"Initial indexing of your photos may take some time. The ‘No People Found Yet’ message is displayed when Lightroom is still analyzing all your photos to find people or when there aren't any people in your photos. On a side note, this analysis takes place on Adobe’s servers and not on your local computer. You can use your computer and close Lightroom CC without extending the time to complete the analysis. Thank you for your patience.“
Thank you for listening to us on this feature. Rikk I opened up the web version of Adobe Lightroom product and don't see it there. Is this a downloaded app feature only? Where should we see this showing up?
Yeah thanks. But.... When I downloaded v2.0 and then went into People it just said "No people yet, Lightroom will scan for them". I went back an hour later and still nothing... Please help...
When I access the People View, why does Lightroom CC display 'No People Found Yet'?
Initial indexing of your photos may take some time. The ‘No People Found Yet’ message is displayed when Lightroom is still analyzing all your photos to find people or when there aren't any people in your photos.
When will an iOS version that works on iPad be available? Having just an iPhone compatible version isn’t very helpful to those of us who do archival work vs just organizing daily photos.
Jamie, It is there now after you update. Make certain you've installed Lightroom for iOS for the iPad on your iPad. Double check the version number by tapping the [...] icon and choosing Settings>About Lightroom. The correct version number is 4.0.0. If you have this version installed, you should see a People section above the list of Albums.
I upgraded LR CC 18 hours ago, i have 30,000 photos, and "People" still shows "No Faces Detected". Do I still need to wait, or is there a problem that I do not have any detected faces yet?
839.65 GB available of 1TB; and I have 19,137 photos.Over 48 hours now and still nothing.Appreciate the work you guys are surely doing behind the scenes—but I think some lessons learned on this. It’s really poorly communicated, and for us users just seems broken 😕 Can’t wair for it to be up and running properly, I have been hanging out for this one.
For those of you who are still waiting for People Categorization to complete indexing. Can you go to Lightroom CC desktop app - click on the Cloud icon in the upper right and let me know what your used storage amount is?
I updated my lightroom deskopt to 2.01. I see a people tab. When I open the tab, first a spinner is displayed which quickly disppers, leaving a blank screen. There is no message of any sort just a blank screen under people tab.
"Initial indexing of your photos may take some time. The ‘No People Found Yet’ message is displayed when Lightroom is still analyzing all your photos to find people or when there aren't any people in your photos. On a side note, this analysis takes place on Adobe’s servers and not on your local computer. You can use your computer and close Lightroom CC without extending the time to complete the analysis. Thank you for your patience.“