I use a custom watermark (graphic/png) in LR Classic (12.2.1) Everytime I export pictures with watermark, the first picture is always wrong. The main colour of my watermark is yellow. The very first pics watermark becomes blue, this happens mostly once per LR session, first export of this session. I already tried to deactivae GPU support for export like mentioned in another thread in this community, but this didn't changed the behaviour.
Images exported from Lightroom (releases on around Feb 2023, ver 12.2 i guess) have some of the watermark's colour shifted. (Whites has remained as white, Red appears purplish) View 2023-04-18 (4).png for reference (later updates till April havent't fixed this isue) Did get on a chat with the adobe support team which has confirmed the issue (chat transcript is attached)
Have attached it to help retrace steps / find source of bug
This is generally restriced to SOME of the first 10 images in the first export done after Lightroom has started/opened.
Windows, Graphics drivers, Lightroom itself all at latest version (and issue persists), enabling-disabling GPU settings does not help
How many Cores does your CPU have .... Mine has 10 (not counting hyperthreading ones) and the behaviour randomly seems to be among the first few (<10 images in the series) and for about one to four images
I am having an issue with watermarks changing colors (previously worked on thousands of photos with no issue). The watermark has consistes of 2 seperated images that were combined into one png in photoshop. One image is red color, the other is an orange gradient.
In a batch export of 35 photos, this only happened to one of them...?
I am having the same issue and would like a work around. I export hundreds of images a day and many of them have flipped colors on watermarks. Very annoying.
Since the version 12.3 i get this problem on export where it happens randomly that the colors of an image is tottaly different and if i export it again it's back to normal. I didn't change anything and i can't reproduce the problem on demand
Am I correct that it's the colors of the watermark that are incorrect? Adobe has acknowledged this bug, and others have observed it occurs only on the first image or images exported in the first export you do after starting LR. So as a workaround, after restarting LR, do a dummy export of a few images, and then subsequent exports should work.
I use LR Classic to process my sports photos. I have a red and black watermark that I insert before posting online. Recently LR has started randomly changing the color of some (not all) watermarks to blue and black during export. Examples posted below. Any ideas?
This is happening for me, a lot more than I'd like...
Running 14.1.1 and it's every export, but only certain photos - I've tried setting opacity in PS for the watermark file, I've tried 100% opacity.. I just can't get it to work on all photos, all the time...
Maybe 80% of the time it works fine, every time, but some photos, it just won't get the colour of the watermark right (the main colour in the watermark is a deep magenta, and it comes out a dark blue on exports that fail)