Hello, I have a problem with export my pictures after update Adobe Lightroom classic catalog. I´m not using watermark. So, I can´t understand this failer error. Can anybody help me please?
Lightroom 12.0.1 was released today and contains a fix for this issue. Please refresh your Adobe Creative Cloud App ([Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ]) and download the updated version.
Lightrooom all of a sudden unable to export files. Very frustrating as I’m on deadline!
Got the LRC message today “Unable to export: You have not chosen an application to open the files” – won’t export any files whether jpeg or raw. The Plug-in manager click- box shows the file is enabled and version is version … -8dc50eb4 - error message capture below
LRC won’t export any files including images previously-exported 10 days ago without any issues.
LRC has had latest updates via CreativeClud and showing up to date, windows 10, I Have checked and all images are in the designated folder (my workflow is good). Exporting worked fine as recently as 48 hours ago – have never seen this message before
At the bottom of the Export dialog box in the Post Processing panel, is "Do Nothing" selected? Or something else that would require an application to be involved?
Ken Seals - Nikon Z 9, Z 8, 14mm-800mm. Computer Win 11 Pro, I7-14700K, 64GB, RTX3070TI. Travel machine: 2021 MacBook Pro M1 MAX 64GB. All Adobe apps.
And yes, I failed to notice in your attachments, that you probably did select a photo. Many if us fellow members DO NOT TRUST attachments. Instead, use the insert photos button.
Please post your System Information as Lightroom Classic (LrC) reports it. In LrC click on Help, then System Info, then Copy. Paste that information into a reply. Please present all information from first line down to and including Plug-in Info. Info after Plug-in info can be cut as that is just so much dead space to us non-Techs.
Answering KR Seal's original question would have identified the cause of the problem. In the Export window, scroll the options panel to the bottom and look at the the Post-Processing section:
Change After Export to Do Nothing and the problem should go away.
Plugins and the Plug-in Manager are unrelated to this problem -- it just happens that the error message is displayed above the Plug-in Manager button.
Thank you KR Seals. I had the same problem and the recent upgrade to version 11, I had upgraded my collection to version 11 from version 10 and it clobbered my Post-Processing "After Export: Show in Explorer" selection and changed it to "After Export: Open in other application" which blocked me from Exporting because I didn't have any other application configured.
I'm trying to export an image with no watermark (the check box in export setting is unchecked). When I hit export there's a pop up showing "Unable to Export: Watermarking falied). Any idea what am I missing? Thanks!
1. Are you using an Export preset to do the export? If so, create a new version of the preset from scratch. Rarely LR will corrupt an existing preset.
2. Do you accidentally have two presets checked for export? It will tell you in the lower-left corner of the Export window:
3. If the option Preferences > Performance > Use GPU For Export is checked, uncheck it. It's only recently that LR started using the graphics processor for exporting, and there have been some bugs with it;
LR sometimes soils its preferences file, and resetting it can fix all sorts of wonky behavior. That article explains how to restore the old preferences if resetting doesn't help.
I was able to bypass the problem. I didn't solve it, I just deceived it. Virtually having no watermark in the export gives me an error, so I put a blank one and deceived him.
We're interested to know more about your workflow.
Could you please provide the information I have asked for above & also record your screen while the issue occurs & how do you bypass it & share it with us?
I don't even have watermark selected, don't know what to do. I've downgraded to the previous version and it's ok. Same settings. Any help appreciated thanks
Thanks for reaching out with the screenshots. Could you please share the System info from Lightroom > Help > System Info with a couple of sample RAW images & also record your screen while the issue occurs with me via direct message?
The problem is in the export watermark. If there is no check mark watermark does not export. Maybe it's a version bug, not like that. If you check the watermark and don't want a watermark, you create an empty text one and so the export starts.
If the issue exists, please go to the following location & back up your Watermark presets.
Thanks to @johnrellis - Go to Preferences > Presets and click Show All Other Lightroom Presets. That will open Finder / File Explorer in the "Lightroom" settings folder. The "Watermarks" subfolder contains all the presets (.lrtemplate files). Move them to your desktop and restart Lightroom Classic.