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Can you clarify if this is a Crash or an Application Hang? I saw in your other thread you mentioned a 'beach ball' which is indicative of an Application Hang - not a crash.
The App gets unresponsive, several seconds later a system dialog pops up, telling me to force quit the App (in the list of apps Lightroom ist colored red).
After Force-quit sometimes a dialog from Adobe pops up, asking for details, mostly it simply says: Lightroom has been quit, start agein?
I attached a video, where you can see the timeline. LR has finshed the sync after deleting the library, etc.
To answer the questions:
I installed it fresh (new computer, two times). Uninstalled it, reinstalled it.
1,12 GB, 14.055 photos
No. It stalls around 53 GB. If I hover over any LR-window the "Beachball of death" is shown. I am able to click on a photo in Gridview, after some seconds it gets selectet. I am NOT able to open Prefs, and leaving LR for 20 minutes has no effect. CPU-activity is 0,00%.
I think a similar video but showing 'Activity Monitor' set to the Memory tab would provide the engineering team with more useful information. For example, they will be able to see when the increased memory is being allocated as 'Real' then 'Swap'.
2022-06-15 13:37:58.652 Adobe Lightroom[20122:452110] Lightroom version: 5.4 [ 20220607-0605-ab0fd72 ] (Jun 7 2022) objc[20122]: Class VFExporterMessageDelegate is implemented in both /Applications/Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe (0x1372b84d0) and /Applications/Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe (0x10d564940). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[20122]: Class VFTools is implemented in both /Applications/Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe (0x1372b8520) and /Applications/Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe (0x10d5649e0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[20122]: Class VFExporter is implemented in both /Applications/Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe (0x1372b8570) and /Applications/Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe (0x10d564a30). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Your Systerm Info is indicating that there is a 6K display connected. What happens when it is disconnected?
Note - I don't believe there is any way that 8GB of memory is sufficient if your intention is to use it with a 4K display let alone 6K when GPU is enabled.
You have a LOT of third party utilities installed on that machine just looking at the video. Including ones that mess deeply with your operating system. I would first use a clean install of the operating system or disable all of these utilities and see if it still does this.
Awesome that is an important test. Lots of people are experiencing extreme memory leaks on M1 hardware also not just with Lightroom apparently. This one is really extreme
I just wanted to join this thread. I have been struggling with my M1 Macbook Pro 16 inch + Lightroom Classic. I started my own topic, but not much help found there.
Basically my issue is similar - Lightroom starts normally, at first runs at okay speed, but after editing a few photos, browsing some folders in Develop module - the memory usage gets higher and higher. It usually starts from around 1.8 GB and rises until 12-14 GB at which point I start getting delays between photos changing, zooming in/out (constant beach ball icon). At this point even quitting Lightroom takes 30-40 seconds (beach ball spinning). After restart - it's fine again and the process repeats. Is there any solution? I already wanted to upgrade my Machine to one with more memory (16 GB now)...
Here is my system info:
Lightroom Classic version: 11.5 [ 202208080927-8a575c91 ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en-PL Operating system: Mac OS 12 Version: 12.6.0 [21G115] Application architecture: arm64 Logical processor count: 10 Processor speed: NA SqLite Version: 3.36.0 Built-in memory: 16 384,0 MB Real memory available to Lightroom: 16 384,0 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 1 919,2 MB (11,7%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 417 406,4 MB Memory cache size: 571,8MB Internal Camera Raw version: 14.5 [ 1177 ] Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5 Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2 Camera Raw virtual memory: 1787MB / 8191MB (21%) Camera Raw real memory: 2783MB / 16384MB (16%) Displays: 1) 3456x2234
It is me again, with a brand new M2 MacBook Air with 24GB of RAM. And, guess what: The same problem as with my old MacBook Air. This time it takes Lightroom some seconds longer to eat up all the memory...
Can you show the part of system info that shows the installed plugins? A similar other user found that it was a plugin that was eating up all memory. What you should do is go into plugin manager and disable them all and enable them one by one to see which one is the culprit. I think in one case it was mylio but there are several that can do this especially if they analyse your catalog somehow.