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P: (Mac) People masks selections are not as expected (Entire Screen or Square Area)

Participant ,
Apr 02, 2023 Apr 02, 2023

This was originally posted under "Bugs" but I really want this to be answered as a question. I will be happy to delete whichever post doesn't fit under the best category however! Thank you.


When using Lightroom Classic 12.2.1 with MacOS Ventura 13.3 (on a Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020 iMac with the AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 GB and 72 GB of memory)...

I am getting the entire image selected when I try to use the "Select People" then choosing "Entire Person." Lightroom Classic allows me to individually select the hair, teeth, eyes, etc. as usual but when trying to select the entire body, the whole screen gets turned pink to indicate that the Lightroom thinks that the whole picture is the person.

I've attached two (redacted for privacy) screenshots of the "Subject" masking that still works as it should and the "Entire Person" mask that shows where the entire photo area has been selected incorrectly by the AI.

Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks!

Bug Investigating
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Contributor , Sep 14, 2023 Sep 14, 2023

Ventura 13.5.2 updated graphics and audio drivers! Masking is working again for me! How about you?


correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023

Setting status -matching to existing investigation ticket. 

Status Investigating
replies 202 Replies 202
Explorer ,
May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023

I mean the title literally say MAC

May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

"I mean the title literally say MAC"


That's just the reality of these forums.  E.g. see this recent post in this thread:


Participant ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

The latest update to MacOS Ventura 13.4 has not solved the problem.

New Here ,
May 30, 2023 May 30, 2023

I'm having the same problem and it only started when I started using Lightroom CC 12.3. I have a brand new 8GB graphics card so that is not the issue. I also tried turning off the GPU and that had no effect

May 30, 2023 May 30, 2023

@bsaille wrote, "I have a brand new 8GB graphics card "


Sounds like you're on Windows? Try updating your graphics driver by going directly to the manufacturer's web site:

If that doesn't help, or if you're on Mac, please copy/paste here the entire contents of the LR menu command Help > System Info -- that will let us see exactly which versions of hardware and software LR thinks you're running.

Explorer ,
May 31, 2023 May 31, 2023

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 12.16.58 PM.pngexpand image

For what its worth, here are my specs

Explorer ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

Same here on a MacPro 2019 (12core CPU, 8GB GPU and 96GB RAM) with OSX 13.4 and LR 12.3


Downgrade to older LR version did not help. LR does not recognize people anymore and selects the whole image, when using AI mask for people.

Explorer ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

I know I am super late to this party but today was the first day I hit the nail on the head with the right keywords to find someone with my same issue. I only use Camera Raw but I have been having the People (non)masking issue since April 8th when I last updated oS. I have a 2020 iMac Retina 5K with 3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9, AMD Radeon Pro 5700 8GB, 32GB 2667 MHz DDR4. I spent HOURS on chat and phone with Adobe today (before I hit this keyword jackpot), only to determine she needs to escalate the issue because fully wiping out and reinstalling all Adobe products didnt solve the issue. My almost 10 year old MacBook still running on Sur masks people like a boss - sames files that won't work on my schnazzy iMac. 

Explorer ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

Same Same Same!  The OP posted this 1st week of April, and nothing!  I too am on a 2020 iMac.  LR with detect multiple people in Safe Mode, but you're lucky if it finds one person otherwise.  I guess I'm going back to 12.1 or 12 to see if that fixes it.  Doesn't seem like anyone is in a hurry to solve the GPU Bug.

Participant ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

@johnrellis Any chance we can get an update on where this might stand if Adobe is aware of this? Thanks!

Explorer ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

I'm not really sure how good I feel saying they are "aware" of it... all the time I spent on the phone yesterday, we left the call saying it would be escalated and that I would hear back from someone within 48 hours. It was so unproductive aside from at least pointing me in the direction of Ventura probably being the issue, I continued searching the forums which is what finally led me to this thread. 

Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

Adobe has explicitly marked this thread as a "Bug" and assigned it an existing investigation ticket, indicating that they have had similar reports from other sources and the developers are tracking it internally. That doesn't necessarily indicate it's a bug in LR / Camera Raw proper -- it could be a bug in the Mac OS graphics driver, and they're working with Apple to fix it.  Unfortunately, Adobe almost never indicates when a bug will be fixed or how -- you have to wait until a release announcement fixing it. 


Adobe usually releases a new version of LR about every 8 weeks, so we might expect to see LR 12.4 next week or the week after.

Explorer ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

Will there be any chance of some sort of compensation? Like this has hindered so many people, what used to take me 2 mintues to edit a photo in LR now takes upwards of 10-15 because of having to mask eveything. 

Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

Just installed Lr Classic 12.4, bug is still there on my MacPro 2019. 😫

Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

Here are my System Information


Lightroom Classic-Version: 12.4 [ 202306052221-b70c0975 ]
Lizenz: Creative Cloud
Spracheinstellung: de-CH
Betriebssystem: Mac OS 13
Version: 13.4.0 [22F66]
Anwendungsarchitektur: x64
Anzahl logischer Prozessoren: 24
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 3.3GHz
SQLite-Version: 3.36.0
Integrierter Speicher: 98’304.0 MB
Für Lightroom verfügbarer phys. Speicher: 98’304.0 MB
Von Lightroom verwendeter phys. Speicher: 5’690.9 MB (5.7%)
Von Lightroom verwendeter virtueller Speicher: 52’611.8 MB
Cache-Speichergröße: 106.1MB
Interne Camera Raw-Version: 15.4 [ 1508 ]
Maximale Anzahl Threads, die Camera Raw verwendet: 5
Camera Raw SIMD-Optimierung: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueller Speicher in Camera Raw: 1182MB / 49151MB (2%)
Physischer Speicher in Camera Raw: 1187MB / 98304MB (1%)
Standardvorschaugröße: 4096 Pixel
Monitore/Anzeigegeräte: 1) 4096x2160, 2) 2560x1440

Informationen zum Grafikprozessor:
Metal: AMD Radeon Pro W5700X
Anfangsstatus: GPU zum Exportieren wird standardmäßig unterstützt
Benutzerpräferenz: Automatisch

Anwendungsordner: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Bibliothekspfad: /Volumes/Lightroom SSD/Lightroom/Aktuelle-Projekte/Aktuelle-Projekte-v12.lrcat
Einstellungen-Ordner: /Users/corneliusfischer/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom

Installierte Zusatzmodule:
1) AdobeStock
2) Aperture/iPhoto-Import-Zusatzmodul
3) Candi FX Helper
4) Epson Print Layout
5) Export LUT
6) Flickr
7) FTP Upload Sample
8) JPEGmini
9) Monogram Plugin
10) Neurapix SmartPresets
11) Nikon Tether-Zusatzmodul

EditExternally.OverridePhotoshopPath = /Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2023/Adobe Photoshop 2023.app



New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

Issues with AI Masking - not recognizing people, features, backgrounds, subjects, skies, etc. Makes the Auto masking features completely unuseable as it's just masking random areas of all images.


The computer I use is not inexpensive nor completely uncommon so it's quite disheartening that Adobe has yet to address a known bug and released more AI features AND is pushing Photoshop Beta (that business owners can't use) so hard and business owners are struggling to even use the current software due to bugs. The AI marathon isn't as important as fixing the existing software bugs for loyal Adobe clients. Please do better Adobe by fixing a bug causing a wrench in the AMD GPU workflow.


Adobe Lightroom Classic 12.4

MacOS 13.4

AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB

Community Expert ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB


Please see below linked thread. Are you experiencing the same issues? 



Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

This is such a PITA!  Really slowing down my workflow on a large project.  Now we wait for 2 or more months!  Yet we're still paying the subscription fee at full price!!!!!!!!!

New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

Yes, same issues. Adobe needs to address this bug before they keep piling on more "features"

Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

The evidence indicates this is a bug in the Mac OS graphics driver for the Radeon 5700 cards. While fixing the driver is out of Adobe's control, this is another instance where LR could let you work around Apple/Radeon's bug by providing an option that lets you disable the use of the GPU for AI masking:



Masking would run about 4x slower but still be useable. LR lets you disable every other use of the GPU, but not for AI masking -- it mystifies me.




Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

just updated to 12.4, while clicking the "select person" Option does turn the whole photo red (for a mask) I am able to force it to select face and body skin and it does a decent job of selecting people.  Its almost there but not quite. 

Explorer ,
Jun 15, 2023 Jun 15, 2023

Can you post your system settings, this helps Adobe to narrow down the issue!


Go Help > System Info

Explorer ,
Jun 15, 2023 Jun 15, 2023

@CorneliusFischer Who are you talking to? Everyone is posting their system info all over this thread.

Explorer ,
Jun 15, 2023 Jun 15, 2023

@michelegranja I was refering to @SweetPeaPhotog .. 

And just saw now, he alread posted the system info. 😇

Explorer ,
Jul 07, 2023 Jul 07, 2023

Any follow up on this?! Its ALMOST there, it does everything for me except the body skin. It still selects the whole image, and every option is good except the body skin. Its been like what 3 or 4 months now?
