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Copied here and not overlay technical in knowing how to describe but here goes: in LR when I go to 'develop' and cropping...using the overlay tool and cropping the image makes it totally disappear from the 'proof preview'. I then have to click on the original pic and back to the cropped picture where I can see it in the lower frame windows (small on the bottom) and it will reappaear in the proof preview for me. This is new in the last month. Previously when I would crop, it would simply do that in the proof area and be visible throughout the editing process for me. I wondered if there is a glitch or if I have inadvertantly changed a setting (hoping not). Anyone recognize this issue? Help?
Ah, OK - I had missed the soft-proofing aspect and I can also reproduce.
I am using Lr Classic 12.2.1 on Windows 10 22H2 build 19045.2788.
GPU is NVidia GeForce RTX 2060, driver
Use graphics acceleration "Off": turn on Soft Proofing. Activate the Crop tool. Adjust crop boundary. When prompted, click on "Create Proof Copy". Resulting proofing virtual copy rhen displays correctly for adjusting the crop,
Use graphics acceleration "Auto": same steps. Except after creating the new p
I can duplicate this issue. It appears to be a BUG. If you are going to make a "Proof" virtual copy anyway use the "Create Proof Copy" under the Histogram when you first start working. Then you will have no issues with the crop of the Proof Copy
Thanks @richardplondon with the additional information provided, I was able to reproduce as well. I've logged a bug with the team.
Greetings all,
Updates for the Adobe Photography Products have been released. The December 2023 updates contain an update for this issue.
If you do not see the update in your Creative Cloud Application, you can refresh it by hitting [Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ].
Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your update to be available in your Creative Cloud app.
Thank you for your patience.