Queue for Export in Lightroom
The current right click and export feature limits the user when editing pictures, I find often if I want to experiment with different versions of pictures I either duplicate the image however many times is necessary. Or individually try a preset / variation and export it, and then use that same picture to try other desired presets and ideas.
Duplicating the image to save copies of each picture variation isn’t too important as when I’m happy with it I export it anyway. And having multiple versions of the same picture on Lightroom can take up unnecessary screen and storage space (if I have an album with 100 pictures in and I try 5 variations for each picture by duplicating the image, there are now 500 images). Therefore I think the ability to queue pictures for export, simply remembering the adjustments made to the picture selected, would greatly help workflow and productivity.
Instead of experimenting with a preset, right clicking to export, waiting for it to process, and selecting the folder and processing again. Being able to queue it and save the exporting for when you’re ready would speed up the process well. Allowing you to keep experimenting with Lightroom adjustments without breaking your workflow to export each image. Or trying to remember all the specific images in the filmstrip you need to Shift select to export together. (right click menu example below)

When you’re ready to export the images and open the export page, the selected image (or images) you’ve chosen will show up as normal on the export filmstrip, and to the right of them the queued images will be visible. (export filmstrip example below)

thankyou for your time.