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P: Keywording - Second Monitor - Adjustable Transparent Panel

Explorer ,
Jun 10, 2023 Jun 10, 2023

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Would it be easier to do a final keyword review of a set of images if you could create a floating panel with adjustable transparency and adjustable content?  


Imagine this:

Full screen image second panel.

Panel with adjustable transparency except the keywords.

Panel would show existing keywords at top in a box. 

Panel would have a lower section that could be populated with as many keywords as you like (similar to the current panels with 9) which when clicked would add keywords to list.  Why unlimited?  Well in the case of the vacation I just did reducing 5200 images to about 800, there is a variety, or at least more than 9 possible keywords.  Space shouldn't be an issue on second monitor.  


The current method of hunting for the keywords in a list or a panel of 9 is limiting and time consuming.  Using the spray can helps but you are never sure you got them all without reviewing them.  This would allow really quick review rather than watching the Keyword panel with large thumbnails and then scrolling to find missing keywords in the suggestions, sets or list.  It's easy if they are in the suggestions or set but not always and once you start scrolling it uses up a lot of time as you have to go back to the top to the keywords after.  


Maybe there is another way?



Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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