tested last week, though, I was having the same problem when I tried using some files stored locally.
I have not yet tried printing to a PostScript file. I will when I have the chance.
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I wrote up a PDF Tips and Tricks to help myself get through the things you are running into. See if these clear up your problem.
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I started getting this dialog about a week and a half ago, after an Acrobat update was pushed out. I didn't find a solution, and just put up with it. I didn't notice any long delays when producing PDFs, from Frame (FM12) -- just had to click Yes on the dialog to proceed.
A couple of days later, another Acrobat update happened, and I noticed a new option in the Distiller Preferences: "Security - Trust all files opened via Acrobat Distiller". It was selected by default, and I found I could once again run PDFs without that dialog. I concluded that the first Acrobat update produced an issue that was quickly fixed with another update, which provides the new Prefs option.
So do check to be sure you have the latest Acrobat and Distiller versions. I have Distiller DC, Professional Version 15.6.30495325587. Acrobat Pro DC itself is 2015 Release (Classic) Version 2015.006.30495.
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Hi Ross,
Thank you very much! I had not checked, whether there is also an option to omit this dialog.
Very helpful!
Best regards
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I think it's this issue:
How to disable the security warning dialog before postscript to PDF file conversion.
Solution within worked for me.
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jaggedpeak wrote
I think it's this issue:
How to disable the security warning dialog before postscript to PDF file conversion.
Solution within worked for me.
I followed the advice in that blog post, and I did not have the Confirm Security dialog box appear when I tested it by printing a small file. That part of problem appears to be solved. Thank you.
However, the book files are still taking forever to print. I started one at 10:23 a.m. Central, and FrameMaker is still processing at 1:52 p.m. I've printed this book before a month ago in less than 20 minutes.
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Final update:
I had two unrelated issues that were causing the problem.
The first issue was the one that jaggedpeak​ solved.
The second issue was only tangentially related: my antivirus software was in conflict with another piece of software, which caused my PC to use so much processing power that FrameMaker was unable to start printing the PDF. A coworker identified that and shut down the other piece of software, which allowed FrameMaker to start printing the PDF.
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The security dialog was showing in the below versions of Acrobat.
Acrobat DC Continuous 19.010.20099
Acrobat Classic 2015 15.006.30493
Acrobat Classic 2017 17.011.30138
These are disabled in a minor update of Acrobat now. The fixed versions are as below:-
Acrobat DC Continuous 19.010.20100
Acrobat Classic 2015 15.006.30495
Acrobat Classic 2017 17.011.30140
Please update Acrobat to disable this dialog.
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even with the latest version you mentioned, i still see these security warnings.
Thanks to those who provided the solutions.
However, Acrobat is also assigning random names to my files,
Can this be solved?
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I did a clean install after removing \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe.
I installed latest Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 32 bit (version 2021.011.20039). I do not see this dialog box suppressed. "Trust All Files Opened Via Acrobat Distiller" is still unchecked.
I had never installed this patch Acrobat DC Continuous 19.010.20100. As per comment of Deep Roy on April 26, 2019, it was fixed with that patch.
If it was fixed, then was it discontinued later? Why do we not see the dialog box suppressed with latest Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 32 and 64 bit?
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@Satyabrata224956842hny I think you'd probably need to ask this over in the Acrobat forum.
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I was out on Thursday and Friday, so I haven't had a chance to try any of the proposed solutions. I will do that later this morning.