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Je viens d'installer la dernière version de Lightroom Classic (11.4) sous Windows 11 et mes fichiers RAW ne peuvent plus s'afficher correctement dans le module "Développement". Je ne rencontre pas le problème dans les autres module, l'affichage de la miniature est bon, tout comme l'histogramme qui semble cohérent. Seul l'affichage dans la zone de travail est blanc (cf. copie d'écran dessous).
I just installed the latest version of Lightroom Classic (11.4) on Windows 11 and my RAW files can no longer display correctly in the "Develop" module. I don't encounter the problem in the other modules, the thumbnail display is good, as is the histogram which seems consistent. Only the display in the working area is white (see screenshot below).
I downloaded a new Nvidia driver (it took awhile as I'm on W-Fi in a Health Care facility). This solved the problem.
All of the customers reporting this issue are using Windows. For each of you, as a test, please go to Edit>Preferences>Performance and disable GPU then restart your instance of Lightroom Classic.
Does the problem go away?
If so, then you will need to check your Video Card Manufacturer's website for an updated driver. Perform a clean install of the latest video driver. Go back to Edit>Preferences>Performance and renable GPU.
If not: then post back here that "Turning off GPU and restarting has
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Hi. You have to update the driver of the video card, or disable the GPU. See:
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Help! I don't know what to do and I don't even know how to describe it! The photos export totally normal, but I can't edit them becasue they are totally blown out black and white! This happened after doing the do I fix this?!?!
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Bei mir funktioniert das Entwickeln-Modul bei dem 11.4. Update nicht. Ich sehr hier statt des Bildes nur einen weißes Viereck
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I think this is your problem, and potential solution.
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When I process images in the develop module, they are showing as if they are an embossed black and white high key image. The preview panel looks correct. If I set the processing version back to version 4 it works until I make any adjustment and then the problem re-occurs. This even happens with older images that were previously processed. I tried to go back one version and the issue persists. Please advise.
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I hat to update my NVIDIA graphit card and after that everything was fine
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hola! cuando estoy en revelar a la foto se le pone una especie de capa blanca y no me permite ver lo que estoy editando, alguien me puede ayudar por favor!!!
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Bonjour à tous,
j'ai un gros problème d'affichage sur mon Lightroom Classic. Depuis que j'ai la suite Adobe (5 ans environ), je n'ai eu aucun soucis de ce genre. J'ai supprimé mon LR puis réinstallé sans succès.
Si quelqu'un a une astuce, je suis toute ouïe ! Comme vous le voyez sur mon screenshot, tout a l'air de bien s'afficher sauf l'image au milieu, la principale en fait.
Elle apparait hyper voilée et à chaque action que je fais, elle redevient dans cette état, voire pire.
J'ai trouvé une manip mais c'est très long : Paramètres > Version du processus > Version 4 (ou antérieure). Mais comme je disais, dès que je modifie quelque chose, elle réapparait grisée et inexploitable.
Si vous savez comment réinitialiser ce paramètres de processus, je vous remercie par avance de votre aide !
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I suspect you are experiencing a known issue which is related to GPU Drivers on Windows Operating system. Try the following in your Lightroom Classic preferences > performance tab > turn off the Use of GPU acceleration. Then shut down your system and reboot. Launch Lightroom and see if that works.
Then search for an updated Driver for your Graphics Card and install.
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I am having an issue with my lightroom where the preview is showing as this greyscale image. I cannot find a setting that would cause this. This is happening for ALL images ALL albums.
Also, just to test it out, I imported some JPEGs into lightroom and it displayed fine. I imported a new RAW album (just to make sure it isn't just old albums affected) and the same issue persists.
I have restarted lightroom, restarted my computer, uninstalled and reinstalled lightrom.
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ich habe seit längerem ein Problem mit der Vorschau von Presets und Profilen in der Lupenansicht im Lightroom Classic Programm (Windows PC / Version 11.4.1).
Ich arbeite jetzt schon länger mit den gleichen (gekauften) Presets sowie mit den Profilen von Adobe selber und hatte vorher nie Probleme, dass wenn ich eins auswähle,die Vorschau bzw das Bild nur in schwarz-weiß oder Sepiatönen angezeigt wird (bei den Profilen). Auch bei den Presets habe ich nichts verstellt und sie werden nur ganz komisch, teilweise zb viel zu stark belichtet etc angezeigt (siehe Bilder die ich beigefügt habe).
Das Komische: auf der kleinen Vorschau links oben wird alles korrekt angezeigt. Es wird also nur auf der großen Hauptarbeits-Anzeige falsch angezeigt.
vor ein paar Wochen hatte ich das schon einmal, das ist aber irgendwann von selber wieder "normal" geworde. Jetzt wirds wieder falsch angezeigt.
