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P: Catalog fails update from 10.4 to 11.0

Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Updated Lightroom to 11.0 this morning. The first message I get is "Cannot convert catalog" and reference to an Adobe webpage.

I've checked and there is no LRCAT.LOCK file. All my other catalogs have converted with no problems. It's the big one (of course) that is an issue.

I'm running an Intel iMac 27in (2019) with 64GB Ram and about 300GB free on the main hard drive. Photos are stored both on the main drive and an external drive. This is a configuration I've used extensively for a few years now and have about 112000 photos in the catalog. The OS is macOS Big Sur v11.6.

Any suggestions are appreciated. In the interim I've started a new catalog and am "adding in place" the photo files. That means I'll lose the collections, but I guess there are worse outcomes possible.

Thanks.      ...Doug

Bug Fixed




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Adobe Employee , Nov 15, 2021 Nov 15, 2021

Lightroom Classic 11.0.1 was released on 11.15.2021 and contains a fix for this issue. Please refresh your Creative Cloud Application ([Cmd/Ctrl]+[Opt/Alt]+[ R ])and install the Lightroom Classic update. Thank you for your patience.

Status Fixed


Adobe Employee , Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

Greetings -

To those who have sent catalogs, thank you. We do not need additional catalogs at this time. 

Update 11/3/2021:


At this time our investigation has revealed a small number of customers with an update issue that will be remedied in our next release. Evaluating catalogs sent to us (thank you) has revealed three classes of failure:


  1. Customers who are affected by this bug (We've returned catalogs for the original group supplied to us)
  2. Customers whose catalogs have no issue upgrading o


Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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Thanks for the suggestions, BUT, at this point, I have happily deleted ALL the old iterations of the 10.4 catalog ... "Out, damn Spot, OUT!"


My husband said that if there are any missing virtual copies, he will do them again. After all, this has gone on for weeks, and weeks, and weeks!


It is too bad that the adobe people didn't think to suggest this to me!  Ahhh well, life has its trials and tribulations.


At least, if someone else has an issue, there is a blueprint for them.  The critical thing is to export all the virtual copies as a separate mini catalog.




New Here ,
Aug 03, 2022 Aug 03, 2022

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I am helping an elderly student upgrade her LR Classic catalog to 11.0. We have been on the phone with Adobe 4 times with a 5th pending appointment and they can't seem to solve this catalog upgrade issue. The message is the same Cannot Convert Catalog. I need help getting to someone in senior tech who can tell us what is going on. I don't want to put this student through more stress. The anxieity added to a recent hospitalizaiton. Adobe has always been difficult to communicate with but this is really a brick wall. Barbara




Explorer ,
Aug 06, 2022 Aug 06, 2022

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Try using an older catalogue from a recent backup.  That worked for me.  You will only use the last few edits.  On the last update to Lightroom Adobe said they had fixed the issue so make sure you are using the very latest version.  11.4.1 is what I'm using now. 



