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P: Extensive masking on iPad Pro resets settings and looses the edits

Explorer ,
Oct 29, 2021 Oct 29, 2021

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Issue: Extensive refining of a mask using the brush tool seems to reset the settings and loose the masks altogether.

  • Lightroom version: 7.01
  • OS:  IPad Pro 12.9 5th gen, Ios 14.8, 2 TB with 1.78 TB free space

Steps to reproduce: Prior to upgrade to LR Mobile ver 7, Import Canon CR2 Raw file into IPad Pro. Make basic color and exposure changes. Working with full resolution file. (Canon Eos5dmkIV). 

1. Create mask using the auto sky mask, the create mask using auto subject (initated in
Lightroom Classic for desktop and sync'd via cloud)
2. Choose to create a subtraction mask using brush. Erase mask areas that spill over from
the subject to the background and leave the red preview on. For example, an outdoor portait shoot.

3. After several minutes of brushing, the brush no longer erases the mask. All color and exposure edits seems to revert back to the original file or last session.
4. Return to Adobe Classic, developer module, history, undo 'reset setting' to restore color

and exposure edit prior to the masking session. The Initial AI mask may be retained, but the brush edits are still lost.
5. Assuming this was an out of memory issue, I went into all the open apps and forced quite a 2-3 dozen or so apps, leaving open a handful of apps. Repeated the masking and the bug repeated.

6. An iPad reboot has not been explored.


Expected result: mask refinement (adding or subtracting mask pixels)
Actual result: Lightroom mask brush stops working, the file seems to revert to an very early history state if not the original import. 

Bug Fixed
iPadOS , macOS




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Adobe Employee , Feb 07, 2022 Feb 07, 2022

Updates to the Adobe Photography Products were released today and contain a fix for this issue. Please install the update via your Creative Cloud Desktop App or your respective App Store. 



You may need to refresh the Creative Cloud App for desktop software to show an update available.  ([Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+ [ R ])

For Mobile downloads, it may take several days for the update to appear in your respective App Stores.


Thank you for your patience. 

Status Fixed


Adobe Employee , Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

Setting Status to Acknowledged

Status Acknowledged


Community Beginner ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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I think I am experiencing a similar issue. iPad Pro, Lr v.7.0.1
When I edit a mask and click done, the changes are lost.




Explorer ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Here's my update. I rebooted my Ipad Pro and started masking on a new raw file within Lightroom for Ipad. Although there seemed to be some memory hangs, my edits seemed to stay. I went back the original file, where the masks was originally edited in Lightroom Classic (Mac desktop) and the same thing happened again. The brush stops painting (+ or -) and nothing happens. I left the app running for 5-7 minutes to see if the system was bogged down but no progress was made. No new brush marks were possible. Hitting done, returning back to the original file erased the mask edits and reset the color, exposure, etc. My next experiment will see if editing my second file in LRC will create the same error or not.




Explorer ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Maybe we should vote this topic?





Adobe Employee ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Hello @Ecphotographer , thank you for the details.  I have logged an issue for the LR engineers to investigate.


Hello @NathanPAnderson , your issue sounds like one we're already tracking.  Can you confirrm if you dragged the slider, or made edits by tapping to the left or right of the slider handle?  The latter is known to lose edits at times, and there is already a separate bug tracking this.  The work around is to always drag the slider handle vs tapping nearby to "nudge" it.




Community Beginner ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Yes that is the issue. I reported is separately and it was merged with the existing post about it. 





Adobe Employee ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Hello Ecphotographer, I haven't been able to reproduce your issue so far. The brush eraser still worked in LrM iPadPro after using it incrementally for a while (~20 min) on Subject/Sky mask created in LrClassic. Just curious - at what stage did you run Reset Settings in LrClassic (referring to  the step 4 above)?

Also, could you still reproduce the Brush issue with a new photo when Subject/Sky mask created in LrClassic?




Explorer ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Thank you everyone for your consideration in this matter. I've narrowed down the possibility of the bug to just one file. I am thinking perhaps, I need repeat the steps (using LRC history) to a new file and see if there is a specific sequence to the bug. First, do global edits in Ipad mobile, Then use the AI filters in LRC, use additional and subtraction masks within LRC, then move to Ipad LRmobile for refinement. Otherwise, refining the masks in Ipad LRMobile seems to work normally.

Now, is there a best practices / don't do's list with regards to the cloud sync? I experience and instincts tell me its related. I do work with LRC, drag my sync hi-res files to LR to sync up to my Ipad LRmobile. I've noticed large PSD (250mb files or greater) seem to hang up in the sync. I sometime leave these apps open on my desktop for hours. Is there a recommend sequence to syncing with the cloud, beyond the obvious? That is to say, sync first with LR before working in LRC?

