In LR version 13.2, a video in a Publish Service Collection will fail to publish if the Publish Service has a post-process action installed and inserted. An attempt to publish a video will typically fail with either a This photo was not rendered or This photo is missing error message.
This has been tested with the Hard Drive Publish Service as well as the services SmugMug and jf Collection Publisher. Post-process actions tested include Lr/Mogrify 2 and jf Metadata Wrangler.
This has also been tested with a new, "virgin" catalog and the issue persists.
It has been tested on MacOS 13.6.4; I have not tested it on Windows.
Workaround: Remove all post-process actions from the Publish Service.
Note: Unlike with the previous Assertion failed error present in 13.1, one can remove the post process action when publishing videos but reinsert the post process action when publishing still images; the mere presence of a video in a published collection no longer causes an error, unless there is a video to publish or republish. But, the workaround it's not really a "solution." If, for example, one makes some change (such as changing metadata) that triggers a need to re-publish both photos and videos, republishing will fail if a post process action is active.