Contrary to Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC doesn't automatically stack the two photos of a RAW+JPEG pair together. This creates quite a bit of clutter. Could you please implement this feature? Thank you.
IdeaNo status
Chrome OS
iOS: iPhone
I would need this feature as well. I am fairly disappointed that Adobe hasn't addressed this issue either by fixing it or at least commenting on it. This issue is currently the 17th most upvoted topic in the ideas section - certainly not the most important, but important enough to comment on within 5 years.
Adding my voice to this request. As others have pointed out, I shoot RAW + JPG because most of the time the JPG file is fine and I don't need to process at all. But there are situations where I really want that RAW file to correct mistakes, or take a photo in a different direction.
Another consideration is applying some metadata to both files. For example, if I want to reject a pic, would be great to reject both files with one action.
Finally, stacking the pairs results in a lot less clutter in grid view, without having to resort to filtering.
Ok, I just bought an iPad and was about to make the switch from Lightroom classic to Lightroom, as I feel like Lightroom classic is a convoluted mess (UI) and doesn't perform well even on high end PCs. I've already cancelled my 20gb photo plan and was ready to migrate my library and subscribe to the 1tb Lightroom plan. But not being able to stack raw+jpeg when selecting, rating, and deleting photos is a very hard pill to swallow as a Fuji user who always shoots raw+JPEG and only uses the raw file if the JPEG isn't already good enough. I've not been into photography for a while and I was assuming that Adobe had brought the new Lightroom forward from a light mobile version to a full fledged replacement for Lightroom classic within the past 6 years, so I'm a bit shocked that simple features are still missing.
Would love to see this feature added. I am currently in the conundrum of importing photos in Lightroom CC to have the original quality synced to my mobile devices, or import it in Lightroom Classic but have only smart previews syncing to the cloud. I hate the clutter Lightroom CC creates by treating JPEG and RAW as separate files.
As a user, I want JPEGs and RAWs to view as stacked so that I can organize them together. as one E.g. if I decide to delete my JPEG, the RAW should be deleted as well. If I move a jpeg into an album, the RAW should move as well.
I should also be able to treat JPEGs and RAWs as separate so that I can decide for each foto separately.
This should be possible for both client and mobile version of Lightroom.
This saves time and makes organizing fotos much more simple and faster. Moreover, this feature exists for Lightroom Classic and should definitly be implemented also in the CC versions of our beloved Lightroom.
Lightroom Classic offers a feature where it detects both RAW and JPG files captured by the camera (in RAW+JPG mode) and automatically stacks them during import, with the RAW file prioritized for editing. However, Lightroom (cloud) treats RAW and JPG files as separate images during import.
It would be helpful for Lightroom (cloud) to either:
Automatically stack RAW+JPG files during import like Lightroom Classic does, with the RAW file being used for editing.
Provide an option to only import RAW files during the import process.
This is a long-awaited feature. The first post in this thread was in 2017. A lot of photographers shoot RAW for post-production and archiving, while using jpeg for sharing on social media. The ability to merge RAW and jpeg files into one stack would speed up the workflow, making it more tidy. Please consider implementing this feature as soon as possible. Thank you.