Lightroom Classic-Version: 11.0 [ 202110120910-0bccc70d ]
OS Version Number: Windows 10 21H1 (Build 19043.1288)
In Library Mode, my daily workflow is:
Import photos,
set to Grid view (G)
select all photos and set a ranking of three stars to all images.
I set a filter -> attribute Rating = 3 Stars (This still shows all Photos)
Then I select the first phot with the mouse: Now the frame of this image is highlighted
Using the Num-Pad I set the rating of the first photo to 0 or 4 Stars so it will disapear due to the filter settings.
In former LRc Versions, now the next image is highlighted and is ready to receive the ranking.
Now, in Version 11, I am able to set the ranking to a few images - normaly less then 5 - and the process stuck:
no image ist highlighted and no image receive a ranking until I manualy click on a photo. Then I can go on until again no photo is selected.
If I set to Loupe View (E) and select the first image in the Film Strip I find the same behavior.
The only differnce is, that in the Main window, LRc show "No photo selcted" although there are still unfiltered photos in the Film Strip.
This slow down the culling process extremely - please help!