Getting back to this problem, I edited another photo in Ipad LR Mobile from the batch and I can't get the new mask edits to sync to LRC. I edited the metadata to 'trip' the sync. For ex. I added a blurb in the Title field, no luck, then created a brush stroke in Ipad LRmobile, but the masks edits aren't updating in LRC. I dare not make any adjustments in LRC until the sync is correct. Is there way to push updates?  Thank you in advance, E




Explorer ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Hi Elmira,

I never executed the reset settings tool button. After I refined my mask in Ipad LRmobile, and where it seems to hang and loose the edits, I return to LrClassic (LRC) to use the history tool to revert back to the global edits prior to masing. The last history state 'Reset Settings' is indicated and I choose to select the history state prior, which has my global color and exposure edits. As in my last post, I haven't been able to reproduce the error on other files. Thus far, its just one in particular file with at least 23 actions performed in LRC prior to moving to Ipad LRmobile. What I haven't done yet, is to do 23 or more edits in LRC and then sync Ipad LR Mobile.  I think small mask edits on the Ipad are ok, its lenghtly edits on the Ipad that eventually quit. Its either a memory problem or a sync problem...  Is there a best practice in working with the Ipad's memory restrictions?




New Here ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Hi Ecphotographer, to "re-inforce" sync, you could select Cloud icon (top right) on iPad and then Pause/Resume Syncing. The same in LrClassic, under the Cloud icon, or re-launch the apps.

To check sync status in LrD, use Filter > Sync Status (on top bar).Screen Shot 2021-11-02 at 3.31.39 PM.jpg




Explorer ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Thanks! I never saw the LrD pull down filter until I saw your screenshot (only the syncing tag).  Any thoughts about this discrepancy? (see attached). The corner icon shows ync is in progress, but the filter shows no files. Screen Shot 2021-11-03 at 7.58.53 AM.jpg




Adobe Employee ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Setting Status to Acknowledged

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org
Status Acknowledged




Adobe Employee ,
Nov 04, 2021 Nov 04, 2021

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concerning the memory handling on iOS/iPadOS, what at least used to help was to kill all apps manually and then doing a reboot of the device.
That would make sure that those apps don't start automatically on startup again AND that any system memory issues that might have occurred have been reset.

Please let us know if that helps.





Explorer ,
Nov 04, 2021 Nov 04, 2021

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Good to know!  I decided to follow your advice and try working on the problem photo again. In fact, the masking stopped applying the brush strokes after a minute of work. This is consistant as before, only it occurred faster. I chose to wait 20 minutes, with a periodic brush stroke within the first 10 minutes, without success. Now, just for clarity, this bug doesn't have a lag like other memory issues I have experienced. The action simply stops. I can hit 'Done' on the edits. When I switch photos and return, the masks are deleted as before. Something new: The preview seemed to take a while on both photos and all I had was a black screen for 2 to 3 minutes. Also note: I did have LRC open on my desktop while my computer was asleep for the night. There was a different photo that was in focus.




New Here ,
Dec 21, 2021 Dec 21, 2021

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I'm having a seemingly related problem but with a couple of distinctions: I edit photos on my phone with Lightroom ios, including mask/selective edits and others like light or crop, and all edits sync to Lightroom CC on my laptop and Lightroom iPad EXCEPT the mask/selective edits, but the edits remain in effect on the phone unless I subsequently make a mask/selective edit on another device and then the phone syncs to THOSE edits.  I did some basic editing to about a dozen photos on my phone while on the train this morning and discovered this when I went to fine tune the photos on a larger screen, and with half a day gone by now with all devices online now the mask/selective edits are still the ONLY thing that hasn't synced, but they're still there on the phone copy for now.




New Here ,
Dec 21, 2021 Dec 21, 2021

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Disregard my previous comment about syncing issues, apparently auto update was out of whack and my version of Lightroom CC was out of date.  Newbie problem solved, nothing to see here, move along.  (I couldn't find a way to delete my previous comment, is there one?  Sorry!)




Adobe Employee ,
Feb 07, 2022 Feb 07, 2022

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Updates to the Adobe Photography Products were released today and contain a fix for this issue. Please install the update via your Creative Cloud Desktop App or your respective App Store. 



You may need to refresh the Creative Cloud App for desktop software to show an update available.  ([Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+ [ R ])

For Mobile downloads, it may take several days for the update to appear in your respective App Stores.


Thank you for your patience. 

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org
Status Fixed



