Please consider to introduce the possibility to display RGB and/or L*a*b* values under the histogram as in LrC.
In my view, this feature would be particularly useful together with masking tools to fine tune image color balance.
Imagine taking a photo of a bride in the shadow of a tree. It is very likely you need to correct the white dress yellow/green cast. Or, at least, check it out.
Since the final outcome of my work is prints, although I work on a calibrated pro grade monitor, numbers are the only way to make sure prints are consistent.
Since Lr has been greatly improved (the new masking tools are very welcome), I am considering quitting LrC and moving the whole of my work to Lr, taking advantage of the possibilities of the cloud ecosystem, one for all sharing the images with clients.
Is this feature already in the developers team list? In case it is, is it scheduled?
Thank you so much for your great work: I do appreciate it!