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Lighroom import dialogue detects the cfexpress card reader but cannot see any photos in the main direcotry nor in any subfolders. Import of photos is therefore impossible. However, Adobe Bridge can see the cfexpress card in the reader and see all the sub folders and photos. So can the Finder (I am using Mac). It is possible to import photos by dragging and droppring the thumbnails from Bridge to the Lightroom import dialogue. I cannot understand why Bridge can see the photos but Lightroom cannot because they are both Adobe products. Hope Adobe can resolve this issue. BTW the Import Dailogue works normally with a direct USB connection from camera to the computer (a Mac Mini). Thank you in advance to anyone who has an answer to this issue.
Make sure that LrC has 'Full Disk Access' in macOS Privacy & Security Settings. The link provide below describes the procedure. I've also atatched a screenshot is for Ventura as the screesnhots in the link are for Monterey.
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Make sure that LrC has 'Full Disk Access' in macOS Privacy & Security Settings. The link provide below describes the procedure. I've also atatched a screenshot is for Ventura as the screesnhots in the link are for Monterey.
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Great news, thanks for confirming that giving LrC 'Full Disk Access' resolved your issue.
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Im having a very similar thing buy in windows and I dont see that option.
my issue is slightly different. When I use CF Express to import the first set of photos, its able to detect the photos and I can see tbem and import them but when I grab the second card to import more photos, the screen reads "no photos found". This is the sexond time that this has happened out of two times that Ive done this. Im a new cf express card and nikon z8 user. I have checked off tbe box that says, "dont import suspected dublicates" so thats not the issue.
need help.
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my issue is slightly different
Please do us a favor. Please start a new thread and describe your problem in detail, from the beginning. Please include the version NUMBER of your software and the version NUMBER of your operating system.
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Update: I closed the Lightroom. Tried to get back into it and it wouldn't so I restarted my computer and it can now see my images. It works and this method worked but this is clearly a glitch.