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What is com.adobe.dunamis?

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Sep 11, 2021 Sep 11, 2021

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I was combing through the Library files of my Mac to fully dis install a few apps I had previously downloaded. I found a file called com.adobe.dunamis in the Application Support file.


Does anyone know what the file is? I assume it's something to do with the broader creative cloud manager but I am not sure.








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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Aug 19, 2022 Aug 19, 2022

Hi @Fabian23632324ximd,


We are sorry for the trouble. I checked with the product team, and as per them, it is expected behaviour if the file does not exceed 100MB and the whole folder does not exceed 1GB.


For further concerns, I would recommend you to Upvote this  UserVoice and add your comments there.


However, if you don't see the expected behaviour as I mentioned above, then please share the screenshot of the size of the folders and upload them to Creative Cloud/ DropBox/ Google Drive or




Community Beginner ,
Mar 15, 2022 Mar 15, 2022

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So a month later, is your Adobe installs still doing fine?  No repeat of the Millions of folders issue?  

We need to update our versions due to vulnerabilities, and wondering if it will bring back the Millions of  Folders attack.





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Mar 24, 2022 Mar 24, 2022

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All still good. Just confirmed there are a total of 24 folder across the 5 directories (one GUID based directory for each application that use what I assume is a com object by this name).

I will also note that this has survied updates to Illustrator and AfterEffects since (and maybe others as well).






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Mar 24, 2022 Mar 24, 2022

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I also noticed FWIW, the reason I did not have this issue on my laptop is that it did not have this User group, probably becuase it is running "Home" vs. "Pro for Workstations".  





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Mar 31, 2022 Mar 31, 2022

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Anyone know what the fastest way is to delete all this stuff? I'm at 28,800,000 folders and it's crashing all my backup software.

  • Shift+Delete doesn't get anywhere. Doesn't even recognize that there's more than one directory in there.
  • del /q/s/f *.* > NUL​ doesn't seem to ever get started
  • robocopy empty_dir v1 /mir /r:0 /w:0 /e starts, but it takes several hours to get rid of even 100,000 files.






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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 11, 2022 Apr 11, 2022

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Hi @Nick Ha @K. Flory @itsmarkk @morganm92087138,


We are sorry for the trouble caused by this issue. This issue has been fixed in v26.1. Also, recently we released v26.2.1. Please update Illustrator if not done already and let us know how it goes.


If you are still facing this issue on v26.2.1 as well, I will request you to share a few details:

  • A small video recording of logs getting generated would be really helpful.

  • Operating system and its build no.
  • Share the generated logs files. You may compress the logs in a zip file and upload it to Google Drive, Onedrive, or any similar service and share the download link here.


I will be looking forward to your responses.



Anshul Saini






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2022 Aug 22, 2022

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@Anshul_Saini, here's something interesting in the log files in %temp%\Adobe\com.adobe.dunamis named dunamis-*.log:

2022-08-22T06:27:06.202770Z: t=6644: error: fs: Deleting C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\anon_events recursively failed with error: boost::filesystem::remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\anon_events\manifest" (dunamis::Filesystem::removeAll.filesystem.cpp.101)
2022-08-22T06:27:06.219190Z: t=6644: error: fs: Deleting C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\anon_invalid_events recursively failed with error: boost::filesystem::remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\anon_invalid_events\manifest" (dunamis::Filesystem::removeAll.filesystem.cpp.101)
2022-08-22T06:27:06.235870Z: t=6644: error: fs: Deleting C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\auth_events recursively failed with error: boost::filesystem::remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\auth_events\manifest" (dunamis::Filesystem::removeAll.filesystem.cpp.101)
2022-08-22T06:27:06.251233Z: t=6644: error: fs: Deleting C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\auth_invalid_events recursively failed with error: boost::filesystem::remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:\Users\kkm\AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.dunamis\aad48341-26c0-47e0-b842-ed371541ac18\v1\0\auth_invalid_events\manifest" (dunamis::Filesystem::removeAll.filesystem.cpp.101)

I hear the official response "this directory grows large by design," but I don't buy it, sorry. Every time the error  is logged, the UUID-named directory remains undeleted forever.


We're sorry for the trouble caused by this finding.


Hi @Nick Ha @K. Flory @itsmarkk @morganm92087138,


We are sorry for the trouble caused by this issue. This issue has been fixed in v26.1. Also, recently we released v26.2.1. Please update Illustrator if not done already and let us know how it goes.


If you are still facing this issue on v26.2.1 as well, I will request you to share a few details:

  • A small video recording of logs getting generated would be really helpful.

  • Operating system and its build no.
  • Share the generated logs files. You may compress the logs in a zip file and upload it to Google Drive, Onedrive, or any similar service and share the download link here.


I will be looking forward to your responses.



Anshul Saini


By @Anshul_Saini






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Community Beginner ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Why is this flagged as the "right answer" when you didn't answer the question "What is dunamis?"  All you did was give work arounds when it misbehaves but you didn't explain why it is "correct behavior".  Every hour my computer backs up 50-100 MB of changes to this 'dunamis' folder but you can't tell us why it is wasting our disk space?  If it were logs it should be in the /private/var logs location, not under ~/Library/Application Support.


I'm still waiting for an answer to the question of what 'dunamis' is.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2022 Aug 22, 2022

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Technically, del /q/s/f *.* > NUL should the fastest. It needs to enumerate all files before deleting them, because any program may only delete a file by its name. Another option is rmdir /s /q com.adobe.dunamis from one level above. It will delete the com.adobe.dunamis directory itself, but I'm sure the darn thing will create it in no time. But there is no way to avoid enumerating files.


