"Initial indexing of your photos may take some time. The ‘No People Found Yet’ message is displayed when Lightroom is still analyzing all your photos to find people or when there aren't any people in your photos. On a side note, this analysis takes place on Adobe’s servers and not on your local computer. You can use your computer and close Lightroom CC without extending the time to complete the analysis. Thank you for your patience.“
I have about 230 faces that were populated on day 1. They already had names assigned. I suspect that these came from Lightroom Classic when I migrated.
I have 263 GB of 1 TB and over 23,000 photos. I also know that I have more faces than the 230 already identified.
Is there any ETA on when the servers are expected to get their indexing completed or is this is as good as it gets?
I have to agree with many others that the communication of this feature is lacking and sours the overall roll-out of a feature that many were very excited about.
Any chance of an ETA (especially if the indexing has apparently been done for most users) and a notification of when the indexing is actually complete - rather than checking every day for any change.
Uploaded 18000 pictures from the years 2001 to 2018 via Lightroom CC Desktop. People show up - but only for the years 2006 to 2011. People from the other years are ignored. Since these years were the first to upload I think indexing has stopped about one day after the upload started.
Your account was indexed on October 24th. I also understand you are in email contact with one of our Product managers. If you are seeing incomplete face recognition results or other errors then it is probably wise for you to start a new thread with more complete information.
If you are seeing no faces detected, please advise me here in this thread an I will have the team review your account again.
Another one too. Most of the images uploaded this summer is also gone, mostly DNGs but the videofiles are there and some of the Jpegs, June and April is mostly gone for some reason. Saw my library go from 146 Gb to approximately 56Gb in a few days, but this is of course another topic. Got backup of those. Do we need to report to Rikk Flohr to get the indexing going? What happens if the team do not review the account?
as Ben from Adobe wrote to me 3 hours ago (you are in CC) my account is not indexed fully, as I suggested four days ago.
It is a problem affecting some other people as well, so I think that this is the right place to account for the problem, as other people here can benefit from this info. I provided the necessary info directly to Ben, yesterday.
I am confident that now that Adobe know of the issue, the team in charge of indexing will fix the bug as soon as possible.
Hi Rikk,
My account looks indexed, but it is quite difficult to state the exact percentage as there is no way to determine it. The face recognition is a feature that can be enhanced, but for now it seems to work. Thanks for help! M.
I have 14 people in my people view a bunch of crap disabled as they are not faces, but I have way more faces in an album that should be index but are not! how can we fix this ? I only have 9k photos..........
Does anybody have this working? I have been waiting weeks and still zero photos.
Tech support tells me nothing except that it is a server/cloud process and I need to give it time.
They can't tell me how long or anything useful.
This looks like a major Adobe screw-up. Why is there not more information or acknowledgement of this problem with at least some communications? Even if they have to pull back and launch again this later in the year, they should just say it and get this over with!
Who wrote this "official response"? It is the worst output from a clueless PR department I have read in many years. Adobe needs to come clean and acknowledge the problem, give an estimated time for the fix, and/or pull the feature and don't release it again until the existing cloud library of photos has already been indexed. This isn't a life-critical problem, so why stonewall? Lives are not being lost because this feature is massively broken, only Adobe's ego. Why not be more open and just admin the screw-up and move forward with reasonable timeframes and plans to fix.
Robert, you're right, this communication channel is not working at all, but don't blame the messenger. It's already good we have at least "some" "official" answer.
I'm sure they read everything on the forum and take the issue seriously. I'm more worried about the manager's decisions and the general direction adobe is taking. As long as the subscriptions continues, they have no incentive to change their behavior. Such company ethic is very worrysome 😞