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P: Roundtrip workflow LR>PS>LR

Community Beginner ,
Sep 27, 2021 Sep 27, 2021

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Also known as "round-tripping", I am constantly stunted by not having the ability to edit my photoshop or lightroom files once you use the Edit in Photoshop feature. I'm not talking about using stacks, or utilizing the multiple layers on a TIF or PSD, or updating versions of each lightroom and photoshop edit after you do the inital lightroom > photoshop > lightroom workflow.


Here's my scenario: I loved the edit in photoshop action in Lightroom Classic, and I was excited when the cloud based LR came out, because I move so much between mobile and desktop it's been the better way to use LR in my workflow. In the cloud-based LR, I do all light, color, healing, gradients, etc in LR, and wait until the very end to move to photoshop and make pixel-based edits. I understand LR is non-destructive because you're basically editing the "preview" of the image if you were to apply the edits to it. But once you make pixel-based edits, you can't re-edit your original LR edits on top of the image because that flattens the file, and you can't apply the photoshop edits to the original LR "preview" because (I assume) the source file is still in tact (because the photoshop files is created in the temporary edits folder). That's where I'd like to add a suggestion.


I think there are 2 options here.


1. Applying the same "Edit In" menu selection from Lightroom Classic. Maybe it could only be used on the desktop version of LR cloud, but then at least you could have the options to open the file from LR as a smart object, and edit the original file, edit a copy, or edit w LR edits.

2. Update the base file so that the preview in LR reflects the editable, photoshop-edited file.


Maybe there could be more LR capabilites engrained in photoshop, such as the ability to edit the "preview" in photoshop while updating that edit in LR either at save or at the time of editing. If the two programs work closer to each other, it would be easier to manage both a file that has LR editing capabilities and photoshop editing capabilities that are non-destructive!


OR, LR and Lightroom Classic could work closer with each other since the 1st option is still available and somewhat easier to manage in LRC. If LR and LRC were able to talk and update maybe an album that you linked from LR to LRC (like the shared album function) that would work too.


I couldn't live without LR/PS in my career, and i'm excited for what the future holds, but as LR is now it makes it difficult to be the most effecient with my time.

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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1 Comment
Explorer ,
May 29, 2022 May 29, 2022

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Multiple Lr desktop to PS edits create and stack extra copies of the TIFF file. 

Please consider fixing it.

Thank you!





