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This is similar to the issue reported here:
Except now, I don't have to update the link for the comments to disappear, all I have to do is make an edit!
Today (08/02/22) when I opened my files, the markers were all there and I could see the comments in the Review window. I edited my first file, replyed to all comments, saved, and updated the link with no issues. But this afternoon with my second file, all of the comments just disappear every time I make an edit. I closed the file without saving it and when I reopened it, the comments were back; but when I made another edit, they disappeared again. I'm afraid to continue trying to edit this file because I don't want to save it and have the issue transfer to the published version the way they did here: Please let me know if there is any way to fix this.
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Thanks for replying, Rishabh. It suddenly started working normally, so I guess this is resolved. Thanks for your time!
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Sorry to hear about the trouble. Could you please confirm the version of InDesign and will it be possible for you to share the published link and the file with us? We'll try our best to assist you with this.
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We have version 17.3. I work for a State government agency, so I can't post a link or the file here where an incomplete publication can be accessed by the general public. May I e-mail you directly?
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I just lost comments for another file. When I open the published view, all markers and comments are there, but when I open the file in InDesign, it looks like there is no Share for Review at all. It looks lik this issue is happening again:
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Update: The second file with missing comments that I reported seems to have righted itself.
The first file I reported is still behaving strangely. The comments are now disappearing as soon as I open the file. This morning 08/04/22, I left the file open in InDesign and opened another Shared file; when I toggled back to the first file, the comments were back. I made an edit and the comments disappeared. I toggled to the second file, then back to the first file - the comments had reappeared and I was able to save. This makes no sense to me, but I'll do it as long as it makes it possible for me to continue editing the file - even if it's dreadfully slow. If anyone has any insight to this, please share.
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Update to the update: After working through a couple the way I outlined above, the Share for Review started behaving normally - I was able to finish editing, save, and update the link with no further issues. I don't know what happened, but I'm not going to complain.
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Good Morning, Rishabh.
I replied to your message in the post; but I didn't receive a response in the post, so I don't know if you saw it.
We are using InDesign 17.3.
As you can see from my address, I work for a State government agency; I'm not authorized to post a link or the file of our incomplete publication because it might be accessed by the general public. May I e-mail those to you directly?
Have a great day!
Sarah Bundy
{Personal details removed by MOD}
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Glad to hear that one of the files is working. The one which is not working, you can send me directly by clicking on my name through DM.
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Thanks for replying, Rishabh. It suddenly started working normally, so I guess this is resolved. Thanks for your time!
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Thanks for confirming! Gald to hear that! Feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance.
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I am experiencing the same issue!
it happened to me yesterday
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I have the same issue. When I share the file with collegeaus, the comments disappear. Is there a way to solve this?