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Hello everyone
I have a word document It has 300 pages and every single page having a chart and text
when i make place or import to this document into InDesign These charts do not appear or place in the template!
is there way or script to place all of them into indesign without convert the word document to pdf?
Greetings to all
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When you place a Word document all of the contents should show up in InDesign. Without more information it's hard to tell what's going on.
What version of InDesign? What Operating System? Is this really a Word document or something converted from another application? What version of Word? What kind of charts are these?
Screenshots might help.
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Hi @justfix, have you looked at the import options and selected to import inline graphics? See this article.
- Mark
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thank you so much i will read this article
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the same issues chart not showing into indesign
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Are those embedded or are they linked to Excel or some other external application?
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I do not know if it is linked or not, but when modifying the chart, the Excel program opens
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There's your problem right there. They're linked; they have to be embedded.
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As @BobLevine said - your objects are placed in word using DDE:
InDesign isn't supporting that.
It should be possible to create macro for WORD to embed all linked Charts before importing to InDesign.
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I just watching some tutorials about WORD macro and do nothing because i need coding! I think should be using copy/paste to do what i want
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thanks for your time
i get error when i run this macro
and i get this macro but same issue
Sub ConvertChartsToObjects()
Dim obj As InlineShape
Dim objType As String
Dim filePath As String
' Loop through all the inline shapes in the document
For Each obj In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
' Check if the inline shape is a chart
If obj.Type = wdInlineShapeOLEObject And obj.OLEFormat.ClassType = "Excel.Chart.8" Then
' Convert the chart to an object
filePath = obj.OLEFormat.SourceFullName
obj.OLEFormat.DoVerb verbIndex:=wdOLEVerbPrimary
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteOLEObject, Placement:=wdInLine
End If
Next obj
' Notify the user that the conversion is complete
MsgBox "All charts have been converted to objects."
End Sub
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OK, after a bit of investigation ...
How EXACTLY have you placed / created those charts ?
If they were created using WORD's built-in mechanism:
- I'm not sure if they can be embeded...
They need to be "placed" - they have to be created in Excel, then copied and Pasted Special to be "linked":
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Hi @justfix:
As per the others, the charts should come in using File > Place. Did you check the Story Editor view?
But since they don't appear to be importing, here's another option (not particularly quick). You can change the extension of a word .docx file to .zip (work with a copy, not the original). After you change the extension you can unzip the file, open it and there will be a media sub-folder with all of the graphics. You can then use File > Place to add them back into your InDesign file.
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Thanks for the reply, but the same problem, I tried the methods you suggested, thank you
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Try saving as RTF and then place again.
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I save document to RTF extention but i have same issues, thanks