Ich habe schon versucht das komplette Programm zu deinstallieren und neu zu intallieren, aber nichts hat geholfen.
Ich bin echt langsam am Ende meiner Ideen woran es liegen könnte. Ich finde auch niemanden im Internet mit dem gleichen Problem. Vielleicht habe ich die Anzeige irgendwie ausversehen umgestellt und deshalb wird das so angezeigt aber eigentlich bin ich mir sicher nichts verstellt zu haben. Wenn ich das Bild manuell verändere bleibt es auch farbig, nur halt bei de Profilen und Presets nicht (und ich arbeite nur mit Presets etc, hatte wie gesagt vorher viele Jahre kein Problem)
Vielleicht hat hier in der Community jemand eine Idee oder das selbe Problem! Mir fällt das Bearbeiten von Bildern dadurch sehr schwer.
Vielen Dank im Vorraus!
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Hat sich erledigt, Danke!
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I am running Lightroom Classic 11.4.1
When I used to use Noise Reduction Luminance, I slid the slider and the whole picture would get a little softer as the noise was reduced. Now when I slide the slider, the image seems to completley wash out. I've attached a before and after screenshot. Any thoughts?
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Hello. I am having issues viewing my photos under the Develop Module in LRC. They appear normal under the library module and then when I click on Develop, they appear white almost like there is an invert setting on but I have no settings on the photos. I have reset my settings and have changed the performance settings. Nothing seems to be working. This is not only happening to the new photos I uploaded but also ones that were already in my LR. Any ideas or ways to fix this issue would be greatly helpful!
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I forgot to add that my LRC is fully up-to-date and the new preset slidder bar under the navigation window will not let me click on it or move it.
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First, try disabling GPU in the Preferences (Performance tab). Any better?
If not, recalibrate and build a new ICC display profile, the old one might be corrupted.
If you are using software/hardware for this task, be sure the software is set to build a matrix not LUT profile, Version 2 not Version 4 profile.
If turning OFF GPU works, it's a GPU bug and you need to contact the manufacturer or find out if there's an updated driver for it.
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with the existing thread on this issue:
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Foto's ontwikkelen werkt niet meer sinds de update. +Beeld blijft gris en foto's laden niet.
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After updating Lightroom to version 11.4.1 and selection Develop tab, photos all turn white (negative) look. Only way to fix it per picture is to change from Version 5 to Version 4. However found that if you go into preferences and look at the Performance options and disable GPU processing, this will fix the issue.
I am using a Nvidia K620 graphics card and would like to continue to use GPU processing for the images as it helps a great deal when processing changes.
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Most people who have experienced these symptoms have out-of-date graphics drivers for their Nvidia graphics hardware. Update the driver by going directly to the Nvidia web site, as described here:
If that doesn't help, please do Help > System Info and copy/paste the output here.
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with the existing thread:
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Please post your System Information as Lightroom Classic (LrC) reports it. In LrC click on Help, then System Info, then Copy. Paste that information into a reply. Please present all information from first line down to and including Plug-in Info. Info after Plug-in info can be cut as that is just so much dead space to us non-Techs.
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after upgrade form 11.3 to 11.4 in develop window the photos are white.
I found that this error happens with the setting in Performance Camera Raw use automatic graph processor.
If it is off the picture looks good.
I own windows 10 with Nvidia GTX 950M.
These are the information system:
Versione di Lightroom Classic: 11.4 [ 202206021307-2f136917 ]
Licenza: Creative Cloud
Impostazioni lingua: it
Sistema operativo: Windows 10 - Home Premium Edition
Versione: 10.0.19044
Architettura dell'applicazione: x64
Architettura del sistema: x64
Conteggio processore logico: 8
Velocità processore: 2,5GHz
Versione SqLite: 3.36.0
Memoria integrata: 16273,0 MB
Memoria reale disponibile in Lightroom: 16273,0 MB
Memoria fisica usata Lightroom: 3624,3 MB (22,2%)
Memoria virtuale usata Lightroom: 6344,9 MB
Conteggio oggetti GDI: 1313
Conteggio oggetti UTENTE: 3203
Conteggio maniglie elaborate: 2318
Dimensione cache memoria: 330,2MB
Versione Camera Raw interna: 14.4 [ 1121 ]
Numero di thread massimo utilizzato da Camera Raw: 5
Ottimizzazione SIMD Camera Raw: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Memoria virtuale di Camera Raw: 1157MB / 8136MB (14%)
Memoria reale di Camera Raw: 1400MB / 16273MB (8%)
Impostazione DPI del sistema: 120 DPI
Composizione desktop attivata: Sì
Monitor: 1) 1920x1080, 2) 1366x768
Tipi di input: Multitouch: No, Tocco integrato: No, Penna integrata: Sì, Tocco esterno: No, Penna esterna: Sì, Tastiera: No
Informazioni processore grafico:
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (