Microsoft word docx character style not imported in Indesign
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Hi All,
I have a document in Microsoft Word docx format with the character style "Char_1". The character style ""Char_1"" is not imported when I import it into the Indesign document. Could someone please check and offer a solution? I have attached my word document here for testing purpose and also attached screenshot where character style present in word document.
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@mani34374446to41 Your screenshot shows a highlighted paragraph, which is formatted with a Character Style. The correct way would be to also apply or create a paragraph Style for this in word. Then it should transition correctly to InDesign given that you have the same font installed system wide so that InDesign can also use this font.
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I tested your file and the style get imported even as a paragraph style with a new name.
When importing hold down the SHIFT key to invoke the import options temporarily and go through all the setting to achieve your desired result.
Check this Help article:
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@Rene Andritsch My screenshot is from Microsoft word document and highlihted paragraph has been tagged "Char_1" character style in word document. My question is why not imported "Char_1" character style in Indesign and not showed in Indesign character style palate?
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I'd have to test, but I suggest what Rene is getting at and what I suspect is that the import process is reading the whole-paragraph use of the "character" style as either disposable or as an undefined paragraph style. Word's handing of character and spot styles can be a little erratic, and importing them is not always flawless.
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@James Gifford—NitroPress Yes, I have created a word document and applied character style "Char_1" for whole paragraph for testing purpose.
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I just created a simple document and first applied 'CHAR-1' to just one word. It imported correctly as a character style.
I then applied the style to an entire paragraph and re-imported to a new ID doc. It again imported correctly, as a character style.
I am not sure what problem you're encountering, but reviewing the style list and mapping on import would be a starting point.
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@James Gifford—NitroPress ; Do you have created a simple document in .docx file formate? If YES, then why not my docx file not imported charater style in Indesign document?