Currently, I have a task in Task Scheduler to clean the folder every 30 minutes at most, or as soon as the computer is idle. Open Task Scheduler, right-click the list of tasks, select "Create New Task...". A multi-tab dialog appears.

  1.  General: Name the task Clean Adobe's S**t (sorry, could not resist, I'm angry), select "Configure for: Windows 10" at the bottom. Other defaults are good (run as you, only if you are logged on).
  2.  Triggers: Add one trigger, "At logon", "Specific user" (default you, it's what you want), Check the box at the line  "Repeat task every: 30 minutes", "for the duration of: indefinitely" and set parameters like in bold.
  3.  Actions: Add one action: "Strart a program", Program: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe ; Arguments: /c rmdir /q /s com.adobe.dunamis & exit 0 (no quotes needed, task scheduler starts program passing it the whole string). Start in: C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming The & exit 0 is needed so that the task is not considered failed if the directory is in use and rmdir fails (it nearly always is; the content is still deleted)
  4.  Conditions: Check "Start the task only if computer is idle for: 1 minute" Set "Wait for idle: 20 minutes" (you can type in any valid time, not only what's in the drop box). Uncheck "Stop if computer ceases to be idle", or it will be killed. Power settings are up to you; on a desktop unckeck them, on a notebook on battery is your call. I'd allow it, on an SSD it's incomparable with how much battery power Photoshop (in my case) needs.

5. Settings: everything good by default. Make sure "Don't start a new instance" is selected at the bottom.

Click OK and start the task from its right click menu (otherwise it will start only on the next logon). Status should be Running. Manual start does not wait for idle, it should begin cleanup immediately.  Hit F5 to refresh task view, to make sure it hasn't failed. It will be either Running, or Ready and completed with status 0: depending of how much crap has accumulated, this run can last for a while. Check that it in fact emptied the directory.

On regular repeated runs, if 10 minutes (after unsuccessfully waiting 20 minutes for computer idle) is not enough to clean stuff, it will miss the next 30 minute start mark, but that's fine, you don't want it to keep your disk busy for too long too often.


I'm going to try a couple other things:

  • Create a 50-100 MB volume, mount it under this directory as a mountpoint. Formatting a volume deletes all files instantly. I dunno what will happen if the volume fills up, tho, and the crapspout will get I/O errors creating more files.
  • Tweak security on this com.adobe.dunamis directory to deny creating new files and directories and writing to it (Properties, Security tab, Advanced, Add. Principal Everyone, access type Deny, Applies to Subfolders and files only, From Basic permissions (default), check Write and uncheck everything else. No one will be able to write anything to it, so it will be forever empty. But same potential problem remains: will everything crash and burn if the thing is unable to create its deluge of files.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2022 Aug 22, 2022

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UPDATE: As I suspected, if Photoshop is unable to create the file in that directory, it hangs on start. So the access denial does not work, and an attempt to mount a limited size volume at this directory will probably crash or freeze it if the volume overflows. The scheduled task deleting the files every 30 minutes is the only sensible remedy before this is really fixed.





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Jun 24, 2022 Jun 24, 2022

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FWIW: I had this folder and I do not have Illustrator.  I don't know how many empty folders there were, but there were over 33 million when I went to sleep while changing the permissions to Full Control.  The Adobe applications on this Windows 10 system are as follows: Connect, Creative Cloud, Genuine Service, Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Photoshop 2022.





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Aug 19, 2022 Aug 19, 2022

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We have now also encountered the issue on Windows 10 and Illustrator 26.3.1 and Business Support has told us:
"This bug was already addressed in version 26.0.1 and fixed in pre-release 26.0.2 (Official Release 26.0.3)."

But we still observe at Illustrator startup that new folders with data are created. 😞





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 19, 2022 Aug 19, 2022

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Hi @Fabian23632324ximd,


We are sorry for the trouble. I checked with the product team, and as per them, it is expected behaviour if the file does not exceed 100MB and the whole folder does not exceed 1GB.


For further concerns, I would recommend you to Upvote this  UserVoice and add your comments there.


However, if you don't see the expected behaviour as I mentioned above, then please share the screenshot of the size of the folders and upload them to Creative Cloud/ DropBox/ Google Drive or any other similar service. I will share it with the product team for further investigation.


I will be looking forward to your response.

Thanks & Regards,

Anshul Saini





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 05, 2022 Sep 05, 2022

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We have discussed the issue with Business Support.
(Bug reference: ECOINT-6363. The original bug for Illustrator is linked to it, AI-4263218.)
We are now hoping for a speedy fix from the devs.
That such a folder is in appdata/roaming instead of local is another point that is a nogo in the business environment.





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Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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We have received a response from support: Bug AI-4263218 should be fixed with Illustrator 27.1.1.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2022 Aug 22, 2022

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I'm getting this crap from Photoshop. I strongly suspect the data in the directory is simple telemetry, what features are used and how do they perform, and is gathered from all CC programs. And they can't get their act together for a year.





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New Here ,
Feb 15, 2023 Feb 15, 2023

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Why would this folder be in the roaming profile.  It is a nightmare for those who use "true" roaming profiles that are cached to the server.  Especially if it is logging information, it should be in the local profile.  You should know the difference and the proper use of each!!





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 26, 2023 Feb 26, 2023

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Because Adobe has not a clue why the roaming profile is called the roaming
profile, I reckon?





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