ISSUE (relates to both Lr and LrC):
Short description: when dual monitors are set to different Scale in Windows then the top menu (File, Edit, Library, etc) and the dropdown menu text size displays in the wrong size (too large in my case). Also, lines with check boxes in the Preferences menu are cropped in the upper end and are hard to decipher.
Suspected bug: when Lr opens it looks up the scaling set in Windows for the primary display (Monitor 1) regardless of which monitor it resides in. It should look up the scaling of the monitor it is displayed in at any given time.
johnrelis asked me to post this as a bug.
Original discussion thread: Re: Menu and context text size in LrC too large - Dual monitor
System Specs:
Lightroom CC 6.1
Lightroom Classic 15.1
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-11955M CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.61 GHz
RAM 128 GB
Monitor 1: Internal laptop 17'' (3840x2160) scaled at 200% in Windows Display settings
Monitor 2: External Eizo 27'' (2560x1440) scaled at 100% in Windows Display settings - this is the monitor I use for LrC
LrC settings: Preferences>Interfase>Font Size: Automatic (changing this did not affect the problem)
Steps to reproduce:
- Laptop display (Monotor 1/primary display) set to Windows>Display>Scale = 200%, This is a must for me in order to make any text in any program large enough to read on the 17'' 3. 840x2160 screen.
- Monitor 2 (Excternal Eizo 27'' 2560x1440) set to Windows>Display>Scale = 100%.
- Open LrC or LR CC and observe. Drag from one monitor to the other
Expected result:
I expect all text in LR to behave as they do for any other program (Photoshop, Office, etc). I.e. adapt to the settingsd of the monitor they reside in at any time.
Actual result:
- The top text (catalogue name etc), menus (File, Edit, Library, etc) and all pull down menus display far too large on Monitor 2 (see screenshots, side by side ). It seems to display this text in 200% which is the setting for Monitor 1, insted of 100% which is the setting for Monitor 2.

Troubleshooting steps performed:
Resetting all LrC preferences had no effect.
Changing Lr Preferences>Interface>Font size did not resolve the problem
But resetting Monitor 1 to 100% in the Windows>Display Settings so that both monitors are at 100% did the trick, in the sense that LrC now behaves as the other programs on both monitors. I.e. LrC now looks fine on Montor 2 which is where I use it. The cropping of the check box lines in LrC settings were also fixed. Paradoxically this does not help me at all, since havin my 17'' (3840x2160) Monitor 1 scaled at 100% leaves this screen useless as all text on thet screen becomes far too small to work with. So I have to reset Monitor 1 to 200%. When I reset Monitor 1 to 200% with LrC open in Monitor 2 it stays fine for one session. However, when I close the program and repoen it straight into Monitor 2 then the menu texts in LrC becomes too large again, even when the program is opened straight into Monitor 2 (which is at 100%) without having breen in Monitor 1 (200%) at all. So the bug is that when LrC opens it reads the scaling set at the primary monitor 1 regrdless of which monitor it curretly resides in. It should look up the scaling of the monitor it is displayed in at any given time.